Happy B-Day, Mom!

As an author, Trish MacGregor has had many aliases over the years, Trish Janeshutz, T.J. MacGregor, Alison Drake, but her most famous alias, the one that only I can call her, is Mom. Growing up as an only child in a family of two authors who work at home, my relationship with my parents has always been close. Each night as I was going to bed, my dad would tell me some story, usually his own version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and my mom would be by his side, tickling my face with her long nails as I fell asleep. Some nights, I’d lie on a makeshift bed in my mother’s office listening to the melodic rhythm of her typing away at the computer into the early hours of the morning. If I awoke from a bad dream, she was there with open arms to welcome me into her bed.

As a child, my love for animals was expansive; my mother was the only other person I had met who shared my deep obsession and affection for animals. When our neighbors called Animal Control to come capture the ducks by the lake in our backyard, it was my mom and I who herded ten of them into our atrium so they wouldn’t be killed. When a skinny white cat appeared at the library near our home, it was my mom and I who named her Powder and adopted her into the family. When a golden dog failed a test that would have made her a police K9, it was my mom and I who convinced my dad that Jessie needed a home, and ours was perfect.

As a teenager, while dealing with the pressures of friends and school and trying to figure out who I was, it was my mom who stood constant in her knowledge that I was perfect. It was my mom who loved me not for the way I looked or how funny I was, but just because I was me, her daughter. It was my mom who was there to hug me when a guy told me he didn’t like me anymore; she was the one who got me a gym membership when I told her I felt fat, and it was my mom who listened to my story ideas and my rough drafts when I told her that I too wanted to be a writer.

As a college student, I began to witness the sometimes difficult relationships my friends had with their parents, and I started to see how good I had it. My parents had built the kind of relationship with me where we pretty much talked about everything. When I failed a class, they helped me figure out what to do; when my roommates got on my nerves, I vented to them. When I was hung over, we made jokes about it.

During my first year of college, I must have driven across the state at least a dozen times just to spend the weekend with them, and each time I’d get back in the car to head back to school, my mother would embrace me. She’d say she had to get the mail, or find one of our cats: any excuse to walk me out to the car. She’d stand by my window making sure I had everything I needed, and as I backed out, she and my dad would wave goodbye and my mom would break out into a little farewell dance.

Now that I’ve graduated college, I may not be my parent’s little girl anymore, but I will always be my mother’s daughter, a little kooky and a little clumsy (especially with my broken foot) but one hundred percent happy that I have the family that I do.

I’ll never forget two years ago when I was home visiting from school and my mom and I stayed up late one night. We were talking about her current novel and writing in general and she smiled to me and said “you’re dad and I have created many things, many characters and many stories, but you are by far our greatest creation.”

Thanks Mom, for deciding that you wanted to add another critter to your family. I love you. Happy Birthday!



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22 Responses to Happy B-Day, Mom!

  1. friend of nica says:

    happy happy happy, dear trish! just fyi – when i began my cross-country trek this time, i scheduled a little something for you for your birthday over at travel journal – however, it seems there was an issue with “time” and the post somehow managed to be posted on the 8th – in any event, drop by there when you can – just wanted you to know i was thinking of you on your day while i’m away!

    and what more glorious gift than the love of our child/ren – there can be none more glorious, can there – and megan’s to you/for you especially so – beautifully said, megan!

  2. Lauren Raine says:

    Happy Birthday indeed! And it sounds like Megan’s praise is the best gift of all! How fortunate you all are – may the creativity and love flow just as richly in the coming year.

  3. Nicole says:

    What a wonderful tribute. Happy Birthday Trish!

  4. Oh Megan this brought tears to my eyes…what a loving family and such a beautiful daughter.

    Happy birthday Trish. Sending you my love and gratitude for your blogging friendship…and for your much appreciated writing. Hope your day is as special as you are.
    Blessings, Karen

  5. Happy Birthday, Trish! How fun that Megan’s birthday letter is on your own blog.

    I just re-read the personal story (in the Everything Astrology Book) of Trish’s long labor at Megan’s birth because of the solar eclipse. It’s such a treat to “know” you both now. 😀

  6. Nancy says:

    Beautiful, Megan!! We can only hope, as mothers, that our daughters love us as much as you obviously love your mother.

    Hugs, Trish! Happy Birthday!

  7. Vicki D. says:

    The best present ever just sent you a love letter, perfect!
    I have a tear in my eye.
    Happy Birthday Trish Have a wonderful day!!!

  8. D Page says:

    Megan’s post is beautiful!
    The world is a better place because you are in it. 🙂

  9. Aw, Megan…that was a sweet tribute to your mother! For those who don’t know her (like me), its nice to hear someone else say the kinds of things Trish wouldn’t say about herself. Happy birthday, Trish! I’m glad you guys discovered my blog, which in turn made me discover yours. My interest in synchronicity has only increased in the past year and a half. Right now, I’m reading “When God Winks On Love” and loving it. Can’t wait until August when I’ll get to read your latest Synchronicity book.

    Hope your birthday is filled with much love, and of course…many synchronicities!

  10. Darren B says:

    Happy Birthday,Trish.
    Unfortunately in Oz (Australia) , your birthday officially ended about a half hour ago.
    It’s now the 8th here.
    You’ll have to stop living in the past .-)
    Happy Birthday and I raise my glass to you.
    Cheers / Darren

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY,TRISH! Such a wonderful, loving, creative family!

  12. Happy Birthday Trish. I would think Megan’s post is the best present you could possibly wish for.

    So wonderful to read something so positive and uplifting.

    June 7th (a 6 and a 7) is also mine and Karin’s anniversary. I won’t say how many years we’ve been together because I’m sure the calculation must be wrong!

    Have a great day.

  13. Nancy Pickard says:

    What a lovely tribute, Meggers! You guys have a special bond, for sure.


  14. Happy Birthday Trish!

    June 7th birthday is also a big one for me with 2 other connections.

    I loved reading Megan’s letter and best of all seeing how both of you look – putting a “face” on you. Megan is a beauty as well as a writer, now a beautiful writer.

    Hugs and kisses,

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