Anagram mind-blowers


These are great anagrams. I noticed this list on a FB synchronicity site a few hours after I’d stumbled on what I call a counter-anagram. That would be when the re-arranged word reflects opposite characteristics, rather than similar ones.

I was working on a chapter of Sensing the Future, our upcoming book, when I noticed that two names of paranormal researchers were anagrams. However, one of them is a strong advocate and defender of the reality of psi phenomenon and the other is a skeptic-debunker. They are Dean Radin and James Randi:  Radin/Randi. I’m not sure they would accept that one in the Anagram Society, but I have to chuckle over the magician Randi realizing that his name, with a minor shuffle, becomes Radin and visa versa.

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8 Responses to Anagram mind-blowers

  1. blah says:

    seems just A significant amount of letters and human imagination… Truely amazing R Ambigrams… Dan Brown’s “Lost Symbol”?? cube of 4 words “earth air water fire, think they where, written in a list 3 line cube…. rotated 180 degrees… still READ the same.. course that’s easily explainable also….

  2. Shadow says:

    Consider my mind blown, this is quite amazing.

  3. DJan says:

    These are so much fun! I enjoyed them, every one. 🙂

  4. Rob and Trish says:

    Interesting that this one came up on Jim Banholzer’s b-day. Here’s Jim’s latest contributions to the anagram puzzle.

  5. J Ban says:

    Also like: “A telephone girl” -> “Repeating hello.”

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