Howdy from the Other Side


Our friend and writer Nancy Pickard recently sent this story. I think it demonstrates that our loved ones who have passed on will use anything they can to communicate with us.


I have been thinking a lot about my favorite relatives, Aunt DeeDee and Uncle Rex. They died long years ago, but they were around until I was in high school, and they were the grandparents I didn’t have. I cannot think of a single bad memory of them, only fun and love. They were “characters,” and they both had a great, slightly outrageous sense of humor.

So today I not only thought of them, but I wrote them a note. Seriously. I typed out an email to them to say I was thinking of them, and how much I had appreciated them, and loved them. It was short. A paragraph.

Then I got up from the chair, taking my little glass of water with me. I had poured it from a filtered container and had been sipping on it for a while. It had been perfectly fresh. But now I took a drink from it, and EWWW! It smelled awful! Like sewer, that yucky sulfur smell, you know?

What the hell? I wondered. And then I burst out laughing. My aunt and uncle had lived in a little town, Nevada, south of Kansas City. You want to know what its strangest feature was? Its air smelled and its water tasted like sulfur!!! Really strong. I can’t remember why, and it no longer does. But, boy, it did then.

I really truly think that was a “Howdy, honey!” from beyond in response to my letter to them.  Aww. Thanks, you sweeties.


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4 Responses to Howdy from the Other Side

  1. CJ Cannon says:

    Dontcha just love it when something like this happens!! Fragrances, scents, odors seem to be one of the favorite ways our loved ones in spirit let us know they are with us. Thanks, Nancy! Not long after my Mom died in 1980, she came around and inundated me with the noxious odor (to me) of the menthol cigarettes she smoked…and that caused her death from lung cancer. I could feel her energy and knew it was her, but I couldn’t bear the cigarette smoke smell and asked her if she could PLEASE give me a different “scent” to announce her presence? Immediately, I was drenched in the fragrance of roses. She had been buried holding a single red rose in her clasped hands, and in life had grown and nurtured and loved a rose garden in our yard. I need to add that I have no physical sense of smell whatsoever. I only can smell psychic scents. Mom also occasionally came with her favorite perfume, Estee, by Estee Lauder. I knew no one else who wore that perfume, and she wore no other perfume. They really do find ways to let us know they’re with us. What a lovely experience for you, Nancy!!

  2. DJan says:

    I love these stories. The fact that Nancy wrote an email to them shows how much they were all connected at that moment. I wonder where she sent it. 🙂

  3. natalie Thomas says:

    Yep! that’s a good one!

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