The Sounds of Synchronicity

Here is a very interesting synchronicity that relates to sound that come from Isabelle Rajotte of Montreal. She speaks very little English so I have edited her words. But to get the direct experience of her sound work, you can click onto the attached videos.

I work with sounds…some would say I am a sound healer. I began experimenting with wordless vocals when I was only three years old. This work has evolved over the years and sometimes it has become quite particular.

One day I was in a bookstore in Orlean, Massachusetts, because the owner had asked me to sing for her and her niece. I asked them if they where ready for the energetical work, because I channel a powerful healing archetype.

I started a frequencies chant and my voice went into an Asian vocal melody. So while I’m chanting in the bookstore, the door opens and a little Asian girl–Chinese or Vietnamese–walks in. She is an angel with red lips and cheeks and long black hair, a rare beauty, 9 or 10 years old. Her parents follow and they are white Americans, who adopted the girl.

Afterwards, when I was talking to Elaine, the owner of the store, I told her that I know it sounds crazy, but one of the archetypes I channel is Shiva, the Hindu god. She responded that it didn’t sound crazy to her at all. Then, about thirty minutes later, a couple walked into the store and I noticed a strange thing hanging on the neck of the man. It seemed too big and gaudy. Elaine immediately asked the man what was on his neck, and the man answered that he got it in India, that it was a Shiva amulet.

Isabella’s sound waves

Isabella’s impro

This entry was posted in archetypes, healing, musicians, shiva, sound frequencies. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to The Sounds of Synchronicity

  1. Celeste Maia says:

    How fascinating. I would love to hear you sing. I must follow the links you gave.
    I wanted to tell you that yesterday I sat with brushes and paper and created a prize for the blogs I most enjoy. Please come and get yours anytime. Celeste.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So even in these funny word verification things we have synchronicity!

  3. terripatrick says:

    even more fun – when I posted the above comment, the letters I was asked to type for verification – evoll (evolve!)

  4. Anonymous says:

    They seem to be showing themselves more readily now, too, which is refreshing.

  5. terripatrick says:

    Beautiful and love the Shiva synchronicity.

    There are many people with abilities that connect direct to different energy levels. Always have been, but they are showing up not only in greater number, but through the awesome global links we have now. What used to be feared or revered, is gently arriving in homes, thru the internet, and is accepted, shared and appreciated. This trend will continue and grow. I love it.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish – yes, i think you have it exactly – that people are developing and/or honing abilities in preparation of something – i've read a bit on the use of sound in healing – really intriguing – great post –

    i've come across this young woman before – i think maybe thru my sister who is an experimental theatre director – her voice so etherealy – other worldly –

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You can write and listen to her at the same time, too. Her voice is incredible.

  8. Nancy says:

    Wow – I just went to her site and used a light meditative state while I listened to her – and I feel completely cleared of negative energy! Relaxed! Hmmm – now I need to learn more about this! Fascinating. Thanks for the link. She's amazing.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Perhaps people are developing new abilities in preparation for something. Or as part of an evolutionary leap. Using sound frequencies for healing seems like it could be one of those abilities.

    – Trish

  10. Toumai says:

    Interesting, some Christian denominations talk about a phenomenon known as `speaking in tongues`. From what I understand of it, aparantly an individual with the `gift`will just out of the blue (when so inspired), blurt out in what appears to be gibberish. But apparently there is always an individual who has the gift of interpretation.

    I also watched a documentary once on Buddism… that they look for individuals who have a gift of `channeling`– from the spirit world.

    It`s all quite interesting.

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