The 11:11 Sunday Service

We’ve done a number of  posts on number cluster synchros and several on 11:11. But this sign outside a church is a first: Sunday service at 11:11. Gypsy woman sent the photo, with some info:

“The King’s Highway Christian church sits on a busy street through Shreveport. It’s been there for years, is on the historical registry. Just thought it’s so interesting that a very large affluent church has scheduled their Sunday morning worship to this particular time AND put up a sign about it.”

Makes me wonder if the church officials are onto the meaning of 11:11!

Of course, they could be referring to scripture…as in Revelations 11:11.

“But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them.”

The reference is to two prophets or witnesses with enormous powers. Could they be unfriendly other worldly visitors?

“These witnesses have authority to close the heavens in order to keep rain from falling while they are prophesying. They also have authority to turn bodies of water into blood and to strike the earth with any plague, as often as they desire.”

Revelations 11:6

I prefer Henry Miller’s prophecy.

“If men cease to believe that they will one day become gods then they will surely become worms.” – The Colossus of Maroussi






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13 Responses to The 11:11 Sunday Service

  1. friend of nica says:

    yes, i thought of calling the pastor of the church when i saw the sign – and even mentioned it to my sister but never got around to it in the midst of all i was doing at the time – aside from the time itself – i thought it so odd the whole thing of the huge signs announcing it – just a very odd thing to have a separate sign announcing the time of services when their very “proper” marque is right in front of the church – anyway – love the worm-feed here! 😉

  2. Natalie says:

    Tee Hee at Lauren. 🙂
    I am interested to find out why they chose it too? Maybe because it is 2011?

    Also interested in Maggie” Link. Seems a synchro seeing as I am commenter 11. 🙂

  3. Nancy says:

    It is interesting that they chose that time. I like the last one, too.

  4. Lauren Raine says:

    I wish someone would ask the pastor why they chose to call it that! Although, the idea of sacred numbers like 11:11 is often associated with angelic visitations – I’ve more than once looked at a clock with that number on it, and someone close by said “oh, the angels are trying to get your attention.” I wonder if that is some of the reason?

    As far as worms go, I think that’s most unfair to worms. Worms make the soil good for all growing things, and help kids to catch fish as well. There’s plenty of humans who do no such useful service.

  5. Darren B says:

    Just wondered if you had seen this story doing the rounds on the mainstream media?
    Well,in Australia,anyway.
    Looks like it may just be a case of missing pixels,to me,but who knows?

  6. An odd time to pick for a service, other than to refer to Revelations … and, think I’d prefer to be a God …

  7. Strange time to pick for a service, other than to refer to Revelations … and, think I’d prefer to be a God …

  8. Wow! Your writing today was a personal syncro for me that I’ll share with you. While 11 is my favorite number that wasn’t it. I was writing in my journal this morning about traveling and how, at this time I am not envious of my traveling friends because travel, for me, prevents me from doing my “work.” And blah blah blah. I mentioned that the one person this didn’t seem to apply to was Henry Miller who wrote, “The Colossus of Maroussi” and to me, the best book he wrote. Years ago, when he was alive I saw him being interviewed on a PBS program and was gratified to hear him say that,”The Colossus of Maroussi” was his own favorite book. I am in a stage of life where no one I talk to ever heard of, “The Colossus of Maroussi” no less quote from it.
    Blessings on your “kids” once again. This tiny syncro made my day.

  9. I think surely the worm thing is already happening. Where I live…I’m exposed to a lot of worm-brained humans. Very interesting post. Amazing what one sees on their travels around our wonderful (add sarcasm) country. Things seem to be getting stranger by the day rather than the years. I was reading about the difference between souled humans and organic portals, and it seems that the population of humans is running at about 50% of humans coming in as organic portals…lacking souls…or only receiving group souls. I think this might explain the worm thing.
    Hope you’re having a great weekend.

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