Category Archives: Carl Jung

Through the Eyes of An Alchemist

from Jung’s Red Book These illustrations from The Red Book, which Jung called his confrontation with the unconscious, seem appropriate for this story. It’s from D Page, who seems to have experienced her own confrontation with the unconscious.  ++ The … Continue reading

Posted in alchemy, Carl Jung, d page | 27 Comments

Jung’s Red Book and the Singing Bowl

From Jung’s Red Book Each of us received something unexpected for Christmas, a genuine surprise. Trish received Jung’s Red Book. It was created between the years of 1914-1930 and was, by his own description, a record of his “confrontation with … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Jung, the red book, tibetan singing bowl | 26 Comments

Jung and Spiritualism

While thumbing through Deirdre’s Bair wonderful biography of Jung, I ran across some fascinating insights into Jung, the mystic. According to Bair, Jung’s interest in psychiatry as a specialty dated from his first year in medical school, when two inexplicable … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Jung, spiritualism | 20 Comments

Unconscious Hints

Now and then, I pick Jung’s autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, and just read from random pages. Even though I’ve read the book several times, I usually find some nugget that I don’t recall reading before. One powerful story that … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Jung, hunches | 5 Comments

The Infinite and the Beyond

Here’s a curious podcast on Coincidence and Synchronicity. Hosted by Christopher Orapello, The Infinite and Beyond is called an esoteric podcast for the introspective pagan mind. The part about synchronicity begins at about minute 11 and goes through minute 18 … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Jung, podcast | 7 Comments

UPDATE: Jung’s Red Book

from Jung’s Red Book Teapotshappen left a comment on an older post that Jung’s Red Book is available as a free download here. But it’s more than 146MB! Still, it’s too tempting to pass up. Onto the laptop, which has … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Jung, red book | 2 Comments

Mandalas and Jung

 Jung’s The Red Book is filled with mandalas that he sketched and painted over many years. He kept asking himself where this process was leading, what was its goal? “My mandalas were  cryptograms concerning the state of the self which … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Jung, mandalas | 14 Comments

Update on Jung’s Red Book

I ran across this You Tube video today on Jung’s Red Book. It’s fascinating.

Posted in Carl Jung, red book | 7 Comments

Further notes on Miguel Serrano

Serrano at Nazi shrine in Chile On October 7, we posted “The End of the Road” which, in part, told of the relationship of Chilean writer Miguel Serrano with Carl Jung and Herman Hesse. Their mutual interests in mystical realms … Continue reading

Posted in Carl Jung, Miguel Serrano, nazis, Peter | 14 Comments

Jung’s spirit guides

“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.” Carl Jung We recently wrote about Carl Jung’s apocalyptic visions in 1913 that seemed linked to World War I. Now here’s another interesting tale from Jung that dates … Continue reading

Posted in Basilides, Carl Jung, mandalas, spirit contact, spirit guide, the red book | 13 Comments