Our 7th Anniversary



Seven years ago, on February 4, 2009, Rob and I published our first post on synchro secrets.

This happened, as so many things do, through another writer, Nancy Pickard. She mentioned back in January of that year that she’d just started a blog and I’d never heard the word and asked her what it was. Wow, I thought, your own writing platform?

When I remarked to Rob that we should start a blog, he looked at me like I was unhinged. “What’re we going to write about?” he asked.


His expression said, Yeah, sure. He’s a triple earth sign – double Taurus with a Virgo moon. Translated, that means: Prove it. Show me how this could be viable. Show me why I should bother. So I created the blog on blogger and wrote the first post and published it.

Two years later, we had published 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, were working on a second synchronicity book, and were hacked by a computer dude who subscribed to Amazing Randi’s tenets that all facets of the paranormal were bogus BS. We lost three computers, the hacker took over the blog for several hours. When we gained control of the blog again I moved it to WordPress and reported the hack to the FBI, who did nothing.

What I’ve learned in these seven years about how synchronicity functions in our lives is that it isn’t paranormal at all. It’s natural. It’s how the universe functions, how it endows us with those magical, aha! moments that leave us in a state of wonder, awe, and bliss. As author Elizabeth Gilbert says it’s big magic. And it enables us to move forward through this mysterious labyrinth of life with guidelines, sign posts, affirmations, warnings, confirmations.

Sometimes it manifests as the trickster and laughs at us. Other times, it’s as familiar and comforting as the cat that sleeps next to us at night, purring with contentment. There’s no second-guessing synchronicity. You can’t make this stuff happen, but you can create an inner environment that ‘s conducive to it, an openness that whispers, Yes, okay, show me. By acknowledging its reality, you surrender to it.

I’ve lost friends over my beliefs – i.e. skeptical friends. I know people whose marriages have collapsed over this issue of how mankind is interconnected. They won’t say that in court, of course, but that lies at the heart of it. One partner is open, the other partner is closed off. Whether it’s a business or personal partnership, a friendship, a relationship with a sibling, parent, or boss, the impasse is often insurmountable. But for every friend I have lost because of my beliefs, I have gained numerous more. Those who believe are rapidly surpassing the skeptics.

Google synchronicity. Tonight when I did this, I saw nearly 7 million links. Back in 2009 when I did the same thing the total was just a fraction of that amount. Academics like Bernard Beitman,  a visiting professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia, are writing about it.

Even arch skeptic Michael Shermer experienced synchronicity  when he got married. And honestly, if this guy can admit to the experience, then it’s okay for the rest of you skeptics to do so, too. Come out of the closet. We believers are out here, cheering before you even make your admission.

And so, on our 7th anniversary, many thanks to all of you whose knowledge and experiences have enhanced and expanded our collective awareness of synchronicity. And thank you, Nancy, for telling me about blogs!


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22 Responses to Our 7th Anniversary

  1. Congratulations and thank you for all I have learnt from your blog and books. Seven years … my goodness, time flies.

  2. Nancy says:

    Many of us are so much better off having found you and your blog. Thanks for seven years of discovery. The world can’t wake up fast enough for me! It’s time.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy anniversary, synchrosecrets! I remember when the blog started way back in 2009. Now, five or six incredible books later, we’re still going strong! Looking forward to many more books, Rob & Trish! 🙂

    Best wishes,
    – Dale

  4. Laurence Zankowski says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Here are some fun birthday / party vids to go along with the celebratory festivities
    ( because there is always room for the 80s )

    Altered Images:


    So have fun! And don’t forget to :


    Synchro digital blast! Happy Birthday!

    Be well

    Laurence Zankowski

  5. lauren raine says:

    Many thanks to both of you for your important work………..it is so very important to see how we live in a truly interconnected, interdependant universe, all a part of each other. Synchronicity is a way of experiencing a conversant world, and realizing that we are all a part of the conversation.

  6. Vicki DeLaurentis-momwithwings says:

    Wow 7 years!!
    I remember when this started, dealing with skeptics etc.
    I found you because I loved your books and because of that found a community where I could be safe to be myself.
    I’ve learned so much.
    Happy Anniversary!

  7. c.j. says:

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! This blog…..what a gift it has been in my life! Over the years, it has enabled me to begin to live an authentic life, a life I had buried as a means of “fitting in” with my husband’s fundamental evangelical Bible-belt Baptists.
    Thanks to the Macs blog, which I began to follow at it’s inception, I “came out” in 2010, of two significant closets that make me the true person I am and since then, my life has become the authentic ME: a born clairvoyant with a multitude of psi experiences, and a UFO/Alien abductee and experiencer . It isn’t that I have become “vocal”, but instead, when someone asks me a questions regarding such subjects, I now am free to respond with my Truth. Thank you, Trish and Rob, for this wonderful gift….you gave me back my Voice, and for that, I cannot express sufficient gratitude!

  8. blah says:

    typed and deleted… to much to blab……

  9. Shadow says:

    Happy 7th birthday. 7 is an important number too, isn’t it? And I’m glad we crossed paths. All part of ‘meant to be’. Now, let’s have some cake, I say!!!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! 7 years! HolyMoly! Time disappears. This is my favorite site so keep on keeping on. XOXO

    p.s. So Rob and I share a Virgo Moon. He sure is Earth bound. 🙂

  11. DJan says:

    Happy anniversary! I’m so glad I discovered your blog and am surprised it was so long ago that you moved over to WordPress. Seems like yesterday. I love your blog and have your book (just one, unfortunately) on synchronicity, but I think that you were onto something long before many others were. If one lives long enough, it’s impossible for me to believe that a person would not finally come to the conclusion that we are all connected in ways we are still discovering. 🙂

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