A Kindred Spirit

Kindred spirits


The universe constantly surprises me. Over the weekend, I received a Facebook message from one of my daughter’s friends,  asking if I remembered a kid she and Megan had gone to high school with – let’s call him Bob. His mother, the friend said, wanted to get a tarot or astrology reading. Apparently I had done Bob’s chart back in high school and he remembered it. So I told Megan’s friend to give the mother my email.

This morning, she emailed me. Let’s call her Rita. (I’m using pseudonyms because she works in the corporate world.) She said that for her job, she covered three counties and was in Palm Beach County today and did I have time to see her? We made an appointment for four. Shorty before she arrived, I wondered if she was married to a Scorpio. Random thought, right? But I brought out a copy of Unlocking the Secrets to Scorpio for her just in case that random thought was precognitive.

Rita was a few minutes early and from the moment she walked in the door, I felt a connection. She’s an upbeat, attractive woman in her late forties, nicely dressed, gorgeous hair. We sat down at the dining room table and talked a few minutes about our kids and a job she had just accepted. She had sent me her birth data, but didn’t know the time, so I erected a solar chart – using noon for the time.

A solar chart doesn’t depict the correct houses, which depend on the time, and the moon in a solar chart is always iffy because it moves so quickly. But it gives me the relationship of planets to each other and I ran transits to the chart and saw that she was probably going to move. It wouldn’t be a to the next town type of move, but a major move.  Before I started with the cards, I blurted, “Are you married to a Scorpio?”

She looked startled. “Yes.”

I gave her the Scorpio book and knew things from this point forward were going to move along well.

When I laid out the cards, everything pointed to a move that her husband and two youngest children still felt conflicted about. It also indicated a contract, her trailblazing spirit, her need for change.  Yes, yes, and yes, she said, nodding. The move is to the northeast, for a job that would engage her fully, and for a lot more $. The transits indicated the move would be fantastic for her.

From here, our conversation veered into the stuff I love to talk about – life after death, reincarnation, synchronicity, spirit communication. It turned out that for the last few weeks, she’d been feeling anxious about her decision concerning this new job and had been asking her deceased relatives for insights – her parents, a younger brother who died suddenly and unexpectedly a year ago. Her sister had called her out of the blue and told her she’d had a really vivid dream about their brother, in which he’d imparted information about what was going on in her life. Rita didn’t understand why he’d communicated in this way with her sister, who “doesn’t believe in this stuff. I’m the one who is open and ready to receive, why did he communicate with my sister?”

After her mother died several years ago, Rita was devastated. “Her death was sudden, she was my best friend, and I kept thinking, If only I’d had another day with her. It took about two years for her to finally contact me.” The contact occurred through a dream so vivid that Rita awakened from it sobbing. “In the dream, my mother said she was here so we could spend one last day together. And that’s exactly what we did. And toward the end of the dream, she told me I had to release her now.”

I told her my experience with my own parents in one of Rob’s meditation classes, in which I’d seen them in a corner of the room, engaged in life on the other side, a confirmation for me that they had both healed from the physical ailments that had killed them.

This experience with a woman who had walked into the house as a stranger and left as a kindred spirit drove home the point that synchronicity is always at work in our lives. It hums along in the background, prepared to wake us up, shake us up, surprise and delight us, and does it when  we least expect it.


This was the second experience I’d had within a few days where a stranger and I talked about spirit communication. I suspected it was leading somewhere. Sure enough, today Rob and I talked about writing a book called The Talking Dead, about the language that the dead use to communicate with us and how common this experience is.

That language is synchronicity, but that’s like saying your native language is English or French or Spanish and doesn’t really address the specifics. The dead, it seems, use virtually anything they can to say hello – dreams, objects, sounds, clusters of numbers and names, animals, patterns of clouds..the list is long. These things are their nouns and verbs, their conjunctives and prepositions, their adjectives and adverbs. But the connecting thread to all of it is love. They reach out because they care. Because they want us to know they’re not only around, but are doing just fine, thanks, and have info that may be helpful.

Skeptics, of course, think you’re nuts for even thinking about this stuff, much less writing about it or talking to strangers about it. But the older I get, the less I care about what skeptics think and the more eager I am to engage a stranger in a conversation that veers into the strange, the mysterious, and the ultimate unknown.


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4 Responses to A Kindred Spirit

  1. Sharon Catley says:

    The night before my father died he came to me in a dream and told me that I was not going to make it out to see him in time. This was a Thursday night and I had a plane ticket for Calgary on Saturday. He died on Friday morning. My father was in his eighties at the time but In the dream he was young and he was wearing his soldiers uniform (peace time) I only recognized him from pictures I had seen as I was just a baby when he was this young. I think perhaps this is the time in his life when he was happy and that’s where he returned to.

  2. Jane says:

    I had an ex appear in a dream to tell me he was dead & an e mail from a fried confirmed it next day. I also had my children’s aunt appear in my bedroom within an hour of her passing as I was told next morning. I was quite shaken up but she communicated inside my head saying “don’t be afraid dear, I have come to see the child before I go” my daughter age 3 was sleeping next to me.

  3. natalie says:

    Great story. 🙂
    The thing that excites me most about Spirit communication, is their ability to organise ‘economy of evidence’. They will organise similar types of people to attend a demonstration, and they will organise similar issues that need to be healed from the Other Side and pull it all together on the night. The sheer number of synchronicities that go into a large demonstration just blow me away every time. 🙂

  4. isabella says:

    Made my day

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