33 again

We’ve written a couple of times about synchronicities with the number 33. It’s time for another, this one courtesy of Dan Brown and The Lost Symbol.

The novel deals with the Masonic philosophy, and for the Masons, the #33 is the highest degree in the order. Brown notes that 33 is also the highest master number in numerology, and symbolized Divine Truth. That meaning dates back to at least the time of Pythagoras, 600 B.C.

He goes on to note that Jesus was crucified at age 33 – even tho there is no historical evidence that that was his age. “Nor was it coincidence that Joseph was said to have been thirty-three when he married the Virgin Mary or that Jesus accomplished thirty-three miracles, or that God’s name was mentioned thirty-three times in Genesis, or that, in Islam, all the dwellers of heaven were permanently thirty-three years old.”

Brown says none of that was coincidence, but maybe it was synchronicity. In any case, here’s one that is clearly a synchronicity: Brown wrote this stuff about 33 on page 333 of his book. In all likelihood, he would not know what page of his manuscript would turn up as page 333 in the book format.

Oh, and here’s another. While I was writing the above, Trish asked the I Ching a question. What was the answer: Retreat, Hexagram 33.

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30 Responses to 33 again

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Uh-oh. Now we're going to have to watch this movie again! Maybe we'll do a post on this # and the movie and see what others come up with. Thanks for pointing it out!

  2. Anonymous says:

    anyone ever investigate why the number 118 appears several times in the recent remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still?

    Clocks, timers, watches, highway signs.

  3. disappointed says:

    ah ya heard nothing strange about 33 like this charater's has.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    As I finished The Lost Symbol, I noticed that the last chapter was 133, completing the series of 33's both inside the story and outside..on the book itself.

  5. Marja says:

    All very fascinating stuff. I must say it is all new to me.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    SE – I'm well aware of advance review copies. But that's not 'public distribution,' and the critics don't review the book until the pub date. The average reader did not have access to Harry Potter books or The Lost Symbol. Period. That's what public distribution means.

    My only disagreement with what you wrote was your use of the word 'public' to describe such distribution. Enough said.

  7. StrangEye says:

    Rob, dude, yes… even the Great Harry Potter was released to certain public groups and individuals early. The Frosts had a copy, the Ciceros had a copy. Then there's the paid-to-read-critique-and-review independent book readers that read for the editor…

    I know you're an author and I seriously mean no disrespect and am not demeaning your knowledge and I'm not going to argue further… yes I have personal knowledge of the AASRSJ PRS copy yes they get released selectively to the public and for public read and review, yes there's sometime even NDA's to go with the release… and sometimes not… But The Lost Symbol/Solomon Key was absoutely positvely available and being read outside of DD/RH by 2004 … period.


  8. Toumai says:

    I've posted a picture of the Lost Symbol's spine (the dust cover)… the lower part of it reveals the key hole (now that we know that the MIND is the Key)… let's position our minds and turn. Okay, done that already:


  9. Toumai says:

    3:33 PM

    I don't want to be rude, but there's a previous comment that I made (at 12:11) which holds even more cryptic Dan Brown clue/synchronicity… though you haven't commented on, but I think its very important to reiterate:

    Toumai said…
    the number 33 is also important symbolically because it is the number of vertebrae in the spine.
    Hmm so perhaps another clue can be found on the 'spine' of the book.
    Hmm, I see is a key hole encircled… a 'fluer de lis' (French lily flower) pattern above and below… which seem to point (above) to the title: "The Lost Synbol"… and to the symbol representing "Double Day" (publisher)… of course the symbol are twin D's… one complimentary opposite to the other.

    Hmm, feels like Deja vue all over again!!

    October 14, 2009 12:11 PM

    Remember, the Mason's have 33 levels to which they can achieve… and then there is the picture on page 467 of the Novel … showing the stairway central and going up to what looks like the picture of a hidden head/face (it's very cryptic, but its there). The staircase is consistent with representing the spine here as well … so follow the clue– the spine of the book… that leads to DD Doubleday.

    Of course this is not just from the world of Dan Brown, this is from a DEEP DOWN world of synchronicity… and just so that we get it… we are playing along… because the inner world is within us
    … within our MIND!! Believe 88 (you know what I mean here)… Believe it

  10. Toumai says:

    Just saw your last comment Rob and Trish… thankyou, but I've copied and pasted it below (note the time)

    Trish and Rob MacGregor said…
    Tomai, I see a trend in those coded identifiers on your blog. Computer-generated synchronicity?

    October 14, 2009 3:33 PM

  11. Toumai says:

    okay, so there is Trish's I Ching- Hexagram 33,retreat (answer to a question she had regarding a novel she is writing)… and this happened at the time of this post re: Dan Brown's 33 on pg 333. That would be synchronicity (and perhaps the language of synchronicity trying to make itself heard).

    So, in comment, I mention that 33 is also a form of 8, and Trish comes back to say: The two threes forming an 8: if I apply it to the ching, it's hex 8 – holding together.

    Now, with every comment I have made to your post, I have had to play the google "word verifier" game. Two of the words to make two of my posts were :Trend and Glyph!!

    The etymology of the word Glyph glyph:
    1727, from Fr. glyphe (1701), from Gk. glyphe "a carving," from glyphein "to hollow out, engrave, carve" (cognate with L. glubere "to peel, shell," and O.E. cleofan "to cleave").

    Hmm, is the word "cleave" not related to the IChing Hexagram 8 "holding together"?

    And the word "trend" etymology: trend (v.)
    1598, "to run or bend in a certain direction" (of rivers, coasts, etc.), from M.E. trenden "to roll about, turn, revolve

    This is synchronicity in light of my comments made… which suggest a "trend" (signature mark of synchronicity– the inner subconscious/twin world). In fact, lets look at this part of my commentin particular:

    Perhaps 'they' are telling us that 'we' (because they are speaking to 'us', albeit cryptic) need to make a cryptic twist and turn that will protect us from the twist and turn of events that are happening.

    "Twist and turn" that I have mentioned above, in a roundabout way means 'trend' (to bend)?! And what's more, to make the #8 from 33 requires some bending twisting and turning… until they cleave… and HOLD TOGETHER in I Ching Hexagram 8 fashion!!

    But that is not all, I have posted the pictures on my blog as well as the 5 other "word verifiers" that I had to decipher to make all of my posts here today… the last one I just updated– "upendedl" (up ended?!)

    COME ON!!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Tomai, I see a trend in those coded identifiers on your blog. Computer-generated synchronicity?

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    SE – I suspect the reason the draft went out to the Masons is because the publisher and author were looking for veracity…and some help. It wasn't a 'public release' as you said…unless you call a secret group the public.

    But I could be wrong. Maybe there were public discussions of the first draft in Barnes & Noble and other venues around the globe. That would be news to me.

    BTW, do you think the last couple of Harry Potter mega-books were also released early? I actually recall great secrecy in keeping the story AWAY from the public before the release date. So, all such books definitely are not treated like public property well in advance. Quite the contrary, dude.

  14. Toumai says:

    I don't know… there is something weird happening on my end of things. You might want to have a look at the pictures I just down loaded on my blog. A cluster synchronicity happening in the moment!!


  15. StrangEye says:

    Rob (and Dan Brown for that matter)…
    I can tell you with *ALL* confidence that the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction and the Philalethes research Society were both notified about the content of the Solomon Key based on a leaked version of the book in the year 2003.

    Yes Rob… it happens with the mega-books.
    That much thought and planning does go into books that sell 50 million + copies in 40+ languages… and they are worked on for THAT many years.

    Though you are correct that the version circulating in 2003 was most certainly NOT the FINAL PRINT version.

    I'm not looking to argue I just want to make sure that information put out is correct.


  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    uh, actually, "no" about durer magic square [i may be embarrassed to say i'm not even familiar with it, just have heard of it] – i just instantly saw the words YOU MIND and KEY when i looked at the code in your post – but it was pretty easy 🙂

    LOVE your beautiful comment about brown's quote on pg 409!

    great post, as usual!

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You got it, Gypsy. I guess that was pretty easy once you know the code is tied to the Durer magic square. (I called the artist Albert Durer earlier. It's Albrecht.)

    Tomai, I don't remember putting the post up at 3:33 a.m. I know I wasn't awake then. But I must've scheduled it for that time when I put it on the dashboard last week. Trish said she didn't do it. Needless to say, it's easier to post something at 3:33 than it is to put something into a book manuscript and expect it to appear on page 333 of the published work.

    Finally, I like what Dan Brown says on page 409:

    "Timing aside," Solomon said, "I find it wondrous to note that throughout history, all of mankind's disparate philosophies have all concurred on ONE thing–in every corner of the world, the human dream has focused on the same exact concept–the coming apotheosis of man…the impending transformation of our human minds into their true potentiality." He smiled. "What could possibly explain such a synchronicity of beliefs?"


  18. Nancy says:

    I'm totally lost. But 33 is a number that reapeats itself in my life, so it has personal significance.

    I will have to buy this book today, it is being talked about all over the place.

  19. Toumai says:

    weird, when my comment came up (previous) I saw the posted time of 12:11, so I looked at my time… it was 1:12.

  20. Toumai says:

    the number 33 is also important symbolically because it is the number of vertebrae in the spine.
    Hmm so perhaps another clue can be found on the 'spine' of the book.
    Hmm, I see is a key hole encircled… a 'fluer de lis' (French lily flower) pattern above and below… which seem to point (above) to the title: "The Lost Synbol"… and to the symbol representing "Double Day" (publisher)… of course the symbol are twin D's… one complimentary opposite to the other.

    Hmm, feels like Deja vue all over again!!

  21. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, sorry, got lost in the dialogue – but had intended to say "another intriguing post" – i was familiar with the number 33 in biblical terms and appreciate being reminded of it again in your post – LOVE the I-Ching thing, trish!

  22. Toumai says:

    Except Rob, when you have the power and a secret mission you can pull many hares out of a hat. How many people were oblivious to the who, what, where and why of the symbols on the US dollar bill.

    But, Like yourself, I feel that even though there is very likely an inner circle 'secret society' which holds power to do such things, there is much that is so profoundly cryptic, that it would be impossible to 'fake'. For instance, the synchronicities that are coming together– tying in from all around.

    You still have not answered my question in regards to the post time of this story 3:33

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:


  24. Toumai says:

    Trish, I understand fully what you are saying about the I Ching and your interpretation as it pertained to your question.

    But-t, what is really interesting, is that the I Ching answer had actually created a "synchronicity" with other happenings around the same time. Rob (and no doubt yourself), had picked up on the synchronoity hence your posting along with Dan Brown '33' info on page 333.

    I have repeatedly pointed out, and it is clear in my blog, that the inner parallel world leaves a signature of sorts– crytpict twins, one big…one small and in complimentary opposite fashion– like the two 3's that make up an 8 (the first 3 has to be turned around and when it is in this complimentary opposite 'twin' fashion… the 33 turns into an 8).

    As you can see Trish, the 8 I Ching's interpretation appears to be in "complimentary opposite fashion" to 33 I Ching.


    So, the signature of the inner world is there.
    Perhaps 'they' are telling us that 'we' (because they are speaking to 'us', albeit cryptic) need to make a cryptic twist and turn that will protect us from the twist and turn of events that are happening.

    Getting in tune with this 'other' world and their message is that twist and turn. They want to help us… helping us helps themselves, afterall we belong to the same womb of a world.

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Actually, there is a hidden code for readers to solve in The Lost Symbol. It's located on the lower left hand corner of the back cover of the novel. If you look close, you can see it in faint red ink. Here it is:


    I solved it in about five minutes using Albert Durer's magic square as the key. It's found on page 263 of the book. And here it is below:

    16 3 2 13
    5 10 11 8
    9 6 7 12
    4 15 14 1

    Let's see who is first to solve it and post the answer.

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>>The Lost Symbol under working title The Solomon Key, had already passed the editor and was in public review at the relase time of The Da Vinci Code book (2003).

    I can say with confidence that Dan Brown had not finished the book in 2003. He might've had an outline. Also, in 25 years in publishing, I've never heard of a 'public review' of a book six years before it was published. That does not ring true. In fact, about two years ago an article was published saying Dan Brown was still working on the sequel to Da Vinci Code, and having trouble finishing it.

    An inside publishing aside: a few years ago, publishers were releasing books a month or two in advance of the official publishing date. The practice became so commonplace that the publishers decided to end it. If a book is scheduled for a September release, you won't see it at Barnes & Noble in mid-August.

    As for the page 333, I'll stick to my contention that it wasn't planned, that it was a synchronicity. Even if you try to do things like that with a manuscript, it usually doesn't work out because of re-writes and editing. For example, in his manuscript, the 33 info might've appeared on page 410. But when it went into galleys, it ended somewhere else, ultimately page 333.

    I would be very surprised if editors messed with the copy, not to improve the book, but to fit the 33 on page 333. – Rob

  27. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai – my question was about an idea for my next novel. The Ching was clear, so that idea when into the trash! I've found that if I dismiss the ching, especially when the answer is as strong as retreat, I regret it. This is always true when it comes to writing.

    The two threes forming an 8: if I apply it to the ching, it's hex 8 – holding together. Def not accurate for the idea I asked about.
    Will go check out yout your link!

  28. Toumai says:

    I'd be interested to know the question that Trish asked the I Ching… so that she would get the answer : Retreat, Hexagram 33.

    Since etymology seems to often play a significant role whenever synchronicity occurs, I decided to do an etymology search of the I Ching word "retreat":
    retreat (n.)
    c.1300, from O.Fr. retret, noun use of pp. of retrere "draw back," from L. retrahere "draw back," from re- "back" + trahere "to draw"

    Okay… so we know the world of synchronicity is cryptic weird… so let's think about this. Hmmm, if you "draw backwards" the first 3 to the second 3, you get 8. Food for thought.

  29. Toumai says:

    Hmmm, okay MacGregors, was this story intentionally posted at 3:33?

    I find it particularly intriguing, when I make posts and comments that are 'timed' in this manner- with identical numbers (?!). In light of the fact that many of us (myself included) frequently see identical numbers in the minute section of the time (seriously beating the odds… so do the math-3+3=8… or should we say in this case 33+33=88), we naturally do a "double take" … asking ourselves, "what's it all about"?!

    Of course a lot of the encryptions found in ancient texts and new ones, including Dan Browns novel, are perhaps intentional. Some though may not be.

    Regardless, they are interesting, complex and very educational.

    There are many mysteries.

    Dan Brown's novel are full of secret encryptians, some of which I have posted on my blog




    Of course, I've added my own interpretations (well, from the secret world within)


  30. StrangEye says:

    Brown wrote this stuff about 33 on page 333 of his book. In all likelihood, he would not know what page of his manuscript would turn up as page 333 in the book format.

    actually… the manuscript of the book, The Lost Symbol under working title The Solomon Key, had already passed the editor and was in public review at the relase time of The Da Vinci Code book (2003).

    So it is quite probable that (given that both The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons had such embedded "codes" to give the reader extra information) the 33 on page 333 was intentional and worked out over the previous 6 years of the manuscript's conversion to published work.


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