Another Abductee – part 2


Here’s Part 2 of Larry’s story.


The next year, 1973, was a terrible year because my grandfather died that summer.  A few months later we moved into a house that was closer to my dad’s mother, who was now a widow.  About two weeks after Grand Dad’s funeral, I was lying in bed reading, and I had a small lamp on.  Something, a feeling not a noise, made me look up.  When I did, I saw what I thought was my granddad’s face floating just a few feet off the floor and looking at me.  He was smiling and I was not afraid.  He looked at me a little while, then seemed to float through the wall and outside the house.  I looked out the window and did not see him, just a really bright full moon.  And I still missed Grand Dad but no longer felt such bitter sadness.

“I don’t believe Grand Dad’s ghost had anything to do with these abduction experiences I had, but I believe I was able to see Grand Dad possibly because of the experience with the UFO.  And it was just a little while, maybe months, after seeing Grand Dad’s face that I had my first weird experience, which I thought at the time was just a really damned scary dream.

“That was just a hint of what was to come. The next experience is typical of the paranormal/’alien’ encounters that were to follow, if such a weird thing can be called typical.  But anyway I had been asleep for at least a couple of hours when something woke me up, maybe a noise.  I could not move and could not scream, or maybe I did not even try.  Standing around the bed were maybe six or eight forms about four or five feet tall.  They were all wearing what seemed to be black cloaks with hoods that hid their faces.  I seemed to rise or float out of the bed and the figures floated with me, one of them holding each of my arms.  It seemed like we started circling the bedroom, flying around the perimeter.

“After several rounds around the room, I somehow was in the middle of the circle and the hooded figures were circling around me.  I seemed to be looking up at them, almost like looking up from a bed or gurney and seeing a doctor or nurse standing there.  I do not remember any of the figures touching me other than the two that held my arms when we rose to the ceiling.  I do not remember being on a gurney or table, or having anything done to me, such as probings, etc.

“These types of experiences persisted from the time I was eleven until I was well into my twenties.  They were so similar that the above description just about covers all of them.  Unfortunately, I was not one of the people that felt these were positive experiences.  I was terrified each time.  But I do recall one time that I was actually on a table of some sort, with the figures gathered around me, and other similar figures watching from a sort of gallery.  This particular experience (being in a sort of observation gallery) is the one experience that has led me to believe that I could be an abductee.  I believe that the room I was in COULD have been inside a ship of some sort.  I cannot prove it to my satisfaction, but I do not deny that possibility any longer.  I just don’t know what to think.

“These experiences continued after I was married, and I would see my wife lying in bed alone as I was floating around the room.  I was frightened but I would have given my life to protect her.  The beings did not seem interested in her in the least.  And if they had been, I could have done nothing to help her because I was usually paralyzed during these experiences.

“The only sort of collaboration I have to any of this is that one night I managed to yell while two of the beings were holding me.  My wife woke up and the beings just seemed to turn into shadows.  I had filled my wife in on these things and she believed something was happening, that I was not crazy, but she could not explain them.  On the night that I awakened her, she  found me lying half in and half out of the bed.  She pulled me back into the bed by my left arm.  I told her that the beings had been pulling me out of the bed but I was determined not to go this time.  I told her that they had grabbed my right arm, and that it hurt from the strain of pulling back.  My wife touched my right arm and it was in her words ‘freezing.’  This was a hot summer night and a window unit was running, but it was by no means freezing in the room. However, my right arm from shoulder to hand, was ice cold.

“After that, I had a few more experiences until I was around 29 years old when the experiences stopped.  I continued to have OOBE’s, however, and still have them. In a way, I sort of miss the experiences, but not the fear.  I wish I knew more about these guys and what they wanted with me.  Why did they come?  Why did they stop coming?  Who are they?  Where did they come from?  Were they real at all?  Am I crazy?  All of these things run through my mind, and have for some time.  In truth I would like to believe I was abducted…but I cannot prove it to myself, and certainly not to anyone else.  And I can’t talk about it either, at least not to anyone I know.

“These experiences are a part of my life, a significant part, and I am glad to finally share them.”


Part 3 follows (July 19) as Larry provides fascinating details about his numerous OBEs.

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14 Responses to Another Abductee – part 2

  1. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    The being pulled out of bed resonated with me.
    As a child I awoke most mornings with my head down where my feet should be and my bed in disarray, or I’d awake half in bed and half out. It was so bad that my parents put chairs and pillows all around my bed.
    Then as an adult in my 30’s id often awaken as I was dropped onto my bed. My legs would often be hanging over the side of the bed. My husband is a very light sleeper and it always amazed me how this never awakened him.
    I have no remembrances of what may have happened but early memories of beings in my room were full of love.

  2. DJan says:

    I am looking forward to the rest of the story, although I have never experienced anything like this, I have no doubt that it can happen. BTW, I am already halfway through watching Sense8 the second time! I am learning so much more on the second viewing. Just FYI. 🙂

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I haven’t experienced anything quite like this either!
      Wow, a second time through! We just finished episode 11. Breathtaking!

    • Jane says:

      Grateful for your recommendation of Sense8, last episode tonight. Although way too much violence in it for me I kept going because it explores such a fascinating subject of non local selves & multidimensional connection.

  3. Fascinating. At first I thought maybe Sleep Paralysis (which I have experienced) but it appears that Larry was taken away physically – scary. Also not really an OOBE because when he looked down he could only see his wife in bed. Look forward to the next edition (July 19th !)

  4. lauren raine says:

    how terrifying and traumatic this must have been for a child, and as an adult as well. I hope that at last he is left in peace.

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