Further notes on Miguel Serrano

Serrano at Nazi shrine in Chile

On October 7, we posted “The End of the Road” which, in part, told of the relationship of Chilean writer Miguel Serrano with Carl Jung and Herman Hesse. Their mutual interests in mystical realms was their point of connection. Years ago, Trish and I thoroughly enjoyed reading Serrano’s Jung & Hesse, Record of a Friendship.

Peter Levenda, author of Unholy Alliance and other books dealing with the occult and politics, read our post with particular interest. An expert on the mystical pursuits of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, Levenda knows quite a bit about Serrano. He didn’t post a comment, because he knew he would be seeing us shortly. So Sunday, we met Peter for lunch in Delray Beach, Florida, a coastal community about halfway between our respective homes.

The restaurant we chose was closed so we ended up at Boston’s, on A1A. It wasn’t my first choice because it’s usually crowded and noisy on weekends. However, when we arrived, we were directed to the second floor where we found a table on the deserted balcony with a view overlooking the Atlantic. Trish and I had eaten there several times and never even knew there was second floor restaurant.

So part way through the lunch, Peter mentioned the post and asked us if we knew that Serrano was a life-long Nazi. He went on to detail his research into Serrano’s life and the books Serrano had written in Chile on Hitler as an avatar – an ascended master. We were stunned. And of course we thought: what about Jung?

Peter believes that Jung wasn’t an avowed Nazi or a supporter of Hitler. However, he was interested in a goverment that actively pursued mystical realms and occult forces, and that might’ve played a role in his relationship with Serrano. He also noted that Jung wrote very little about Jews, and never about the Kabala, the heart of Jewish mysticism. Peter pointed out that a group of Jungian scholars, in years past, actively attempted to distance Jung from the Nazis, and maintained that he was not a sympathizer.

After lunch we walked several blocks along A1A to the parking lot, arriving about five minutes after our meters had expired. We spotted a police car idling behind our respective vehicles and $30 tickets posted on the windshield. I tried briefly to talk the cop out of the tickets, but she would have none of that. As we drove off, I thought: like attracting like. We’d talked about Nazis at lunch and afterwards found a gestapo cop waiting for us.

Meanwhile, Peter is heading to Las Vegas this week to attend a conference of retired intelligence agents, where no one is allowed to enter the conference hall with a cell phone or even a notebook and pen. He plans to rush back to his room between sessions and write down everything he can remember. And maybe he’ll report back…if there any synchronicities among the ex-spies.

Peter sent us these photos of Serrano from a power point presentation he gave at a lecture.
As if to punctuate the theme of the day, Sunday night we watched the third episode of FlashForward, which we’d recorded, and it featured the story of an 86-year-old Nazi being held in a German prison. He revealed some information about the 137-second flash to the future everyone experienced.

Deirdre Bair in her biography about Jung, has some intriguing insights into Jung’s beliefs about the Nazis. One of the most baffling anecdotes came from the writer Philip Wylie, which remains undocumented and unverified to this day, says Bair.

Wylie contends that during a weekend in NY, Jung told him “in strictest confidence,” that Josef Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, had “commanded” Jung to travel to Berlin to attend public and private meetings with Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels to “discern whether all four of them, as Goebbels feared, evidently were mad.” Wylie claims that Jung made the trip and “sat through enough of their show to know they were madmen.”

But apparently no one in Jung’s family or among his closest associates ever heard him tell this story. As Bair concludes, “As no evidence exists to corroborate Wylie’s tale of this secret trip to Germany, it must remain just one among many unsolved puzzles of Jung’s political behavior.”

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14 Responses to Further notes on Miguel Serrano

  1. Toumai says:

    oops, forgot to erase the last sentence.

    Also though, I would like to point out Michael Jackson as a perfect example. We know that things were not well with Michael, this was obvious in so many ways. But stop a moment and look at his life.

    At a very young age he was put in front of millions of people. Bottom line is that he was exploited… he was cute, cool and had a great voice. Did the boy ever really have a chance to be a boy?!

    Then we are 'horrified' when we see Michael 'acting out' later in life… holding his infant son dangerously over a balconey, to name but one?!

  2. Toumai says:

    Evil is a man made word (my take) that has a very bad history. Not very long ago, it was thought that epilepsy and leprosy were forms of 'devil possession'. This kind of interpretation caused people to be brutally categorized as evil… to be cast away and shunned.

    There are Psychopaths in our midst and yes… many do heinious acts and great harm. But what many people yet do not know is that Psychopaths become great people as well, for instance, they often make the best surgeons because technically people with this 'affliction' have nerves of steel. They have learned to tame and direct the 'hunter instinct' within– the hunt for a cure. Long ago, this group would have made the best hunters… could better feed their families,
    hence the propegation of this 'trait' within the gene pool.

    These people need strong direction… steady guidance in their early years, but in our cultures we more often than not leave these children to fend for themselves… and so they do what they do best– prey on the weak.

    So, who is to blame?! Really?! Because those
    who could effect change more often than not
    turn a blind eye. People are too busy… and
    more concerned about the price of gas than what is happening on the playground! And certain ruthless powers that be are happy with that, because that is how they ensure to keep their own force of people (hatchet men and women) to carry out their dirty work.

    Hitler was not just one man. Think about it!!

    rs that be' want exactly that… because they need

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree, Jeff. Rupert Sheldrake, a British biologist, details a lot of animal/disaster stories in his book, Dogs Who Know When Their Owners are Coming Home. He believes that animals are prescient. Any pet owner knows it's true.

  4. Jeff says:

    I think one reason that animals seem to have a more 'predictive' sense is because they are more in tune with the earth. Many people have become to caught up in a 'scientism', which tends to result in a mindset that states that what you can see is all that there is. That mindset makes it hard for people to tune into those things they can't see.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I doubt if Jung was involved with Hitler. But I think he may have been intrigued by Hitler's fascination with the occult.

    Evil is…in the eye of the beholder. But, there are certain acts that are recognized universally as evil. My take, anyway.

  6. Toumai says:

    what is 'evil' anyway? Is a lamb good and lion evil? I bet if grass could speak, it would say the lamb is evil and the lion good. They are simply what they are. Still, I would rather snuggle up to a lamb than a lion… but then again, if I could train the lion… what a great protector!!

  7. Nancy says:

    Free will. We all have choice. This was a fascinating post.

    I really hope that Jung was not involved with Hitler's deeds. I can certainly see him meeting and talking with the man, but I would be very disappointed if he were actively involved with the evil Nazi Party.

    Bummer about the ticket!

  8. therese says:

    "I'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints," – Billy Joel.

    Fascinating post!

    I've heard before that Hitler was 'here to do a job' and have wondered about the extermination plot/fear that shows up in alien invasion stories and films. Some of them have amazing – heroic – arcs.

    Having family connections, I've wondered, was Hitler an example of:
    1. the danger of spiritualizing the ego
    2. the potential confusion of combining eastern philosophy with western greed
    3. playing with the occult too much, with an objective for power on earth, tampers with a persons humanity
    4. a divine tool to show narcissism can generate compassion
    5. or that Jews are a race of victims – for some divine purpose

    If Hitler was the devil incarnate, on this planet at that time, it's fascinating to remember, he was a little boy who's mother loved him, and maybe his dad did too.

    In my experience, the most important thing about prediction is – the actions and intent taken after the prediction. Is it created? Is it feared? Or do do we choose to do nothing and wait.

    Free Will – gotta love it.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a post!!! absolutely riveting! have read it several times now and feel as if i'm in a blackandwhite movie plot! [not exactly along the precise same lines], but these latest revelations about jung, in fact, remind me of the copenhagen story [the secretive meeting between bohrs and heisenberg in 1941]in many ways and carries with it the same degree of uncertainty and mystique – oh, and just to be a little fly on the wall in the conference room in las vegas! you know that meeting's gotta be mind-boggling! can't wait to hear any tales that peter may be willing to share!

    and too funny the gestapo cop lurking around!

    great great post!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting about animals and earthquakes and disasters of all sorts, Toumai. We did a post on that awhile back, but I keep uncovering other stuff on the Internet about it.

  11. Toumai says:

    Just as a further, it's interesting that animals are able to predict catastrophe's like tsunami's… hence they are able to save themselves while 'intelligent' humans may be smart enough to follow them up the hill to safety.

    So, the question is, how is that animals have this ability to predict while we seem to have "lost it"? Why are we 'prevented' from communicating with the 'world within'… a world that can warn us and save us from so many dangers. Therein lies the key–certain 'powerful' and corrupt people (like Hitler… don't want their dirty deeds exposed)!
    Except what do they do and we do when a common foe comes knocking… one that requires all hands… including the ones from deep within each of us.

  12. Toumai says:

    I don't agree with you C. That we should not predict the future… it's a sin?! PLEASE, spare me!!

    In all fairness, I will agree with C on one point tho: we certainly should be looking to change the things in the here and now. But changes should occur in light of the future that we are able to predicted, whether by sciece, psychic ability, inner twin parallel world, and/or all of the above.

    This is an excellent post… excellent sluething on your parts!! To bring out the good and even 'possible' bad on Jung is proactive/predictive and you likely have averted cruel and vicious propeganda from the 'opposition'

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    C, I predict that in the future you will once again say it is a sin to predict the future. Did I just sin?

  14. "C" says:

    I would speculate there was more 2 the Jung thing knowing a little about the occult history of Hitler etc…

    But I promise you this IMO on "the other side" they pay 4 it. There may have been something that made U feel "strange" with the cop, but it's nothing compared with getting thrown into an oven or getting gassed. I personally believe IT IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF SIN 2 try and predict the future. Alot of people into synchronicity seem 2 think they can predict the future through synchronicity & that's a joke cause instead of worrying about "changing" things in the here and now, they wait 4 things that might never happen. In the process wasting their time here on Earth. People are afraid of what they don't know and can't understand.

    Gandhi once said something about Hitler not being as bad as the press was making him out 2 B. Hitler told everyone not 2 watch American movies while on film uncovered years later he was bragging about Eva being like Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone with the Wind'.

    "The point is not to separate the opposites and make "positive progress," but rather to unify and harmonize the opposites, both positive and negative, by discovering a ground which transcends and encompasses them both. And that ground, as we will soon see, is unity consciousness itself." ~ Ken Wilbur

    U can use the B-low "Satan" 4 anyone U want 2.

    “But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?” ~ Mark Twain

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