Angel in My Pocket



Last year, we posted a moving synchronicity from Judy, a woman Trish knew in college, who is a professional photographer in Manhattan. For 35 years, she was involved with Hank, also a professional photographer. Their relationship went through various permutations over the years, but always, they were close. Hank died in 2009 and Judy says she “feel lost without him.”

But Hank has certainly communicated with her, as we wrote about in this post. We used this story in our second synchronicity book. Today, we received an email from her about another communication:


I’m writing because I had a bit of a strange thing happen last night.  Shortly after Hank died, a coin fell out of my closet that said, Angel in My Pocket.  I had no idea that I had it and put it on my key chain.

So last night I woke up at 2 AM and could not get back to sleep. I turned on the TV and the movie, “Angel in My Pocket” was on.  No biggie, except that today is Hank’s birthday.  He would have been 67 and absolutely loved presents, even small ones.

Do you think he was reminding me or is it just a coincidence ?


Definitely no coincidence here.  It seems that Hank dropped in to say hello on his birthday and just to make sure Judy was paying attention, the synchro gods (or whatever power arranges these things!) woke her in time to catch a movie with the same name as the words on her coin.



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11 Responses to Angel in My Pocket

  1. Nancy Pickard says:

    You’ve told us some heartwarming stories this week, T&R. Thank you.

  2. Darren B says:

    Well,that is a “COIN-cidence” in many more ways than one,as I’m in the middle of writing a post about coin synchros for my own blog,involving “After Death Communication”.
    It may not be up for a little while,because I’m just about to post my birds,butterflies and bows post about ADC’s first.

    It’s funny how we all seem to be on similar wavelengths…which is a “coincidence in itself.

    Cheers / Daz

  3. Natalie says:

    Awwww…..I love this one! Certainly seems to me, that Hank is the Angel in Judy’s pocket. 🙂

  4. I believe the ‘dead’ are always with us but unfortunately we don’t always notice. It’s these synchros that make us remember.

  5. Seems Hank gave Judy a beautiful for his birthday. No coincidence…only transcending love.

  6. Nancy says:

    I had something similar happen on my Aunt’s birthday. I do think they try to communicate at special times. Great story.

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