The Ribald Trickster


On the night after Thanksgiving, Megan had some of her friends over, all twentysomethings. They love card and board games, and this evening they were playing something called Word Whimsy, 2 the game of outrageous answers.

Rob had fallen asleep and I was working in my office when Megan suddenly rushed in, excited. “Mom, you’ve got to see this synchro.”

“See it where?”

“These cards that came up.”

Synchro is the magic word around this house, so of course I got up and hurried after her into the dining room. “Here was the question/issue.” Megan points at the top card, a red card with a message that reads: If we were all children, this would frighten us.

Megan’s friends are snickering and giggling as she gestures at the 4 cards beneath the main card. And yes, this is somewhat ribald, folks, so if you’re easily offended, don’t look any farther. But if you want a good laugh, here are the words:





And here’s the pic to prove it:


This sure has the trickster’s handprints all over it!


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2 Responses to The Ribald Trickster

  1. C.J. says:

    As a mother of three sons, this is hilarious to me!

  2. Haha! It’s good to see the funny side of synchronicity!

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