Odd UFO video

Watch the moon in this video. Put it on full screen. Is the UFO pretending to be the moon? Or is this a fake?


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7 Responses to Odd UFO video

  1. CJ Cannon says:

    Occasionally the object being sighted and photographed isn’t necessarily moving around. The one our son photographed in the night time in TN was still…he initially thought it was the Moon….it was the one that had the thin red “beam” shining down on a cemetery gravestone, and the Moon was in a totally different place. The UFO itself didn’t move until it vanished. Also, with same son, a UFO was directly in front of and above the car we were in as we drove across the countryside, in the daytime; we turned into our friends’ long driveway, also in the country, and the object remained stationary, hovering at the end of their driveway. Got a Polaroid picture of it which only showed a blinding light, (which it appeared to be), then it moved above and in front of our car as we drove back home, and when we turned into our drive, it zoomed…..literally ZOOMED….away. So it did move as we moved, but while we were visiting our friends, and extremely excited, the object remained stationary. So who knows??? It’s just so darned difficult to capture these things on film!

  2. Dale Dassel says:

    One of the responses noted that the camera is sitting still and remains in perfect focus the whole time (i.e. – unmanned on a tripod), whereas in real UFO videos the camera person is trying to record the spontaneous event as it occurs, generally resulting in jerky movement and focus changes in the excited atmosphere of a genuine sighting. So I agree that this one is fake.

  3. I’m not convinced. The expression on the boy’s face at the end is a big smile …

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