Synchronicity & Resolution?


This synchronicity comes from Terry Crowley, a writer we met at the Tallahassee Writer’s Conference last spring. We’ve posted a couple of her synchros before. This one is about how some decisions/situations haunt us for years and then some synchro happens that clears it up! I’m not sure where this falls in the scheme of synchronicity – helpful synchro? Resolution synchro? I think it’s a meld of both.


One morning, on the way home from running errands, Terry was pondering relationships and thought of an old friend she hadn’t heard from in years. “I didn’t magically hear from her; that’s not the synchro. What I was thinking about was a situation that happened between us.

“I had a meeting I was in charge of and had to attend, but my friend wanted me to be in her wedding.  I decided to change the date of the meeting so I could attend the wedding, but then she changed the date of the wedding to the same date of the meeting again! I was now between a rock and a hard place. I decided I had to decline her invitation and attend the meeting instead.”

For years, Terry beat herself up about this decision. She finally decided to look at O Magazine, which she never had time to do these days. “One of my favorite columnists is Martha Beck, so I turned immediately to her article Right This Ways! (plural “s”), which talks about how some social decisions are just impossible to make, but she provides some ideas on how to make those decisions. Beck described the EXACT scenario I faced 43 years ago!! The exact decision that I have been periodically beating myself up about for all of those years. To make matters worse, I later found out that several of the attendees at the meeting were mad because they had to miss another wedding they wanted to attend, too!

“Thankfully,  I can now let this no-win scenario go. I tried to do the my best for my friend. The circumstance was out of my control, even though I did my best to control it, and much to the chagrin of others. This was a happy synchro to have had because I can now stop second-guessing myself the next time this pops into my head. The article also made me realize how much I have been thinking about this decision from so long ago!”

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6 Responses to Synchronicity & Resolution?

  1. The synchro answered her concern or worry but, in the greater scheme of things, maybe she simply wasn’t meant to attend that wedding for some reason. If we keep being blocked then we should take heed.

  2. Shadow says:

    Ah, sometimes the universe just helps us to close a door…

  3. Trish says:

    Jenean Gilstrap put up this comment on Facebook, in response to Terry’s experience. The similarities are eerie:

    Jenean Gilstrap – neat story – and one almost identical to an experience i had last month – a very dear friend here – an actor – was celebrating the release of his most recent movie [charlize theron played female lead] which had been filmed here in our city – it is a french film and did not have a big opening here so friends of his organized one for him and i had looked forward to it for some time – but then, the venue and date got changed and when that happened, i committed to something else for that date – something that impacted on the work schedule of someone else – and so, i thought everything was settled after i re-arranged my schedule and someone else’s – but then, at the last moment – the very last moment, the event got changed back to the original date and time – and i simply could not go back to the other person and have them try to change their work schedule again – so, the bottom line was that i did not get to go to his opening event and have felt very badly ever since – especially because a number of other people had done the same thing that i had done in terms of re-arranging their schedules etc – anyway – and i have felt badly as he is a dear friend and this was a major event for him –

  4. Rita says:

    This story really illustrates how synchronicity can resolve long-standing issues in our lives.

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