Out of Africa-2

Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth, the Nigerian writer who recently published a book on coincidences that compares the lives of African and European leaders, offers up another one here.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola was born in northern Spain in 1491. He was a soldier.

Ibrahim Babangida was born in northern Nigeria in 1941. He also was a soldier.

Ignatius took up arms for the Duke of Najera. He broke his leg, was known to limp. He had surgery and spent a long time recovering after being taken home by French soldiers.

Babangida fought in the Nigerian Civil War, where he sustained a leg injury, and was known to limp. He also had surgery and spent a long time recovering in a hospital in France.

Najera sounds like Nigeria. Najera is associated with the River Najerila.
Nigeria is associated with the river Niger.

Ignatius lived in the Castle of Loyola in Spain, and Babangda lives in a 50 bedroom mansion in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.
Again, these synchronicities could be tell-tale signs of reincarnational links. When we first introduced Augustine here, we mentioned that his e-mail was a pleasant change from the typical Nigerian scam. Augustine notes that the notorius 419 scam, as it’s known, had its roots in Spain in the Spanish prisoner scam. Wikipedia confirms that contention.

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4 Responses to Out of Africa-2

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh how exciting on obama!!! i can hardly wait!!! of course, now i have to run read all i can on fermi! 🙂

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Later this month, we'll post Augustine's interesting list of connections between Barack Obama and deceased nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi.

  3. Jeff says:

    That reminds me of some of the comparisons between Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. Very interesting!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    amazing similarities – and certainly they ring of possible reincarnational links! since he is still alive it would be interesting to know more of babangda's story –

    great post!

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