Nostradamus’ first prophecy


Here’s a short excerpt from our upcoming book (Jan. ’17) Sensing the Future.
We include considerably more on Nostradamus, but this is an interesting and humorous tale.

One of the world’s most famous seers, Nostradamus was born Micel de Nostredame on December 14, 1503. His life story, as well as his prophecies, have been passed down over the centuries, and numerous books have been written about him. He was born into a prosperous family in St. Rémy, Provence in southern France, where his father was a notary. The family was originally Jewish, but converted to Catholicism to avoid persecution that was rampant in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. The French king Louis XII had ordered all Jews to be baptized or face dreadful consequences.

His ancestors were merchants and doctors, and a similar future awaited him. He excelled in his studies and after he received his doctorate at the Montpellier University, he changed his name to the Latin version, Nostradamus.  However, an incident from his youth foretold of the real direction Nostradamus’ life would take.

While attending a Catholic school in Avignon, he made his first prediction. Having seen two young pigs at the barnyard, a black and a white one, he said the white pig would be killed by a wolf, and the black one served for dinner. After the rector found out about the prediction, he ordered to have the black pig slaughtered and buried, and to serve the white pig for dinner immediately. The cook rushed to fulfill the order, but was told at the barnyard that the white pig had been snatched by a wolf that had entered the barn through the roof, and only the black pig was left. Unsure of what to do, the cook served the black pig for dinner.

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6 Responses to Nostradamus’ first prophecy

  1. c.j. says:

    I own Peter L. M.’s texts on the Pyramids. They constitute certain of the most fundamental research material in my unusually extensive library on ancient Egypt and the Great Pyramid and Sphinx. I have a deeply personal connection to these. Wonderful comments, Jane! There was a time when his material on the Pyramid became “hidden” and had been confiscated by the governments of both Egypt and the U.S. Now they are available again.

  2. DJan says:

    Oh, that’s a good one. I enjoy finding out these obscure stories from you. 🙂

  3. Jane says:

    Here in Wales I met Peter Le Mesurier ( his pen name) who was commissioned to write books on Nostradamus & became an authority on him often on radio and TV here. He was a Cambridge scholar of ancient French. & German & had already written a thoroughly researched book on the Pyramids, offering his own theories. We met a number of times for lunch.At the time he had been interested to meet me being the local clairvoyant with his interest in it.
    He told me he had first refused the commission dismissing the prophecies as a load of rubbish, but an increased offer from his publisher decided him to go ahead. He told me he went to study the original manuscripts in Remy ( I was invited to accompany him to see them but sadly had to decline) he discovered they had been translated very badly from ancient French into old German & further been badly translated from ancient German into English.Perusing his own more accurate translation of the quatrains he discovered to his surprise his that many of the quatrains were direct hits, others were too obscure to grasp the meaning.
    Peter was not much interested in astrology but figured out that the planetary alignments Nostradamus used to predict meant certain patterns in the heavens produced particular events ( all astrologers know this) , he made a computer program that would find the particular alignments Nostradamus used to predict particular events & therefore by looking for such alignments with the computer for future dates he could predict with Nostradamus methods future events himself. I am not sure how accurate and successful this was. For instance after Princess Diana’s death his theory was that by looking at the alignments that day in conjunction with the latitude & Longitude of Paris it would be possible to predict when their would next be the death of a Princess in Europe.
    He also told me that his research had indicated that often when Nostradamus was casting an astrology chart he would simply let the ephemeris fall open at a page randomly and work with that! Synchronicity perhaps?

    I regret not offering you predictions for your book which you invited me to do. Partly because it depends which time line one is tracking as being the most likely globally. I think it safe to say without any crystal ball that within 5 years we will have one world government with one world currency, the so called New World Order. Also within 2 years I think we will have disclosure that there is indeed sentient life on other planets & that ET /UFOs are fact of life! This of course will change the false history and religions we have been brainwashed with & it will become common knowledge that we are all extremely conditioned and brainwashed from birth to prevent us realising how immeasurably powerful we really are but have become an enslaved race.

    Regarding medicine I think within 10 years it will become much more physics based, this trend is already occurring & future medicine will increasingly become less based on chemicals and pills and more based in increasingly using colour, sound , vibration and light with much more emphasis on the role of the mind in healing. This is already acknowledged but I think research for the mainstream is hampered by the power of big pharma who doesn’t want us getting well without pharmaceuticals. I think the corruption of big pharma will lead to a decrease in their power. I think more and more corruption in corporations and governments will continue to be exposed & be profoundly shocking for some.

    I think the long predicted crash of the dollar is now well underway & America is increasingly isolated from the rest of the world all major countries now refuse to trade in the dollar therefore Americas power globally will be significantly reduced. We may well see arrests of Bush,Blair & Hilary Clinton & I think the world will be shocked by what has really being going on and how we are truly governed by psychopaths.

    I think humanity is waking up! Waking up to ourselves & how we create our own reality each operating in our own separate universe from moment to moment & inter reacting with others who are at a similar vibratory rate as our own personal universe, all this knowledge will be mainstream within 10 years.

    I wish you luck with the book & Thank you for a great blog!

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