A New Moon Precognition


Last year, we sold a book on precognition – Sensing the Future – and are nearly done with the first draft. Tonight I was trying to remember when I last had a precognitive experience of any kind. There have been a few about small things, mostly through impulses or remembered snippets of dreams. But nothing to include in the book or even blog a about.

Then I remembered that in October, during one of Rob’s meditation classes, I set an intention before the class. I asked to receive information about when my novel would sell. It had just started making the rounds with publishers that month. Toward the end of the class, when I tend to be in a really relaxed and receptive state, a date and several words popped into my head: around new moon, November 11. I knew that new moon would be in Scorpio, my rising sign, and felt hopeful.

New moons are always about new beginnings, new chapters, doorways opening. Opportunities often come out of nowhere. And when one falls in your sun or moon sign or in the sign of your ascendant, the opportunities that manifest themselves are usually really good ones. Two weeks after a new moon, there’s a full moon, the time of harvest and completion. We often receive news on or around the time of a full moon.

On November 11, I kept waiting for the phone to ring or for my agent to email me that the novel had sold. Instead, I received an email from my friend Nancy Pickard, suggesting that I write a short story for Ellery Queen magazine. So I did. I wrote about it here.

I submitted it, then felt annoyed that my apparent precognition had the sale of my novel hadn’t panned out, and wondered what the impression I’d gotten in meditation was really about. For the next few days, I remained hopeful since the new moon energy can manifest itself for a few days on either side of the actual date. But by November 14 or so, I started wondering what that impression I’d gotten during meditation was really about.

On the evening of December 9, about 36 hours before the new moon in Sagittarius, I received an email from the editor at Ellery Queen saying she would like to buy the story. What I learned from this is that my original impression was about a new moon sale, but not necessarily my novel. The November 11 date was important because that was when Nancy had suggested I write the short story that the magazine bought shortly before December’s new moon. But back in October when I’d had the impression, I didn’t have any intention of writing a short story. And because I’d specifically asked for information about when the novel would sell, it never occurred to me that the new moon hint might pertain to something else.

And that’s the tricky thing with precognitions. We don’t always have the full details when we sense the future and our left brains immediately intercede and start trying to connect the dots about what it may possibly mean.

So, here are the new moon dates for 2016, pegged to eastern time. If you’re going to pitch ideas, launch a website, submit manuscripts, do anything new, on or around the time of the new moon is when you should do it. The exceptions are new moon during Mercury retrogrades and solar eclipses. Full moon follow new moons two weeks later and are about culmination, completion, and often bring news.

February 8 – new moon in Aquarius, 9:39 a.m.

March 8 – new moon, 8:54 p.m. in Pisces, total solar eclipse 8:57 p.m.

April 7 – new moon in Aries, 7:24 a.m.

May 6- new moon in Taurus, 3:30 p.m.

June 4 – new moon in Gemini, 11:00 p.m.

July 4- new moon in Cancer, 7:01 a.m.

August 2- new moon in Leo, 4:45 p.m.

September 1 – new moon in Virgo, 5:03 a.m., solar eclipse 5:07 a.m.

September 30 – new moon in Libra, 8:11 p.m.

October 30 – new moon in Scorpio, 1:38 p.m.

November 29 – new moon in Sagittarius, 7:18 a.m.

December 29 – new moon in Capricorn, 1:53 a.m.

Eclipses tend to bring things up close and personal and are sometimes stressful because we have to move and decide quickly. Solar eclipses concern outer events and often bring double the opportunities of a regular new moon. Sometimes with a solar eclipse, though, you have to give up something before the opportunities flow in. A solar eclipse is followed about two weeks later (depending on your time zone) by a lunar eclipse, which occurs during a full moon and concerns inner states, emotions, buried stuff, news, relationships.

The solar eclipse on March 8 is followed by a lunar eclipse in Libra on March 23. The solar eclipse in Virgo on September 1 is followed by a lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 16.


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8 Responses to A New Moon Precognition

  1. Interesting about your ‘book’ / ‘magazine article’. I suppose we can easily jump to conclusions, perhaps too quickly in the world of premonitions – unless, that is, the premonition is spelt out to us in full detail. Often though I find it’s more of a feeling that ‘something’ is going to happen.

  2. Jane says:

    After 40 years as a clairvoyant the number of times the mind leaps to the wrong conclusion ! Attaching a prediction to a person or event one thinks it is and then the premonition unfolds perfectly and accurately but not as ones mind wd have it be!

    “One meets ones destiny even on the road taken to avoid it”

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:

    Its funny i kept thinking after reading this post i never have precognitions. It took a bit today when the cobwebs blew away and realized i do, and very important lesson ones.

    It is sort of like you have to be trained up to understand, then you have to act upon these lessons. I didn’t take the lesson dream precog to heart. I was hurt not 24 hours later in a motorcycle accident south of Winslow, AZ. However i had some type of protection around me. I won’t go into details, it was painful, even first responders said it was a miracle.

    If i have one of these dreams or precog event, i do the neutralization technique and prempt the possible outcome. Lessons, always lessons.

    Now to figure out the way to perceive synchros. Oh, and learn by intuition, the art of reading tarot.

    Be well,


  4. Shadow says:

    You are so clued up on these things, it’s great to learn from you. Diarising…..

  5. So there are 2 new moons in September, book-ending the month. And the 4th of July! That should be great for fireworks with no moon in the sky to interrupt.

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