Another ‘abductee’ speaks up – part I


Notice the word abductee in the title is in quotes. The reason is that Larry isn’t certain that he has been abducted. But when you read his story, it’s clear he has experienced repeated encounters of some sort with beings from elsewhere. And his story parallels so many of the abduction stories from others people over the years.

Larry  e-mailed us  just hours after we’d been contacted by Daniel, whose alien contact story appeared here recently. A synchronicity in timing. Both men had written us after reading one of our books. They don’t know each other and their stories were unsolicited. In other words, we hadn’t put out a call for abduction stories.

Larry, not his real name, is 53 years old and has kept his encounters to himself all his life. Interestingly, his career has been all about observation,  15 years as a cop in Texas, where he still lives. Then another eight years as child welfare investigator, and three years as a private detective. He now supervises surveillance operations (security cameras, alarms, and visual observation) at a hospital in West Texas. He points out that if he reported his mysterious ‘alien’ encounters to any of those employers, he probably would be relieved of his duties.

(We recently read another story where a security guard reporting a UFO over a chemical plant was told his job was in jeopardy if he formally reported what he saw. That story is here.)

One of the interesting aspects of Larry’s story is that he started having out-of-experiences after his first encounters, and believes they are related. (Hence, the image above.) I don’t think I’ve ever heard about  the two being linked. Here’s his story:

“I am now over fifty years old and have finally been overcome by the need to talk about this but, as you know, most ‘abductees’ are afraid for many reasons to talk with anyone about their experiences.  I feel fortunate to have learned of you two and your work.  I have listened to nearly all of the audio version of Synchronicity Highway.

“The chapter on abductees and synchronicity hit a chord, specifically about the incidence of psychic powers or events being possibly triggered in people after an abduction. This was close to home for me because it was after seeing a UFO up fairly close, and a few months later I had my first OOBE.  I had sort of toyed with the idea of these two things being related, but I could not be certain.

“I still think of the word ‘abductee’ with quotations around it because I am not certain that people have really ever been abducted by non-humans, and because, even if SOME people have been abducted by aliens, I am not certain that I have been abducted, or if I was just dreaming. I am still a fence-sitter, even with my own experiences.  I am far less skeptical than I used to be, and I even occasionally find myself believing that there is at least a POSSIBILITY that these things really happen.  I guess that’s because I prefer alien interaction to the possibility of demonic interaction.

“In 1972, I was riding in the family car with my parents and my two brothers.  At the time I was about ten, my older brother eleven, and my younger brother seven.  It was the Fourth of July, and it fell during the middle of the week.  We had been at a family reunion all day, then drove that evening to my grandmother’s house, about thirty miles from the reunion.  This was in central Texas near Waco.  We left my grandmother’s house around 9 PM.

“This was an unusual July day in Texas, because instead of being 95 degrees, it had been a very rainy day and only in the sixties.  As we were driving home, a fresh cloudburst started.  It was a blinding rain and therefore no stars were visible.  As we were driving up a hilly stretch of the highway, there appeared directly in our line of sight, and probably about 500 feet above the roadway, three bright greenish lights.  These lights were vaguely triangular in shape, but the heavy rain distorted the true shape.

“The lights stayed in front of our car as we continued down the road.  The lights would change colors from greenish to blue to white, and would sometimes rotate around each other, other times would just form a stationary triangle.  We all talked excitedly about the lights, wondered what they were, but were not especially afraid of them.  More importantly, none of us had any sensation of lost time, confusion, or anything like that.

“The lights suddenly vanished.  This is why I did not really place a lot of import on this sighting, because none of us seemed to have suffered any of the usual symptoms of the alien abduction scenario.

“But just a few weeks or months later I had a spontaneous out of body experience.  I was now eleven but I had no idea what OOBE’s were or that they even existed.  This was a brief experience, but very exciting to me, and not frightening at all.  Of course I learned quickly not to talk to anyone about this.  I was almost ridiculed out of my own house!  So I shut up about it.


We’ll continue Larry’s story tomorrow.


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10 Responses to Another ‘abductee’ speaks up – part I

  1. As I’m late getting here I can read the next part straight away – so here I go!

  2. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    Waiting on the next installment!!

  3. natalie Thomas says:

    Awww…..I was just getting hooked!

  4. DJan says:

    Oh, this is so exciting. I can’t wait to hear more about Larry’s experience. I know that these events might be unusual and hard for some people to swallow, but more has happened in our world than we will ever know for certain. I am so glad you guys are here. You make me glad I found you. 🙂

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks, DJan! When we hear these stories, we take them on faith. Larry’s grasp of details and of what happened to him are so clear and straightforward that it resonates at a visceral level.

  5. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating story, and I really like the clarity with which he recounts his story. Look forward to reading more.

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