A Confirmation Synchro?


Our daughter is presently house-hunting in Orlando for a new place to live. Last week, she found what she thought was the perfect place, ideal neighborhood, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, pet friendly, with a fenced backyard where her dog can run and play.

The woman told Megan she selects renters based on who has the highest credit rating. Since Megan hasn’t found a roommate yet, we agreed to co-sign on the lease and submitted our applications for a credit and background check. We felt she had a good shot at this and she was supposed to find out around the time we were going to Orlando help her out with her second Wine Walk.

This event happens ever second Thursday in Orlando. Artists come from all over Central Florida and exhibit their wares. People who attend – anywhere from 300-700- buy a $10 ticket to the wine walk. It entitles them to free drinks along the wine walk route, where all these artists have their exhibits. This time, Megan was invited to set up on the front porch of a dog bakery, where she has painted pet portraits for the owners. It’s an ideal spot with a built in audience.

The day before, though, we’d found out that Megan had come in second in the credit rating so she hadn’t gotten the house. It struck us as odd that an owner would judge a tenant worthy based only on a credit rating. What about how you feel about the prospective tenant? What kind of impression did the person make on you? Megan and the owner had gotten along so well that she ended up commissioning two pet Christmas ornaments from her. At any rate, during the day leading up to the wine walk that evening, we spent most of our time house-hunting on Zillow and other sites.

The wine walk went great and we were hopeful:


This morning before we left, Megan said she’d gotten an email from the owner of another house that interested her and was going to see the place that afternoon. The location was better, the rent – with a roommate – would be what she’s paying now, and even though it had only one bathroom, there were three bedrooms and a large yard

Now, here’s the synchro. This house had become available just today. Back in November, the woman rented the place to a fireman and a paramedic. Even though she really liked the two young women who had seen the place before the two men, the guys had the highest credit scores of the prospective tenants. They were supposed to move into the house in January, but the paramedic changed his mind and the deal fell through the very day she emailed Megan.

The woman laughed when Megan told her what had happened with the first house. “I should’ve selected the two women, but instead I went with the highest credit rating. Then the deal falls through. I’ll never again go strictly on credit rating.

As Megan was leaving, someone pulled up in front of the house to inquire about it. The owner told them she was pretty sure she’d just found the right tenant. I take this as a confirmation synchro that the house is the right one for her. Now we’ll wait and see what unfolds.


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12 Responses to A Confirmation Synchro?

  1. Sounds good news for Megan, hopefully the ‘right’ property for her.
    I think too much emphasis is put on such things as credit checking and the like – they can be a guide but not everything. When I was in the finance-loans business years ago, everything was on such statistics but I ignored them at times and issued to people I felt were honest – used my intuition in other words. I was shouted down for doing this at a meeting of managers but, strangely, I was the top office for three years on the trot and won prizes of trips (with Karin) to Monaco, Nice, Athens. Intuition worked for me!

  2. Nancy says:

    Our daughters struggle with the same issues. Portland, as well as all of Oregon, is going through an affordable housing shortage. Portland has declared a state of emergency.

    Hope this one works out for her!

  3. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    First, her animal portraits are gorgeous!! She’s so talented!
    Second, it sounds to me that she will now be in the right place!

  4. natalie Thomas says:

    Just seems everything is about the money these days! Wishing Megan all the best. 🙂

  5. DJan says:

    Very interesting. I never heard of rating people as rentals to the ones with the highest credit rating. They can still be slobs and unappreciative of their rental unit! Glad Megan got the place she’s meant to be in. 🙂

  6. Jane says:

    Looks like the universe put her in the right place! Great synchro & wishing her happiness in her new home.

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