Another Abductee – Part4


In the previous post, Larry mentioned that he had a sexual encounter during one of his out-of-body experiences. He also said if we wanted more details on any of experiences, we should ask. I couldn’t help wondering what sex is like outside of the physical, beyond the fleshy encounters. Since Trish has been corresponding with Larry, I suggested she ask him for more details.

“I’m not asking him that. You do it,” she said. Okay. So I did. His answer was not only detailed, but quite startling and enlightening. Ultimately, it’s about a spiritual journey, albeit a highly erotic one. His experience also had ramifications in his married life, which he also talks about. The story begins with a more detailed description and explanation of the mansion Larry talked about in the last post.

Warning: If you’re offended by reading about a sexual encounter, don’t read the post.

Here’s his story.

“The experience took place during the winter of 2005 or 2006.  I had gone to bed and before getting sleepy, I told myself that I intended to have an out-of-body experience, and that I wanted to go to a place I had heard about, the place where knowledge and the events of our lives are stored.  I did not really know what the place was called, but I had read books about OOBE, and some writers told of a huge mansion where all souls live when they are between lives.

As I began to get a little drowsy, I relaxed from head to toe and began a countdown from 900 toward 0.  I relaxed, controlled my breathing, and thought about the target of my astral travel.  As was usual for me, a ringing started in my head, and soon the vibrations were running head to toe.  I felt my body getting heavy. That is the best I can describe it.  I then sort of pushed (I guess MENTALLY pushed) and I was out of my body.  I would like to point out for clarity that I had not drifted into sleep but was still fully conscious when I pushed out of my body.  Next I shot through the ceiling of my residence and up into the night sky.  For the first few minutes, the experience of free flight was so exhilarating that I temporarily lost sight of my mission.

If you have ever seen the beginning of the Star Trek shows where the Enterprise suddenly goes into warp speed and the stars begin to flash by at hundreds per second, this is sort of the same sensation as I have when I fly through the night sky.  It is such a sensation of freedom, and I suspect it is the same sensation that people feel when they leave the body permanently.  After a few minutes I absorbed this freedom and exhilaration and then was able to focus on my pre-determined mission.  I thought that I wanted to see the great mansion, it is talked about in the Bible…when Jesus said in My Father’s house are many rooms.

As soon as I thought about the mansion I was no longer flying at warp speed, but I was floating gently toward this mansion.  I floated above the mansion and just watched for awhile.  There is no way I can even begin to describe the beauty of this mansion, the ornateness, the intricateness of the design and details.  It was HUGE and I cannot even guess at the size.  As I floated there, I saw that there were other people floating, some entering smaller compartments in the huge mansion, some leaving the mansion.  Some of the people were visible as people, but others were auras of different colors.

I somehow knew these auras were people or rather souls of people who had chosen not to have or to currently shape themselves or cloak themselves in human bodies.  I would say that the size of each compartment was about the same as that of a large hotel room, large enough to hold a bed and several pieces of furniture; however, there was no furniture in any of the rooms.  Instead, each room contained only a very large vase, about twice or three times the size of a human body.  Each vase or urn that I saw looked different, and each one was very beautiful, again beyond my description.  Some appeared to be of marble, some of granite, some of jade, and other of materials I could not name.  There were designs and inscriptions on each vase.  The mansion itself was so pure white that it was brilliant, but the floors of each of the compartments were of a material like marble, and so smooth they shone like glass.

As I floated above there, I finally noticed that there was a courtyard.  The mansion was built in a square and the courtyard, in the center of the mansion, was also built in a square or rectangular shape.  The compartments had three walls, but the fourth side had no wall and opened into the courtyard.  I saw people walking around on the broad sidewalk and sitting in very ornately designed benches.  There was a swimming pool in the center of the courtyard, and there was a fountain that was about ten feet taller than the edge of the pool, and from this fountain a gentle waterfall flowed constantly into the pool.

While I was viewing all this in a state of utter amazement, an older woman approached me. (I was in my forties so I thought she was probably in her sixties.) She was very regal and attractive and was wearing a flowing gown.  She asked me if I knew what I was looking at, and I said I was not sure.  The woman told me to come sit with her on a bench.

We floated downward and landed on the sidewalk, then walked a short distance to a very beautiful bench.  We sat down and the woman explained to me that the mansion was built by the Creator and it was so large that I could not see all of it at once.  She explained that each soul had a room in the mansion, and pointed toward one of the rooms.

She told me that the large vase in the room contained all the knowledge that the soul had gained while going through various lives on the earth and in other places as well.  She did not explain the “other places” and I was too overwhelmed to ask her about these other places.  The woman told me that people lived many lives, as well as spent time between lives by staying on different planes that are not visible to humans on the physical realm.

Then the woman dropped a bombshell.  She said that people in the astral realms sometimes disguised themselves for various reasons while they traveled.  I did not understand this at all, but she explained that people sometimes did not want to be recognized, sometimes needed to appear different for other reasons, and sometimes did not use bodies at all, but moved around as auras.  She also said that people could appear older or younger than they really were on the physical plane, or even be of a different race than in the physical plane.  Then she told me that she was not actually an older woman, but was really my age.  She said that she travelled as an older woman both to appear wiser and trustworthy to new travelers, and so that some persons would not recognize her.  I did not think to ask the whys of all this.

Next the woman stood up from the bench and instantly was a fairly attractive white female of about forty to forty-five years old.  She was not a “knock out” by any means, but was attractive.  Her clothing suddenly vanished and she was nude.  At this point I could also see that she had a green aura.  I knew I guess telepathically that she wanted to have a sexual encounter with me.  Then she said aloud that she wanted to make love if I wanted to.

I realized I was nude at this point, and actually I am not sure that I have ever even thought about clothing while I traveled, so for all I know I may travel nude all the time.  But I was suddenly overcome with both an erotic feeling and the realization that I desired to BOND with her.  I can’t explain that term or even how I knew it, I just did.  But I remember thinking that all these other people were around and were watching.  She told me to look around, and I noticed that many people were engaged in what appeared to be sexual contact all over the courtyard as well as while floating above it!  I realized now that both of us were floating and that I also had an aura that I think was blue.  The woman moved towards me and I embraced her.

I can’t adequately describe what happened next, but I will try.  While floating we were in a reclining position, that we would have been in the missionary position.  I penetrated her (I apologize for the graphic language!) but then somehow part of my very soul or molecules were INSIDE her soul or molecules or both.  Our auras merged and we merged too.  Merge is the best word I can think of, because we were two but we were literally ONE at the same time.

I know that we made love in the usual physical way, but at the same time we COMPLETELY joined in soul and mind.  I cannot even begin to describe the total pleasure, the total ecstasy!  Ecstasy is even inadequate.  There were vibrations shooting through us that I can sort of relate to as being shocked by a faulty cord or an appliance with a short in it.  But it was not painful…it was the greatest pleasurable feeling I have ever had in my life, bar NOTHING.

As pleasurable as sex is, as making love is, this experience was completely off scale.  And the love was total even though we were strangers, but not love like a husband and wife, love like we were all part of one creation.

Sorry, that is the best I can do on that.  I do not know how long this encounter lasted, but I believe that the experience lasted longer than most of my other travels combined.  There was a huge climax of energy, not like an orgasm, but more like huge electric shock, maybe like being struck by lightening that lasted for several minutes instead of just a split second.  Then we separated.  She told me that I probably needed to go back into my body because this experience was so intense and it was the first time for me.  I did feel completely tired.  The woman had instantly assumed the form of the older woman again.  She told me there was so much for me to learn and that she hoped she would see me again sometime, then disappeared.

I suddenly felt sucked back into my body and I was instantly lying in bed awake.  I was tingling and vibrating all over.  I literally could not move, and I was tired, but exhilarated at the same time.  The tingling was so severe that the bed was shaking and I actually thought that I would wake up my wife.  But this tingling sensation eventually subsided to a dull tingle, but lasted for three days after the experience.

For obvious reasons, I didn’t tell my wife about this particular incident although I had told her about several of my OOBEs.  But I could not see what was to be gained from telling her this story.  So I typed it and put it in a file on my computer, labeled astral adventure.  Then I forgot about that file.

Unfortunately my wife was using my computer one day and saw this file.  She was curious and read it.  She was mad for days, and actually contemplated leaving me, as she looked at this as an extramarital affair.  So I would certainly counsel my fellow travelers NOT to mention these encounters and also to protect the file with a password or something to prevent what happened to my wife and I.  She was hurt badly and was heartbroken.  But she eventually forgave and we are doing well now.

This is the only encounter of this type I have ever had.  I have never attempted it again, because for one thing I am not sure what is to be gained, and also I am still confused as to whether or not this is actually cheating on a marriage.  I have read some who call this cheating and some who say it is not, and that it is beneficial.  I do believe that some sort of understanding was passed to me during this encounter.  The understanding was that there is an unseen realm and that we apparently live many lives in many forms.  But the WHY of it all was not communicated to me.

This is my experience.  Have you had any others describe astral sexual encounters to you?    I hope you can make heads or tails of this information.  There is no way I can communicate this fully, but this sketch will give you some idea of what happened.

The final part of Larry’s story comes up next (July 23) in which we return to his UFO encounters as he addresses the question of why some people have these experiences and others do not.

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15 Responses to Another Abductee – Part4

  1. Marco says:

    After looking a few days on the dilemma of how and when the human race was born, I gave birth to these hypotheses, thanks also to the differences found in Genesis between two stories that seem different, namely the creation of man on the sixth day and then the telling of the story about Adam and Eve. If we read the part of the genesis which explains the creation of man on the sixth day, and then the creation of Adam and Eve, you may notice a detail that differs between the two parts, suggesting that they are two completely different stories. In fact, in Genesis 1:26, we can see that man was created on the sixth day in the image and likeness of God, as in Genesis 5:1 (referring to Adam and Eve after 7 days of creation) the text of the Bible omits “image”, the fact that “image” and “likeness” indicate two similar concepts but different. I think “image” means human nature able to conceive the evil, so the suffering too, instead “likeness” denotes the inherited attributes of God as love, reason and they are both still together. Hypothetically speaking, the man of the sixth day is a creature evolved from animals or some other thing, then, over time has developed the reason as we know it today, while Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden and as the Bible says in Genesis 2:7 (And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground) this means that God took their dust from the young earth and has created them in the Eden where the concept of time did not exists or was limited to the 7 days, this event happened before the creation of trees as written in Genesis 2:4,5,6: (These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground and God formed man of the dust of the ground). In this perfect reality there was no concept of evil, so they were only a “likeness” of God. After that they were created, were expelled from Eden, only to find themselves in this situation where had passed perhaps millions of years (because in the Eden the time for them had not passed), a situation in which the man who was created in the image and likeness did not exists anymore because of a mass extinction caused by some natural catastrophe or by “something else”, or perhaps still he existed, and the descendants of Adam and Eve hybridized this species, confirmed in Genesis 6:1,2,3,4, in which it says that the sons of God married the daughters of men (but may also be refers to the descendants of Cain, who turned away from God). The spirit of God will not dwell forever with the man because he also is flesh, living up to 120 years (mean that men of God who lived up to 900 years later live up to 120 years because of the fact that hybridizing with the daughters of men they are “contaminated” at the genetic level, partially losing genes that enabled him to live a lot longer).

  2. natalie Thomas says:

    It’s true, we can’t know for sure. It’s also true we should keep an open mind, after all, there are no limits to infinity.
    One can only go on their own experiences and intuition until more is revealed.
    Who knows what is out there and around us? I know I don’t, I can only go by my gut and it screamed.
    I am open to learning though, in fact I plead with my guides to show me more.
    I also believe discussion is healthy, as is listening to others perspectives and journeys with an open heart, and sharing what is in ours without fear of condemnation. I wish you well, Larry, even if my gut doesn’t feel good about it. It’s all about experience and that one was yours.

  3. CJ Cannon says:

    My only comments are that there is so very much we do not know as absolute certainties about the multiple dimensions of Being. There are, more likely than not, hundreds of thousands of dimensions, and as souls expressing as humans currently in this 3rd dimension, we are not privy to All That Is. Such being the case, I tend to think it may be the better part of wisdom to remain open-minded and ponder the possibility that PERHAPS dimensions exist in which Souls….highly evolved Souls….may PERHAPS have the capability to express in corporeal bodies. It’s worth considering…..’something new learned’…..? It may even be possible that there is a Star or Planet as opposed to a “dimension,’ where Souls may have tangible, corporeal flesh and blood physical vehicles that are identical to ours on Earth and to which we may travel under certain circumstances. We can’t know. I leave my mind door open to different explanations for these encounters, hoping to gain more insights….

  4. Dale Dassel says:

    That’s a nice paranoid thought: We’re all being constantly observed by voyeuristic spirits. No such thing as privacy on this plane of existence. 🙂

  5. blah says:

    “lower beings” hmmm interesting insight…..

  6. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    Hmmm. I felt very uneasy reading this and I think that he is wise not to pursue it.

    I’ve seen and experienced the exchanging of intense energy that is so full of love. When I first met my guide Michael it was all energy and It felt orgasmic or ecstatic. But having actual intercourse with some unknown entity or soul does not feel right.

    It is usually a lower vibrational entity that does that as I have been shown. I agree with Natalie that it is used for procreation.

    Demons and lower souls can use sex for control.

    One thing with OOBE is that you never really know who you are with.
    All of my guides, and other souls that I have met have always emphasized energy and that was how I recognized them as good. The only times I have seen bodies is when I was shown the “Gray area”, something which we might call Purgatory, a waiting area for some souls to work out things until they called out to God, and then “whoosh” they were out. Not all souls go there.

    Theses stories are very interesting and I’m wondering through all of this if he has met any of his guides. It might be wise of him to ask for them to join him.

    I’ve known of some people who get almost “hooked” on OOBE and have brought “visitors” back. We had to do a house cleansing and now they are on a more spiritual path and have helped many lost souls.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      We received a couple of comments via e-mail. One described something very similar to Larry’s experience and considered it very positive. The person who sent it is someone who would definitely recognize lower beings. So maybe there are a variety of possibilities involved. The entity the writer met was someone she had known in life who had passed on. She described the experience as if they were in physical form in another plane.

      The other comment came from Larry. Here it is, in part:

      I read Natalie’s comment to the blog. She first said “Procreation…hmmm….” then in the second comment she said she did not like the sound of my experience essentially because sex is mainly a part of the physical realm and also that souls are androgynous until they choose a sex. First, I can speak for my one encounter, but during this Oneness that the lady and I shared, I do not believe the idea of procreation was EVER a purpose or a possibility. I will have to think on this.

      As to souls being androgynous until they choose a sex, I have no reason not to believe that is the case….BUT Natalie must remember that souls are at many levels of development or experience. So it is very likely some souls HAVE chosen to be permanently male or female by some point in their development.

      As to “lower beings” desiring to merge with humans….
      All I can say about that is that I have never encountered a lower being if that means something that is less than human. I have encountered people acting as tricksters or trying to deceive other travelers. Of course I have read about all kinds of beings that one might encounter during astral travel. I am not an expert and certainly not a wise one or whatever…I just know that I have only encountered what I believe are human souls traveling on the astral plain.

      I have to give all of this more thought.

      • blah says:

        previous comment ment here…..

      • Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

        I just say be wary.
        I see the words “trickster” and “what I believe”, to me those words send up a red flag.
        Michael worked with me for years on how to recognize energies, no matter what form.
        I urge him to get to know his guides.
        This is just coming from someone who cares. I e worked with people who have really been messed up from dealing with lower energies. As on earth, not all souls have your best interest at heart.

  7. natalie Thomas says:

    * procreation Whoops!

  8. natalie Thomas says:

    Hmmm…. I don’t feel good about that.
    I am aware that people can present themselves however they want to on the astral plane, and have seen it myself, but there must have been some commonality in the energy field to have attracted such a being. In my experience ( and I could be wrong) it is usually lower astral beings that still try to merge with humans.
    Another question I have is : that in my understanding, the sexual organs are redundant on the other side, as they are the physical equipment needed for human body recreation. The soul has no need for it, and Souls are androgynous anyway until they chooses what sex they will be in human form. Hmmm…..

    • Rob and Trish says:

      In my fiction, life on the other side, in terms of sexuality, is alive and well. I am certainly not a medium, but I often feel that sexuality is what draws us back into the physical.

      • natalie Thomas says:

        Definitely alive and well on the Other side ….but as we evolve through the different planes or mansions, we lose our ‘physical shape’ more and more and become more subtle in energy. I understand the spiritual merging that Larry was speaking of is as he says, but I question the physical penetration bit, and the fact that the Being approached him that way. Like attracts like on the Other Side, so he must have been emitting some sort of sexual frequency ( maybe subconsciously) OR the Being was of a lower, more ‘physically inclined’ plane.
        I agree that some souls do indeed miss and yearn for the physical pleasures of Earth, and hang around looking for what they miss.
        Me ? I would miss the raging ocean and food! 😀

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