Born to be Wild

While we were in Orlando recently, our daughter decided to put her GoPro to good use. She put the camera’s harness on her dog, Nika, then attached the GoPro to the harness. For five or ten minutes, Nika and Noah ran around the yard playing like they usually do. Noah outweighs Nika by more than sixty pounds and invariably takes her down. She then leaps up, boxing at him, and they tear around the yard some more. While they were doing this, we were watching it on Megan’s phone and cracking up.

Curious about the range of the wireless signal, Rob went inside the house with Nika following him, and Megan and I watched her journey outside, on her phone. Then a cool thing happened. As Nika trotted back through the kitchen, she paused in the doorway, peering out into the yard, and one of us yelled, “Squirrel!”

Later that evening, while Megan and Rob were trying to figure out the right music for this video, I was sitting outside with the dogs and suddenly thought, Born to be Wild. I ran inside and blurted the title. Megan and Rob looked up, surprised. “That’s exactly what I just said to dad!”

So, there’s a bit of a synchro here, after all!

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21 Responses to Born to be Wild

  1. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    That was fun!

  2. Crow says:

    Ha…ha…that’s great. I’d love to put a camera on my crow.

  3. I think there’s a whole series of videos to be made – this could make Nika a ‘star’.

  4. c.j. says:

    You know what’s REALLY weird?? Hubby feeds all the neighborhood squirrels each afternoon. They know when he’s coming home, and dozens come chattering through the trees and sit on the limbs nearest the top of the privacy fence and on the fence itself. Birds also come. He brings home a big bag of peanuts daily. A few of them eat from his hands. Neither Storm nor Kitty bother the birds or the squirrels! Kitty simply lays on top of the gazebo and watches them with great interest, but makes no attempt to chase them. Storm sits or lays where she can watch them, too, and she trembles all over, yet she makes no move to chase them, and being a retriever breed, it’s innate in her to fetch birds, etc. But she doesn’t, nor does the cat. I absolutely am convinced Storm and Kitty KNOW these animals “belong” in the family, and poor Storm….she wants so badly to have some fun chasing them, yet we’ve never had to tell her no. She’s never tried, and she’s only 3 years old. We got her when she was 4 months old. Occasionally one or more of the squirrels will get within less than a foot of her nose. She trembles (almost as if she’s inwardly begging to play with them!), but doesn’t make a move. Isn’t that so cool!! I agree….a video/story starring Noah and Nika would be terrific!!Our country is pretty amazing with its animals. I saw on TV last nite that the shelters for the homeless folks up in the several states that are paralyzed by the Blizzard, are also allowing homeless stray cats and dogs to come into the shelters….school gyms, etc….to keep from freezing and starving. They’ve set up a separate space for them in the gyms with food and water in a nice large enclosure. That just warms my old heart. We do love our creatures!

  5. Shadow says:

    Oh how cool is this, I look forward to more, more, pleez

  6. Sheila Joshi says:

    Excellent! Made me laugh out loud. “Good production values.” 😉

  7. c.j. says:

    What fun! It never ceases to amaze me how intelligent canines are. Our black Lab, Storm, understands words she has never heard, and she responds to the words appropriately. No one will ever convince me that dogs don’t “think” and “reason”!
    And they really know how to have great fun!! Another oddity about Storm: she jumps on my husband, who is her favorite playmate besides hubby’s tuxedo cat….the interactions between Storm and Kitty are hilarious!….yet, altho Storm jumps on Dad, she has NEVER even attempted to jump on ME. Considering my illness, this is amazing because somehow she MUST sense that jumping on Mom is an absolute NO-NO, and she’s never tried. She plays much more gently with me. When she needs to go outside and hubby is home, she runs round and round the living room, yipping and squealing. When I’m the only one here, she simply comes and very gently touches her nose to my hand, nudging me to let me know. These are not actions she has been taught. Can’t help but wonder how she’s always known. And she definitely understands “SQUIRREL!” and “LIZARD”! They are such a riot with such joy in life!
    Just love your stories about Noah and Nika! Off subject, TV is on in LR….just heard 140,000 folks without power so far in NY and NJ. I am so glad we live in FL, but our own chill facoir here at this moment is 29 degrees. BBBbbbbrrrrrrrr.

  8. Melissa says:

    Another synchro…Meg posted the video on Facebook on Squirrel Appreciation Day.

  9. Darren B says:

    Maybe there is a reality series here in the making?
    It’s a dog’s life?
    Just cut out any butt sniffing scenes, please 😉

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