Another ‘Abductee’ – Part 3


Since Larry made a point of linking his initial UFO encounter with out-of-body experiences, we asked him for more details. While he’s not certain the two phenomenon are related, we’ve heard many stories about paranormal experiences – telepathy, synchronicity, and other psychic abilities – occurring to experiencers in the aftermath of their encounters. So why not OOBEs?

Here’s what Larry told us:

“I have had both spontaneous out-of-body projections and targeted, intentioned trips.

“The very first astral projection I had was the one I mentioned that occurred shortly after the UFO sighting in my childhood.  I suddenly found myself floating near the ceiling of my bedroom.  It was a large room and all three of us kids slept in it.

“My older brother had gotten up and turned on the light.  I was able to look down on him as he walked through the bedroom and out to the bathroom.  I did not know what was happening, but it was so different that I was not really scared.  A few minutes later he walked back into the bedroom and walked to my bedside.

“As I looked down, I could see that he was shaking someone in my bed.  I heard him calling my name.  I looked at the person in bed and saw that it was me!  My brother called my name a couple of times.  I suddenly felt myself being pulled and the next thing I was telling my brother that I had been above the bed floating.  I know it must have sounded weird.  He told to shut up and go use the bathroom.

“He was already in bed when I came back into the room and he told me to go to sleep.  The next morning I again told him about what had happened last night, but he just laughed and told me I was dreaming.  He also told my dad that I was talking crazy.  When I told Dad about it, he told me I was dreaming and to quit making up stories.  I had no idea at the time that there was such a thing as OOBEs, but I knew that this happened.  “I’ve had numerous out-of-body journeys. I‘ve traveled in my local neighborhood, and I saw another traveler on one occasion.

“I have simply ‘flown’ through the sky or space many times, very exhilarating.

“I have floated around my house (actually two or three houses that I lived in).

“I have gone to a plane of reality (or dimension) where there were colorful geometric shapes, about twice the size of a person, and each of these geometric shapes possessed and/or imparted different powers or qualities (wisdom, knowledge, confidence, etc.)

“I have had one experience in which I travelled to a place that I can only call a large mansion, filled with many rooms.  In this place I saw people, both in human form and in the form of auras floating into their own rooms in this large mansion.  Inside each room was a vase, very ornate and beautiful beyond anything I could describe.

“In this travel, I was met by a guide, a very lovely mature lady, who told me that the vase contained each person’s LIVES and all the knowledge that the person, or soul, had gained through many lifetimes.   I cannot begin to communicate to you the beauty and profoundness of this dream.  I had been raised to believe that there was one life and then you died, either going to Heaven or Hell.  But this experience convinced me that we do indeed live many lives, and that we spend time in this other realm as non-embodied persons.  You have to understand that this idea went against everything I had been taught at church.

“Once I was able to travel to my wife’s job when she was working nights as a nurse.  I traveled to her break room where she was taking a fifteen-minute nap.  I was able to see her “astral body” and she saw me.  She was very confused.  When she came home the next morning, I asked her if anything unusual had happened.  She said she had thought about me a lot during the night.

“I described where she had been sleeping in the break room and how she had wrapped her jacket around her.  She was surprised, but not totally convinced because I had seen the break room before, and I knew she often wore a sweater in the break room because it was cold there.

“I have found it harder to initiate OOBE’s as I have gotten into my fifties.  There are a lot of distractions and I let them distract me.  I have a goal, and that is to somehow use astral projection to locate a classmate of mine who disappeared while visiting her estranged husband. She had gone to see him specifically to get the divorce papers signed.  So far, no luck on that one.

“I also had one astral sexual encounter.

“I have never had a frightening astral projection, such as seeing demons or whatever.  I have learned that the ‘people’ one encounters on astral planes sometimes disguise themselves for a variety of reasons.

“I’ve had one time travel OOBE where I found that I was a Catholic brother of some kind in early Mexico or Texas, very early, maybe in the 1600’s.

“Because I have had so many OBE’s, I could go on and on.  But I will stop here.”


Part 4 of Larry’s story will delve more into that mansion he mentioned, which will lead into the full story of  his sexual encounter.


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7 Responses to Another ‘Abductee’ – Part 3

  1. Nancy says:

    Fascinating stuff. Having had my own experiences, I can relate to his desire to understand. It is life-changing.

    Can’t wait to hear more.

  2. Great to read. Interesting that he saw his wife’s astral body and says she saw him – but she didn’t remember this – almost like dreams, we only remember some things.

    There seems so many facets to life.

  3. natalie Thomas says:

    Keep ’em coming!

  4. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    Interesting….as a child I would dream of visiting a beautiful crystal palace that had many rooms. I would fly there. I visited this palace quite often.

  5. Kit says:

    Larry’s story is a reminder that reality isn’t at all like it appears to be, that it is radically different from what we’ve been taught to believe.

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