Playing with Fate


Carl Jung considered synchronicity to be an umbrella that covered all aspects of the paranormal because so many examples of meaningful coincidence could easily be seen as precognition,telepathy, clairvoyance or other related phenomena.

The story that follows is truly interesting, not only because it is a remarkable synchronicity and example of precognition, but because of the unusual attempt by authorities to  evade the predicted event. Here’s the story, which appeared a book called, Coincidence: A Matter of Chance or Synchronicity? by Brian Inglis.

“In 1981 British Rail had a call from a woman who claimed to have had a vision of a fatal crash in which a freight train had been involved. So clear had it been, she said, that she not merely saw the blue diesel engine, but could read the number: 47 216.

“Two years later, an accident of the kind she predicted occurred, all the details matching – except one: the engine’s number was 47 299.

“That would have been that, but a train spotter, Howard Johnston, happened to have noticed that 47 299 was not the engine’s original number. It had been renumbered, a couple of years before, from 47 216. Diesels, he knew, were ordinarily renumbered only after major modifications, which this one had not undergone. When curiosity prompted him to ask why, he was told about the prediction.

“Apparently British Rail officials had been sufficiently impressed (they had checked with the local police, and found that the woman who had provided it had given them some useful information from her visions) to try to ward off Fate by changing the number. The ruse had failed, and they had officially logged it all as an ‘amazing coincidence.'”


I find this story somewhat disturbing, because I like to think that the future is not fated, that we can change it through appropriate action. ‘Appropriate’ might be the key word. Possibly, the rail officials didn’t do enough. Perhaps, if they had de-commissioned the engine, the event would not have happened. So maybe you can alter Fate, but you can’t trick it. At least, not by merely changing numbers around.

Brian Inglis, the author of the book, died in 1993 at the age of 77.  He was an Irish journalist, historian and television presenter.  He was best known to people in Britain as the presenter of All Our Yesterdays, a television review of events exactly 25 years previously, as seen in newsreels, newspaper articles, etc. He also had interests in the paranormal, and alternatives to institutionalized medicine.

Inglis’ final synchronicity came on the day of his death. His good friend and colleague Bill Grundy died on February 9, 1993, and Inglis had just finished writing Grundy’s obituary when he, too, died.

“Life is full of coincidences, some are minor, but often, like the one above, they are extraordinary. Whether they are random events or meaningful cosmic moments which have a purpose, we don’t know—it remains a mystery. But what is certain is, a lot of people have them, and they never cease to amaze us.” – Brian Inglis

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12 Responses to Playing with Fate

  1. CJ Cannon says:

    I have found the “alternate world” scenario much, much more possible since the recent experience I shared with my deceased friend (told to you via email). It seems the most likely explanation for that incident, and to speak candidly, quite likely the ONLY real explanation for it. Anything else just doesn’t ‘feel’ right. And, it causes me to wonder if indeed that alternate world does exist, do we as humans have the option to go THERE when we permanently leave our Earth bodies (in death) and, for some reason, choose to resume the image of our previous Earth bod, if even temporarily.

  2. CJ Cannon says:

    This reminds me of something extraordinary in terms of potentially “changing” future events as they relate to us as individuals. Our middle son’s wedding was on Saturday, 9-8-2001, three days before 9-11. Two of the bridesmaids worked in the Towers. They flew back to NY on Monday but both were too worn out by the wedding festivities to go in to work that Tuesday morning. Because of their decisions to not go to work, they escaped the nightmare catastrophe, as each of them worked on one of the highest floors of Tower One where the first plane hit. I’ve always wondered about that type of incident….if we alter a single part of a future event, albeit unknowingly, will it change the event, at least in our own regard. We can’t change frequencies, but we CAN change other elements of a potential future event. It causes me to wonder how many of our life experiences are etched in stone by our souls prior to our births, (free will is apparently very much operative before birth as well as after birth), and how many are ‘penciled’ in, as it were, subject to being changed when the experience and the time come together. It’s an enigma….we hear about it often….a person is preparing to board a train, etc., and is called away by the babysitter because the person’s child is sick, and that particular train has a terrible deadly accident. I always ponder the dynamics that are at work in these types of events.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The 9-11 tragedy could’ve been a splitting point in realities for the two bridesmaids. Maybe there’s an alternate world in which they did go to work that day and died. And maybe another world in which one did and one did not. In either alternate world, you might be writing about them from different perspectives than your comments here.

  3. DJan says:

    I find it really fascinating, and I too believe in precognitive dreams (is that the right word for it?) and have had a few myself, but nothing of such a magnitude. It also makes me wonder if there were some way to have kept the train accident from having occurred. I wish I knew. 🙂

  4. CJ Cannon says:

    The train company changed the numbers on that train. However, there was no way
    to change the original FREQUENCY embedded on the train. A much more common example…a woman may change her birth name to her husband’s when she marries, but the original birth frequency remains intact, whether it is used or not. Math is a constant science, and numbers represent frequencies. Frequencies cannot be manipulated as a means of changing a situation. Doesn’t work, unfortunately. Changing the number doesn’t change or delete the original frequency. This is an example of that, and a GOOD example of it! Thanks for sharing.

  5. It’s an interesting synchro – or precognition.

    It’s also ‘strange’ that in 1898 there was also a fatal train accident at Wrawby Junction (where the 47 299 accident happened) when a “a passenger train collided with a derailed goods train” and in the accident from 1983 a “freight (goods) train collided … with a passenger train … which was derailed.”

  6. Shadow says:

    This is truly extraordinary. I got a shiver reading this. I think if we all your sat quietly and FeLT, we’d be amazed by what we can ‘see’.

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