A Healing Meditation

from Soul Cards


Rob periodically teaches a six-week meditation course at our gym or at a yoga studio.  In the past, I’ve had some unusual experiences during these one hour sessions.  During one particularly vivid meditation, I saw both of my parents in the corner of the room. They looked young, healthy, happy.  As soon as they became aware that I could see them, they faded away.  Unfortunately, I can’t seem to locate that post on the blog!  But here and here are some of the others.

Before the last session in August, I noticed that a lower tooth didn’t feel right. I dreaded having to go to the dentist during a Mercury retrograde, but figured that would be where I would be spending the next day.  The session that night involved a shamanic meditation with drumming,  my personal favorite. There’s something about the drumming that transports me and because the meditation is long – twenty minutes – there’s time to really sink into an altered state.

At one point, I became aware of Rob’s voice directing us to heal ourselves of some physical, emotional, or spiritual injury. So I focused on my tooth. I asked it to please be healed. I felt confident that it could be healed, that such a healing was not only possible, but that it was going to happen. Suddenly, I was aware of a brilliant light, on the right side of my head. It was so bright I thought that Rob had turned on a lamp and was holding it up to my face.  The light went into my face.

My eyes snapped open and the room was still dark. Rob was walking over to his iPod to turn off the drumming and I thought, Wow, what was that about?  Awhile later, as we were walking back to the car, I tasted the infection and the pressure in my tooth had let up considerably.

Now, it’s been two months and the tooth is still fine.

He has just started a new meditation class. I can’t wait to see what sorts of experiences happen this time!



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13 Responses to A Healing Meditation

  1. Touch wood, my teeth are okay though I have a regular check up due on Tuesday. That’s some healing technique but I believe that such things – and more besides – are possible.

  2. Natalie says:

    I love that story, Trish. The drumming is so powerful, it seems to jangle all the tiny specks of consciousness into action. Go you!

    Love to little Lilly.♥

  3. Darren B says:

    My oldest son has to have four wisdom teeth removed soon,so teeth seem to be the in thing at the moment…but not for long .-)

  4. gypsy says:

    so odd – well, NOT, actually – your post today – because i’m sitting here with a major tooth issue myself – one in which i had a filling many moons ago and recently, as i took a bite of food, half of it fell out, leaving a shell which of course eventually became painful etc – was today considering doing that thing we all dread – yes – calling a dentist – the only reason it hasn’t gotten worse before now , i am sure, is because i just refuse to let it – but my staying power seems to be waning a bit and the sharp edges bother me! 😉
    good for you on your focus, trish! love the seeing of the light!

    • R and T says:

      At first I thought I’d imagined the whole thing, Gypsy, with the light and all. But when I told Nancy Pickard about it, she looked @ me, like, what the heck! A light and all? That’s the classic healing thing.
      So sending you and little Lily that light!

  5. Melissa says:

    I wish we lived closer so we could attend his classes, they sound really amazing!

  6. Nancy says:

    We need him to send some of that healing energy to Lilly! I do believe it works. We can do anything – we just have to know how to do it. Science has taken all of the magic out of what we once knew. It’s time to meld the two.

  7. Hey Trish,
    You so often talk about what is going on with me. I have to have a root canal. Sure wish I had been in Rob’s meditation class.

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