Egyptian synchros

Jane and the sheik

Jane Clifford of Wales recently spent a month in the Sinai, which she describes as a life-changing experience. Her time with the Bedouins was marked by numerous synchronicities and startling encounters.

“The Bedouin camp I stayed in is known for its incredible music. They say the muse is there (Hathor) & she is!  An extraordinary vibration there. As 2 or 3 musicians left,more would arrive. I heard divine music for 2 weeks,  sometimes before breakfast &  always under the stars at night.”

A Bedouin dreamed  that her name was Najima (Star) & they all called her Najima throughout her stay. “It was the end of a 7 year cycle for me & a re-birth, just as Egypt was being re-birthed after the revolution! Speaking my truth around the campfire one night I suddenly shifted a gear & felt I was channelling. An Egyptian asked if I realised that what I had just said was in The Koran. I have never read the Koran and said so & he then quoted most elegantly and beautifully & indeed it was what I had just said!”

Jane’s work as a healer became known and one day a powerful Sheik sent for her and asked for healing. “Afterwards, he said he felt very good & lined up 2 friends for healing.”

The sheik told her: “You are here because the vibrations from the mountains and earth coming up through your body & the vibrations from moon and stars coming down through your body will affect you and make you a new woman!”

Jane says he was right, that she already sensed it and she was amazed that he knew.

Here are a few synchros Jane experienced.

1) I had only one pair of shoes with me–flip flops. One takes them off before going indoors. I left them outside my hut one night & next morning only one was there, but someone else had left a pair of sandals in the night! Next evening my flip flop was returned.  A dog had gone off with it and someone had recovered it and placed outside my hut!

2)My visa bank cash card would not work, and so I ran out of cash after 2 weeks. My friend was going to lend me cash, but we got separated and she had no mobile phone. We had travelled to a new town separately. Arriving one day later I urgently needed to see her, so I sent up a prayer.  I then went to a market and bumped into her immediately!

3) After a week I needed to connect with her again. I had been away  & she been on a trip of her own. I sat on a beach the next morning in an area well away from the tourist area. A fishing boat landed in front of me & my friend got off it! Miracle!

4) I was in a pharmacy in Dahab & a woman rushed in distressed, and told the pharmacist her dog had been poisoned. The dog had 9 puppies. Within an hour I received a text message from 100 miles away asking if my vet friend was still with me because the dog at camp had been poisoned. She had 9 puppies! Sadly, poisoning dogs is common in Egypt.

5) You may recall I had a connection and synchros with the goddess Hathor before leaving Wales.  At a low point on my trip I pulled a card from a friend’s Goddess Oracle cards  & picked Hathor, confirmation she was with me, which lifted my spirits!

6) Here’s a neat one, a blast from the past! Few years back I started collecting joker cards from packs & a days after I began the trip, I randomly bought a novel in which the main character collected joker cards. Spotting the novel again in a second-hand store in Sinai, I advised my friend to read it, that it was a remarkable read. Within the hour another travel friend, who knew nothing about the novel or my own joker collection, gave me a lighter with a JOKER on it!

7) A Norwegian guy proudly showed me a photo of his girlfriend back home on his phone. I thought “Oh no! She has another man. She is going to end the relationship whilst he is here.” I told a friend what I thought and she was amazed when the guy told her the next day that his girlfriend dumped him by phone.

8) The same friend went to look up an ex-lover from her stay a year before. I went traveling elsewhere, but suddenly had a thought that the ex-lover would now be married and a bit embarrassed when she turned up. Sure enough, that is what happened!

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8 Responses to Egyptian synchros

  1. Darren B says:

    “A Bedouin dreamed that her name was Najima (Star) & they all called her Najima throughout her stay”, / “I had only one pair of shoes with me…”, / ” I sat on a beach the next morning in an area well away from the tourist area. A fishing boat landed in front of me & my friend got off it! Miracle!” / “You may recall I had a connection and synchros with the goddess Hathor before leaving Wales. At a low point on my trip I pulled a card from a friend’s Goddess Oracle cards & picked Hathor, confirmation she was with me, which lifted my spirits!”

    OK here are some synchros from my point of view,with the above points in mind :
    I have a net friend called “Starr” who is one magnificent painter.Her blog is called “Starr in Wonderland”

    She is from my home town Brisbane (I think).I used her paintings on my story about “The Story Bridge” on my blog in the post “Story About a Bridge” and then I asked her for permission to use them (a bit back to front,I know).I fell in love with her paintings and placed a link to her post on my blog.She paints a lot of pictures focusing on shoes,The Brisbane River and Brisbane, fairies (Goddesses?) and beaches
    (in Brisbane).Along with paintings titled “Chance Meeting” and “City Beach”
    You can view them here;

    …and regarding “You may recall I had a connection and synchros with the goddess Hathor ”

    I found this on Wikipedia,when I looked up the meaning of Hathor (on a whim) ;

    ” An alternate name for Hathor, which persisted for 3,000 years, was Mehturt (also spelt Mehurt, Mehet-Weret, and Mehet-uret), meaning ‘great flood, a direct reference to her being the milky way.[citation needed] The Milky Way was seen as a waterway in the heavens, sailed upon by both the sun deity and the moon, leading the ancient Egyptians to describe it as The Nile in the Sky. Due to this, and the name mehturt, she was identified as responsible for the yearly inundation of the Nile. ”

    What city has just suffered a “‘great flood”…times up…it was Brisbane!
    The same river that Starr paints pictures of ! …WTFudge?!

    Check out her blog and if you like what you see,maybe become a follower.
    I think maybe Jane and Starr have a lot in common judging by these synchros…or maybe it’s all just coincidental ???

  2. Nancy says:

    I agree with Natalie – in the Zone!

  3. D Page says:

    A wonderful life-affirming adventure.
    I love it that Hathor showed up!

  4. What a great adventure and, as we’ve said before, travel brings synchros. At times there seems to be places where we are meant to be.

  5. Natalie says:

    In the Zone for sure. 🙂

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