Synchronicity or Deception?


Okay, the upper two frames are from Cinderella. Yes, there’s a similarity. The princes in both frames are dressed in a similar way – the red jacket, the sash, the black trousers.

Now look at the lower frames. The women to the left are Fergie’s daughters – the prince’s cousins. The cartoon women in the right are Cinderella’s evil stepsisters. The colors of the dresses in both frames are nearly identical. The weird hats that Fergie’s daughters wore are eerily similar to the odd feather things the stepsisters are wearing.

My first reaction was, Wow, cool synchro. But when I showed the frames to Rob, he shook his head. “I think someone changed the colors of the stepsisters’ dresses.”

Time to Google it.

Here’s the the you tube of what looks like the same scene.


Turns out Rob is right. What I learned from this is to check what can be checked before saying it’s a synchro!



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6 Responses to Synchronicity or Deception?

  1. Nice one, even if not 100% about the colours.

  2. Natalie says:

    I had this on my FB page. OOPS!
    Even if it is not entirely accurate, it is still too hilarious. 🙂

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Looking at the scenes on the video, there’s not a lot of difference in pieces of the step-sisters’ dress colors and Fergie’s kin. Also, the style of the dresses is similar. Also, the hair color of the evil step-sisters is the same. So you aren’t very far off. Still, for me, a synchronicity without having to stretch at all. We’ll see what the future brings. It’s been almost forever since British royalty wed a “commoner”, although Kate’s family is wealthy, they are considered to be “commoners”. Wonder if there is jealousy somewhere hidden within the rank and file of the royalty? I do so hope Kate and William are soulmates as they appear to be and that their marriage lives happily ever after, and that the tiny meeces will be singing their squeaky little songs for them!

  4. Nancy says:

    Very good lesson for all of us –

  5. friend of nica says:

    oh, wow! too funny – well, funny about the hats/plumes which do remain the same in shape! but, the image of cinderella and the prince walking together, that’s untouched?

    and the lesson to remember: google knows everything!!! and youtube shows everything!

    • R and T says:

      As far as I know, the cinderella and her prince are untouched. As math notes, it’s still a synchro with the prince and the bride and cinderella and her prince.

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