Precognition, Science, & Seth

In writing Sensing the Future, our book on precognition, I’m confirming what I already suspected: that our concept of time and our approach to science are subject to revision.

In my research, I always go to a book’s index first and scan the listings under P, looking for precognition. Most of the time, if it’s there at all, it’s as a footnote on a particular page. It seems that many scientists are uncomfortable with the term precognition but not with the word premonition. Rupert Sheldrake is a notable exception.

In The Sense of Being Stared At, he has several chapters on precognition. He admits that precognition is the most puzzling of all psychic phenomena. “How could we possibly sense something that has not yet occurred?… It raises deep questions about freedom and determinism. If we know something is going to happen, does that mean the future is fixed? And if the future is fixed, does that mean free will is an illusion?”

It’s challenging to write about precognition without delving into this question. But Sheldrake does a masterful job of explaining that the old paradigm of a mechanistic universe has been turned on its head through recent discoveries in quantum physics. Through attention and intention, he says, “our minds stretch out into the world beyond our bodies…Even the relatively determined near future is predictable only in terms of probabilities.” Take weather forecasts, for instance. Or economic forecasts. Or the forecasts that insurers use. “Indeterminacy lies at the heart of quantum physics. Predictions are possible only in terms of probability. My intentions affect the future.”

Interestingly, his thoughts are echoed in the Seth material, more than 6,000 pages that were channeled by author Jane Roberts and resulted in more than 20 books on the nature of reality. Seth described himself as an “energy personality essence no longer focused in physical existence,” and the basis of his material is that we create our own realities through our intentions, expectations, beliefs – through our consciousness. He stated that every earthly event played out in all its probable states and that we are interconnected with these multidimensional/parallel universes. We just aren’t tuned in yet to that fact.

In this scenario, then, there would be a world in which the terrorists never crashed planes into the World Trade Center, where Al Gore had won the presidency, where the tragedies in Paris never happened. There would be a world where you married your childhood sweetheart and lived happily ever after. This idea, the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics, has been around since 1957, but has gained traction in recent years.

Every consciousness, according to Seth, “is dependent on upon every other. The strength of one adds to the strength of all. The weakness of one weakens the whole. The energy of one recreates the whole. The striving of one increases the potentiality of everything that is, and this creates responsibility upon every consciousness.” In other words, folks, we’re all in this together.

Seth also noted that precognition occurs in evolution so that a species can prepare itself now for changes that will be necessary in the future. Is that why so many people had precognitions about 9-11? About the Boston Marathon bombings? About other man-made and natural disasters?

“The fact is that each of you create your own physical reality: and en masse you create both the glories and the terrors that exist within your earthly experience.”

So, I’m discovering that Sensing the Future is a book in which quantum physics and metaphysics run for awhile on parallel tracks and then blend seamlessly together.

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15 Responses to Precognition, Science, & Seth

  1. C.J. says:

    In re-reading my comments, I recognized that I failed to mention the most essential
    thing for me, and want to amend that. At the age of 18 I began my spiritual, paranormal, metaphysical journey alongside my unique medical career. My spiritual journey has been extremely rewarding. I’ve learned so much more than I ever realized I could learn, but most significant, I’ve learned how much I DON’T know! My questions always creat more questions than answers, altho answers certainly come.
    Yes….who, what, why, when, and where… lifelong mantra, too. Now at 74, my mind is filled to its capacity, I think, and needs rest. That is why I’ve put myself in this space of simplicity. I’m on “overload”; am eternally grateful for all that I have learned and for all the experiences that have blessed me throughout the decades.
    Now it’s time to rest, but I shall still follow the Path.

  2. blah says:

    maybe not precognition… or premonition… maybe just simple Addition… well maybe not so simple but addition all the same….. this and this begets that… maybe just an attunement into the process. But question the concept of parallel universes… what philosophical quandries does that ELIMINATE?

  3. C.J. says:

    For me personally, these concepts are too heavy, complex, and complicated to even attempt to engage the finite mind toward any semblance of genuine understanding. As I approach the end of this physical incarnation and find myself often retrospectively gazing back across the decades of the years, and of my experiences, I am tending more and more to make efforts to simplify life. Earlier this week I shared an email conversation with a friend in which we discussed the questions of Creation. Of The Beginning. Specifically, the creation of All That Is. In the end, it always came down to the very same conclusion: WE DON’T KNOW. And secondly, why is it important to know? The specificity of my question was, and is, HOW and BY WHAT MEANS did Creation occur? Various theories abound on the answers to that question. Was there ever Nothingness? And if there was Nothingness, how did Consciousness come To Be? When I allow my thoughts to delve deeply into these matters, ultimately I reach a point where I realize it just doesn’t matter. Does knowing change anything?

    And I have to let it go because it eventually is a path that leads to Nowhere. Stephen Hawking is likely the most brilliant mind ever to grace this planet. Interestingly, for all intents and purposes, Hawking is a Mind without a physical body, and I find that to be intriguing. Yet, even Hawking hasn’t found the answers to these convoluted questions. And so, for me, I finally have ceased trying to comprehend the dynamics and have chosen to accept that WE KNOW WHAT WE KNOW BECAUSE WE KNOW, and the how and why doesn’t matter. Please understand I am only speaking for myself. This late in my individual game, I am by necessity needing to simplify, because when I continue to even ask how and why I, as a medium and a psychic, am able to accurately perceive future events, my brain tangles. For this reason, I just accept that it is what it is, feel gratitude for it, and leave it there. I do want to add that as I lay awake in the darkness one night pondering these very issues, I thought about such things as a caterpillar in a cocoon becoming a butterfly, a tadpole becoming a frog, an acorn becoming a grand oak tree, and other such mysteries and miracles. Laying there in the darkness, I discovered that in spite of the current violent global society in which we exist, there also exists beauty that calms the Soul, and with that simple thought in mind, I smile and go to sleep.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I understand your need for simplicity.But for me,it has always been about why, what, where, how?

    • blah says:

      In regards to CJ’s comment…yes the complexity of all the speculation…got to figure more complicated then the truth (not neccessarily the mechanics), but over lying premises… as to causation… Ultimate nature of reality… that a person would hope is simple…being a creation from on high… “Ment” 2B understood by the created (us, we) I would HOPE…..

  4. DJan says:

    I read Sheldrake’s book on dogs that know when their owners are coming home and was fascinated by the guy. I’ll have to read this book, too. 🙂

  5. Shadow says:

    …does that mean we can directed, even control the future?

  6. This is a post I’m going to think about to give a good reply. It’s rather overloaded with synchonicities for me and yet, while the names are different, the message is so much the same. You reference Seth, I have Kryon-the magnetic master-and his author Lee Carroll. Same message, different venue.

    That same message different venue is something to consider.

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