Surprise atop the Pyramid

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Here’s a story from Jonathan Phillips, who first posted it on It involves an interesting synchronicity that was revealed by author Graham Hancock at a 4-day event earlier this month in Utah, sponsored by Reality Sandwich, called: The Supernatural – Exploring Other Dimensions.


The RS retreat was a truly galactic and trans-dimensional adventure with Lisa Renee and Graham Hancock. I thought I’d share one quick story/synchronicity with fellow Evolvers who couldn’t make it out to Boulder, Utah.

While Graham was giving his “Lost Civilizations” presentation, talking about sunken Atlantis-like cities, he discussed how the Sphinx in Giza may be much older than we think. He also described how the pyramids align with Orion, giving us a sort of monumental calendar of when they were built.

As Graham continued the slideshow presentation, he showed us a picture of himself climbing the great pyramid (which took quite a bit of finagling with the local authorities). At the top, he noticed graffiti throughout the centuries, including some more recent marks. One of them had the name P. Hancock with a specific date in 1916 (April, I believe). Graham’s grandfather was named Peter or Phillip (sorry, I don’t remember which).

When Graham got down from the pyramid, he called his dad and asked him to look in his grandfather’s journal for the specific date marked on the calendar. As it turned out, his grandfather had written about being in Egypt and visiting the pyramids on the exact date that the graffiti was made.

What are the chances?


Another participant at the retreat adds this about Hancock’s talk:

“What I remember Graham saying is that when his father looked in his grandfather’s journal, on that specific date, it read “climbed the great pyramid”. It certainly nailed it as his grandfather’s mark. What an amazing time in Utah!”

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23 Responses to Surprise atop the Pyramid

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Liz!

  2. Liz.Photo says:

    This is such an interesting post I've passed it on to many friends and pyramid buffs

  3. Toumai says:

    Now that is the question. Not really sure … or if it even still exists. Regardless, it's the secret society within the secret society that really matters– they are the shakers and movers.

    Hmm, I think of 'them' as "THE", spelled with stylized letters so that the 'h' looks like a 'b' ;-)(-;. 'They' are powerful, have no boundaries, exist in every culture, every organization… including so called other secret societies. They exist in our minds and have brought us to this point in time.

    They are Jokers, Tricksters and they are Wild Wives. Like Lilith… Adam's wild wife #1. As the Jewish lore goes: Lilith left Adam because he refused to make love to her face to face. She felt this demeaning and her desire was to be equal, symbolized in union face to face. Okay, now stop right there! The numbers 33 is the symbol of Liliths dilema… think about it… Hexagram 33. To bring about the equality Lilith desires, she must make the turn and come together to make the cohesive Hexagram 8.

    The inner world speaks through the story of Lilith (the wild wives), their own dilemma!! They have been speaking to us in so many ways over such a long period of time. It is there 'turn' in the scheme of things… they are turning to face us, but we shouldn't be frightened by this because in the turning… well the 8 speaks for itself

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting insights, Toumai.So which secret society is it?

    No time travel, Jenean? Boo!I was so hoping to hear that you'd gone to the pyramid as it was being built or something!

  5. Toumai says:

    I remember watching a video about Leonardo Davinci. It was odd in that it ventured down a path that I had not heard of before- the Shroud of Turin.

    From the perspective of this video, the image on the burial cloth is not that of Jesus' body which 'magically' appeared, but a fake by none other than Leonardo Davinci. Research bought and paid for by a powerful wealthy family (the Medici's, I think).

    Apparently this powerful benefactor had saved Davinci from being burned at the stake on numerous occassions. Leonardo returned the favor by relinguishing his discoveries– the shroud for one, which the family wanted to use to encapture the public.

    Apparently the image is actually a photo. Long before photography was invented.

    So, what if advanced technology began to be hoarded by a rich powerful group that would later become a secret society?!


  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    sadly, the grains of sand on my tongue have produced no time travel – yet! 🙂 and no major psychic experiences of which i am aware – and i've not been turned into a camel [so far as i can tell] – but it made me feel better anyway – to have a "taste" of ions of time and energy, so to speak!

  7. Jeff says:

    I wrote a post about the all seeing eye last month. A lot of people seem to think it means that the Illuminati/Freemasons/whoever have some master plan and it's not complete yet, so the capstone isn't in place yet on the imagery. But I think it probably means the all seeing eye is watching you, even if you don't see it….because the Great Pyramid doesn't have a capstone. So in theory, if you look at the Great Pyramid and then the symbol on the dollar bill, the symbol is telling you the eye is watching you, even though you can't see the eye.

    Here's the whole post I wrote about it if anyone wants to read it:

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The maze of your mind dazzles, Toumai. Americans need a little verse, too, about their moola.

  9. Toumai says:

    just a question about another pyramid… that all seeing eye atop the pyramid on US $1.

    I don't get it? How does something like that happen under the watchful eye of Jane/Joe public? Now people are beginning to question, but no one seems to know much… no an indepth history here?

    In Canada we know our money! We know where our looney and toonie came from and just so we wouldn't forget, we commemorated the event with a little verse:
    He's loonie, He's toonie, He's Brian Mulrooney

    It seems that there's a body parts trend in my comments today… and since I'm on the subject of the eye: it's odd that the French say 'my eye' in place of English 'my foot' when saying that something is hogwash. Tho now adays they use another body part.

  10. Toumai says:

    Yeh, Jon… Jonathan. Etymology gives a list of names related and believe it or not, the Hebrew equivilant is Yoni. What!? Yoni the Ionian Goddess?!

    And when I check Hancock, it tells me that Han is a form of John. Hmm so, John Hancock …or John Johncock… or code for Yoni Yonicock. Sounds like a little Willi Wonka poppycock.

    John Hancocks signature is amazing.

    strange…is that a symbol? Sort of reminds me of the grandios flourish tailspinning off the 'he' of 'The' in the title of Dan Browns, The Lost Symbol.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We should all have a bucket list! The pyramids are in mine, too, Nancy!

  12. Nancy says:

    I really must see the pyramids. A bucket list addition, for sure. This story is very interesting, as is the event in Utah. Would love to have been there.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You make some good points in your facebook piece, Aleksander.

    Gypsy- so did the grains of pyramid sand on yur tongue produce any, well, psychic effects?? Did you suddenly time travel? Do tell!

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i've always had SUCH an affinity for the pyramids and all things egyptian – could not tell you how many books, objects d'art, etc on egyptian culture i've had over the years – but the one thing most recently acquired is a vial of sand from the great pyramid of giza – a friend went over not long ago and asked what gift i would like to have brought back – it was easy – i wanted grains of sand from the pyramids – when i got the sand, i took out a few grains and put them on my tongue – i do not know why – it was just something that i instinctively did – weird!

    not only did i get the sand [which took some explaining to get through customs], i was brought several breathtakingly beautiful papyrus bookmarks – anyway – also interesting this post of pyramids because yesterday i was drafting another post using pyramids as the metaphor and as the image –

    very exciting post!

  15. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Some posts and comments from these days are related to nature and ecology. From my comment on Facebook: "We must take some serious action, similar to pyramids in Egypt, but this time globally". It was posted two days ago.

  16. simple says:

    read (red now that's funny) "finger prints" the year it came out, or close..

  17. simple simon (sailor song) says:

    Pyramids, now that's a big subject, like to challenge my state or even my country to built one or three. thinking the real symbology goes with their sizes. Two larger ones, close in size then one real smaller one, wonder what that reminds me of…… (john hancock, would tell yas about that sabotage but…..) coincidence, read some where about jewish kid has brake up with pop, they never reconcile, pop passes on, kid goes to isreal (is real) he's at that wall, guess they put notes in them, he's leaning on wall, note falls out, one to him, from his pop

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's a synchronicity related to a synchronicity. Last night when we were getting ready to post this synchro tale, I received an invitation to get a free issue of a new science magazine called, EdgeScience. So I downloaded the copy, opened the issue to the table of contents and there was an article about ancient pyramids in America.

    If you'd like to take a look, go to this site to download the free copy:

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link, Jeff. We'll check it out. Nevine – these pyramids call to us, too!

  20. Jeff says:

    Wow…that's very interesting! And I love Graham Hancock's work. I cited a video of his in a posting on my blog about 'Forgotten Civilizations' recently.

    I saw an article on Hancock's website a while back that made an interesting argument that the Sphinx was originally an Anubis. It's long been suggested that the head of the Sphinx was recarved sometime over the centuries because its out of proportion to the rest of the body – and Egyptian art is not typically out of proportion like that.

    Here's the article on Hancock's website if anyone wants to read it:

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    But you can find a Jon and a Hancock in the post!

  22. Toumai says:

    Would have been extra synchronicity if his name was John Hancock… but I guess that would be like striving for a rhyme


  23. Nevine says:

    An interesting story! The most interesting part was that he happened upon that graffiti. It's true that the odds don't usually favor that.

    And those Pyramids of Giza – they've always spoken to my soul. Being in their presence is like being in a different dimension. My ancients knew a little something! 🙂


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