Another Abductee- Part 5


Finally, we asked Larry why he thought some people experienced UFO/alien encounters and others did not. It’s a puzzling question. From all the stories we’ve heard, it’s apparent that they (whoever they are) don’t select people on the basis of intelligence, cultural status, or even their willingness to believe that beings from elsewhere are here.

After all, it’s just as likely that a truck driver will be abducted as a quantum physicist.  Is it solely based on opportunity? Could be genetic…related to the deep past? In other words, are they related to us somehow?Are certain people more susceptible in some way to encounters and abductions than others?

Here’s Larry’s take:

“As to the question, I have pondered that myself, especially in the light of me being so “average” in most ways.  I have always been an average student, a person in average shape, of average athletic ability, etc.  So there is nothing about me (that I can perceive, anyway) that would seem to indicate aliens (or ANYONE of intelligence, for that matter! LOL) would want to study me.

“I wish I had a better answer.  I am reasonably certain neither of my brothers were studied.  If my parents were, they never mentioned it, and I never overheard them talking about aliens when they did not know anyone was within earshot.  My spouse has not had these experiences, and she is the opposite of me in many ways.  She is VERY intelligent, VERY driven, an excellent student, was talented athlete, and is now both working full time AND pursuing a doctorate in nurse education.  In my mind I have always thought that aliens would want to study the brighter members of the species.

“As scary as these experiences were, I am glad in some ways that I had them.  It has certainly opened my eyes to the fact that reality and the universe consists of so much more than we can see and perceive, or even THINK OF, as human beings.  I do not know if other experiencers feel this way or if many of them wish they had never been abducted.

“As I was writing the above paragraph it occurred to me that maybe the aliens want abductees to tell their stories, for reasons unknown.  Maybe it actually works AGAINST whoever they are that humans are so reluctant to relate these experiences to persons outside of the group of those, such as you and Rob, who do not ridicule, but instead try to help and understand these things.”


We’ve asked a number of other abductees and researchers this same question about why some, but not others. We’ve received some fascinating answers, which we’ll save for our next book on the subject…More Aliens in the Backyard.



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5 Responses to Another Abductee- Part 5

  1. It is a puzzling question as to why some people experience UFO/alien encounters and others do not. It’s interesting that Connie’s father and sons are also abductees. Perhaps it is families, or groups (soul groups?) but not everyone remembers their experiences – just as sometimes we don’t remember, say, dreams.

  2. Dale Dassel says:

    You should call the sequel Aliens in the Front Yard! LOL 🙂

  3. CJ Cannon says:

    A P.S. Reading Larry’s remarks about abductees telling others about our experiences, I think , generally speaking, the debunking and insults and accusations of fabricating, as well as other detrimental repercussions hurled at us, render us significantly terrified to come forward and open up about our encounters. I was in the UFO closet, except for among the trusted members of my spiritual circle, until several years after I met the MacGregors. Most of us continue to be cautious because our experiences simply seem too far off the wall and are therefore considered to be fiction in the greater population. Our rigid scientific community is unable to grasp the possibility that a human being can have his or her physical molecules and atoms disassembled as the individual is moved through locked doors, solid walls, closed windows, and then re-assembled when we are returned. It’s even very difficult for the abductees themselves to understand and believe or explain it, so we remain in our hidey-holes rather than risked the derision. “Coming out” is not an easy process. There continue to be incidents in my encounters that I haven’t divulged. It’s a tough path, to be outspoken about these matters. And often we ourselves question our own sanity, even though we KNOW our accounts are true. Usually there are lost memories, or buried memories, or false memories, that we cannot access, and these make the coming out even worse. It’s a touchy, tricky situation and require more courage than most of us possess, for these obvious reasons. Added to this, as if it weren’t enough, I have yet to meet a fellow abductee who does not develop actual physical ailments and illnesses that are relevant to the abductions. Some of these ailments are temporary; some are permanent. It’s a gamble, stepping out of the relative safety of the closet.

  4. CJ Cannon says:

    In my case, the abductions have been familial. My Dad was an abductee, I am an abductee, and two of my three sons are abductees. So, at least here, the experiencers are generational. On at least one occasion, my youngest son and I were together on a Craft. (He’s the son who was with me on Warner Robins AFB.) We were both more or less running in the interior of a round craft, (it wasn’t precisely “round”, but was more octagonal), and my son and I were frantically trying to find an escape, as we were being leisurely chased by Grays. Near the walls of the craft was an array of “cubicles”; in each cubicle, a human was laying on a gurney-type table. Some of them were nude, some were clothed. My son and I were clothed. On one side of the interior, there was an enormous “bank” of what appeared to be an electronic center, with a large number of computer-looking devices and other types of machines, with all kinds of keys and switches, etc., and many lights of different colors blinking at random. In front of the bank of what was apparently controls, a man that I knew, Clarke C. McClelland, who had been a ground astronaut at NASA, was sitting in a chair at the board of devices. Somewhere behind us, a voice said, “They’re trying to change our identity! It’s already started!” Clarke turned in his chair at the controls and told us, “They can’t harm you as long as I am here!” Then, I was back in my bed, still feeling wild terror. I immediately contacted Clarke, who lives near the Cape, but when I started to tell him about it, he stopped me, and HE told ME exactly what I have just written. He KNEW. It was REAL. Clarke HAD been there on that craft with my son and me. When I asked him the obvious question, “WHY”? his response was that it was too highly classified and he couldn’t tell me. I got truly angry at Clarke’s refusal to explain the experience to me. He never did. But it definitely had happened, and he definitely was there, because before I told HIM, he told ME everything that had happened….especially about “changing” us, and our attempts to escape. A bit of Clarke’s history: NASA had fired him due to his learning several things he wasn’t supposed to know and TPTB had turned his entire life inside out. He IS the real deal, and can be found at I stopped communicating with him. I’ve told The MacGregors about this. It happened several years ago.

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