Mercury Retrograde Alert

Advance warning. Buckle up! Mercury – the planet that rules communication and travel – turns retrograde two days from now, on August 12, at 9 p.m. EDT, in earth sign Virgo at 11 degrees. On September 5, it turns direct in Leo. Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini, so those two signs will feel the impact most strongly. However, everyone feels these retrogrades to some degree.

During Mercury retrogrades, miscommunication is often rampant, electronics and appliances break down, it’s unwise to launch new projects or sign contracts. Instead, follow the rule of the three Rs: revise, review, reconsider. Mercury also rules moving parts, so it’s wise not to buy a car or electronic device during the retro.

If you’re traveling during this period, try to go with the flow because you may experience delays or abrupt changes in your schedule. It’s also probable that you’ll return to the location you’re visiting at some point within the next year or so.

Mercury will still be retrograde on the day of the solar eclipse, August 21. Since this eclipse will be total in some parts of the U.S., solar power grids may go down and cell phone coverage may be spotty. California and North Carolina, the two states that have the largest solar power infrastructure, are preparing natural gas backups.

And just in case you missed the post about what this solar eclipse may portend, here’s a link to it.

And, a shameless plug, in The Biggest Book of Horoscopes Ever, you’ll find all the info you could possibly need for successfully navigating 2017-2019, monthly roundups for all 12 signs.

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4 Responses to Mercury Retrograde Alert

  1. C.J. says:

    So glad to know this, as an elderly member of our family, an aunt, who was 98 transitioned very recently. leaving an unbelievably enormous estate that my cousin must manage to plough through once the Will has been in Probate. The legalities are gigantic, with tons of legalese documents and paperwork, (she was a multimillionaire who never had children, just seven nieces and nephews), and all this will be happening with Mercury retro. YIKES! This Merc Retro shall likely indicate a lot of do-overs, etc. but as with all things legal following even a simple death, (and this Aunt’s death left nothing simple), much is time-sensitive and can’t wait for Merc to go direct.
    I do not envy my cousin Tom’s tasks! Added to the eclipse, it carries the potential to become a horror story! As an aside, Susan Miller has great info on her astrology zone pages about all these celestial events!

  2. lauren raine says:

    Thanks for letting us know…….oh boy, lately I’ve been feeling the whole nation is “retro”.

  3. DJan says:

    Thanks for this heads up. I am especially affected by it and sometimes don’t realize it’s gone retro until something happens. I’ll be paying attention now! 🙂

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