Synchros behind bars


We received a strange letter the other day from a man in prison in New Mexico. He read The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity and said how much he liked it. He also said that the concepts have changed him as a person. I’ll take him at his word.

In his hand-written letter that was stamped in red as ‘Inmate correspondence’ and included his inmate number, the writer – Sixto Castillo – spelled out the seven secrets, then said he has discovered an eighth one.

Okay, but the most interesting part of his letter was this sentence: “I believe the true value of the coincidence has to do with the 7 chakras. This concept has come to me through an entity named – or I call her – Connie. She has opened a door to a vast region that is new, of an old concept, which is or has to do with cycles.”

I’m not sure what all that means, but it’s interesting that he cited the name Connie, and we have a regular here on the blog – Connie J. Cannon. So I wrote Connie and sent her the above lines from the letter, since I found those comments somewhat mysterious.

Connie, for her part, had an interesting reply.


“I’ve had some dreams recently in which I am somehow ‘connecting’ with a male who is familiar to me, but whom I don’t overtly know. In these dreams, we are conversing about spiritual matters. In the dream before I woke this morning, he was standing on one side of a door, leaning against the door frame, and I was close to him but was standing on the other side of the door. I’ve been trying to remember our discussions, however they have buried themselves in my mind. I do recall that this man has VERY blue eye and is tall. He is attempting to get me to do something and I am telling him I cannot.”

Connie also noted a number of synchronicities, regarding names and numbers, including the fact that she lives a few miles from the Castillo, a Spanish fort in St. Augustine, Florida. I’ll let Connie expand on these synchros, if she likes.

She wrote back a few minutes later and said that when she wrote about her dreams, she had overlooked the point that she and Sixto both made reference to a door or doorway. Sixto wrote that Connie “has opened a door to a vast region that is new…” Connie, meanwhile, noted that the man she dreamed about was “leaning agains a door frame.” She was on one side, he was on the other.

I’m going to write Sixto, knowing of course that prison authorities will read the letter, and tell him about Connie and find out more about his ‘Connie,’ and ask what the eighth secret is that he has discovered. Interestingly, some mystics speak of an eighth chakra, as well, an energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and selflessness.

I’ll also ask him where he found a copy of The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. The prison librarian might have some mystical leanings!

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14 Responses to Synchros behind bars

  1. lauren raine says:

    fascinating. I had a friend who was convinced that as an artist she was in communication with someone else she had never met, yet they were somehow collaborators.

  2. Melissa says:

    Is there another synchro here, perhaps, in the mention of the prison librarian having mystical leanings and you (Trish) having been a prison librarian (if I remember correctly)? Am I reaching here?

  3. Jane says:

    I heard there are 13 chakras the others being aligned above the crown ? Interesting post.
    Lately with all the weird stuff goes on in my life I have decided there is NO reason for anything that the MIND can grasp, not for birth or death are all the stuff in between. Simple approach

  4. Fascinating post. Will be interesting to see what reply you may get from Sixto.

  5. c.j. says:

    Adele, one of the most compelling aspects in this situation is that in our alpha-numeric language system, there is an infinite combination of numbers. In the somewhat brief bits of info the Macs sent me, (names of streets, towns, locations, etc.), as well as in the inmate’s name, I discovered four repetitive frequencies appearing, over and over and over again, relative to my long-term, on-going dream work with my deceased physician. It is highly unusual to find such an unusual congregate of the exact same numbers. In and of itself separate from the relationship to my dreams, this type of repetitive numbers within a single space, in this instance a letter, is highly unusual. Therefore it becomes an anomaly and an enigma, as I mentioned to Rob and Trish in an email. I’m intrigued and look forward to reading Castillo’s letter in full. I’m also going to get my copy of SEVEN SECRETS off the shelf and peruse it once more with great attention to details. High weirdness stuff, this.

  6. Ray G says:

    This is outstanding. As I was reading I was seeing the vision I had of my wife when I was twelve. I did not see her in person until I was twenty-two. In that same time in my life I would see my Uncle Bill almost every time within minutes of him arriving at the house.
    Could it be that he was meant to find the book, a synchro in itself.

  7. c.j. says:

    To say I was stunned by this inmate’s message to the MacGregors would be an understatement. As far as I am aware, I know no one who is incarcerated, in New Mexico or elsewhere. Since his transition on 6-16-2013, a physician with whom I had a deeply spiritual, soulful relationship many years ago , has been in an on-going dialogue with me in my sleeping dreams. These communications are far too many to try to share, but I will explain that since the inception of these dreams in 2013, a mere few days following his death, (and we had had no contact of any type in more than four decades, so his initial appearance in that first dream telling me he had crossed over came as a shock), a “system” quickly evolved in our dream visits that allows me to interpret his dream messages. Also, After his initial appearance, I searched People Finders on the internet, located him in a small S. Georgia town, phoned the funeral home in that town, and lo and behold, that was when I discovered that he indeed had passed just a few days before he came to me in the dream. The letter to the Macs from the inmate contains an inexplicable litany of connections to these dreams, leaving me totally shocked and wondering how in the world such strangeness can occur. They are sending me a copy of his handwritten letter, and I am extremely anxious to read it in its totality and see what else is there. The most significant connection I already
    perceive between the inmate’s remarks and these dreams is that my deceased physician and I joined each other in some dimension previously utterly beyond my awareness….this did not happen during sleep or in a dream… I cannot help but wonder if this inmate may have somehow “tuned into” that heretofore unrecognized dimension.( The “vast region” the inmate mentions,” new yet old”). This is a situation of very high weirdness and multiple synchros for which I have no logical explanation. Perhaps more will come…..

  8. Very interesting – the dreaming part. I want to hear more about this one.

  9. natalie says:

    Wowsers! I love this one. Too good.

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