Wild Wives & Precognitive Dreams

On the nights of

On the nights of October 16-17, I had dreams that feel precognitive – but could just be my imagination gearing up for starting a new novel.

In the first, I’m shown the cover of a book – green and white, with the title in shiny black letters across the front of it: Wild Wives. Large letters.

In the dream, I laugh about the title, then am “told” it’s a novel that has become a runaway bestseller. And no, it’s not the title of my new novel! An Amazon check turned up a novel by that name by Charles Willeford, published in 2006. Years ago, Willeford and I had the same editor for awhile at Ballantine Books. But Willeford died in 1988, several years before our editor also passed on.

The second dream occurred early in the morning, a time when I’ve had precognitive dreams in the past. On a large dark screen of some kind – a movie screen? – these huge, thick white letters appear:

October 2009 to May 2010= catastrophe

It may have been a personal warning, but it didn’t feel personal, as these dreams have felt in the past. It felt global. The white letters were curious. I don’t recall ever dreaming anything in white. Both dreams involved a written message.

Granted, the globe has its share of ongoing catastrophes -Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, the economy, bailouts, and all the rest of it. There are many personal catastrophes that we read about daily. But as far as I know, there are no Katrinas right now, no Indonesian tsunamis, no 9-11s, no huge 24/7 mass events.

But if a new novel is published called Wild Wives, that becomes a runaway bestseller, then I’m going to start worrying.

Has anyone else had recent dreams about catastrophes? If so, what are the specifics? The details?

– Trish

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21 Responses to Wild Wives & Precognitive Dreams

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – keep the rest of us educated! Once megan is out of college (2011) we'll be looking to move.

  2. Nancy says:

    Will do. I've decided to make that my pet project for winter reading. Cooperatism, shared resources, living green, organic gardening, etc. I'll list a post of books being read and people can make suggestions. I'll make it an interactive opportunity to learn and share.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Keep us posted, Nancy. You know we love that area! It sounds like fantastic idea.

  4. Nancy says:

    Yes, in the Gorge on the Columbia River. I have been watching for land in the area. Prices are coming down, and builders are not snatching everything up as before. But I have had this picture for a while now, of a "shared resources" community. It is close to two metro areas – Portland, and Vancouver. It is a community where the land is owned by the community, such as condo project, but the small, "green", houses are built into the landscape. Food would be grown, and the open spaces would be preserved for wildlife. Some of the land would remain wooded, etc.

  5. Toumai says:

    I am really curious about Nancy's shared resources commune idea.

  6. Toumai says:

    No? Perhaps your right, superstition is not the right word… just rolled off the brain… probably due to likeness with 'superman'. Okay so, "exploring nervously and cautiously into the deep unknown" is a better/more indepth explanation to the vibes I percieve. This is actually a wise move and I apologize. However, these feelings can lead to superstition if one does not keep an mind.

    People are experiencing intense energy associated with moldavite… experiencing things that are unsettling and very frightening… with the way they feel inside and the dreams that they are having.

    The subconscious minds (twin) are manifesting themselves profoundly within since the introduction of moldavite because of October 8 post "Moldavite a Tool of Synchronicity". The title says alot, note that you used the word 'tool'(from Old English tawian "prepare."). Now also note that the word 'tool' has within it, 2 2's- the words 'to' and 'too' (trademark signature!!). Note as well that October is 'oct' (8th month of the 'original' Calendar)… so October 8 is in essence '88'…or '3333'.

    The inner self is coming forward in a profound way and will continue (as is their right and power to do so). They have to and they must. It will be uncomfortable because it is 'new'… we are soon going to be using much more than our usual 1/10th of our brain. These are wings… metamorphosis. Change is often uncomfortable and scarey at first… and can be made worse if one panicks.

    Relax and go with the flow. It's a good think.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – the gorge, as in across the Columbia from Hood River?

    Toumai – I don't think anyone is resorting to superstition because of moldavite. The stone does have an intense energy, though.

  8. Nancy says:

    Wow, this is really weird. But I have been telling everyone about my "shared resources" commune idea for Washington (the Gorge area) this week – and no one has laughed! In fact, people are starting to seriously consider this living style. At a dinner the other night, people were actually adding their thoughts. These were people who would not ordinarily think this way. Do we know something intuitively? I feel as though something big is happening, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe just the jitters from the problems mentioned in the comments. No dreams that I can remember, except one that doesn't have anything to do with what you are talking about here. Now, I'm not so sure I want that piece of moldavite!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I hope so, too, Lakeviewer. At least in california you have higher ground; most of south florida is maybe three feet above sea level.

  10. lakeviewer says:

    You are worrying me now. A Tsunami is due on the Pacific Coast anytime. If it happens, coastal towns might have a few minutes' warning to get to higher grounds. Many will die, and the highway and bridges will be destroyed, isolating even more people. Becoming self sufficient goes hand in hand with the idea of using less and reusing what we already have. I do hope your dream was just that.

  11. Toumai says:

    Another thing re: Astro. 2009 is the year of Astronomy.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – yeah, Pakistan could be huge. Toumai – we'll check out the site. A few yrs back, we looked into solar panels for our house. But the price was unbelievably high. We do have a small garden – and I mean really small – that Rob plants every year and fruit trees. But hardly self-sufficiency.Will check out the facebook link.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    geeee! what a dialogue – and like trish says, much to think on here!

  14. Sansego says:

    The only plausible catastrophe I can see (beyond mother nature, such as the Big One hitting the west coast of the U.S. or another Katrina) is in Pakistan, with the government collapsing into the control of al-Qaeda, which is one of their aims since Pakistan has nuclear weapons. That would be huge.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Awesome, Toumai. You mention interpretations that never would occur to me. I never thought you were wrong, by the way. Usually, I just haven't thought of something in the context you mention. The astro part of the equation that you mention is most interesting, too. Astrology was part of what Arguelles was looking at when he predicted the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and certainly part of what he predicted for dec 21, 2012.

    Much to think on here, thanks!

    & your dream about the glowing ball. Wow.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    riveting post, trish! great image, too!

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish, remember what i said after i'd gotten my moldavite ring – about the intense dream of my brother – and then, the next morning the television blurp about my home town – i was wearing my ring day and night – didn't take it off – however, the next few nights, my dreams were of such intensity and nature that i actually took my ring off at 3am one morning – because i did not want to continue such dreams – i started to send you a note about it all and somehow just did not want to reduce the things to writing because to me it seemed that the act of writing them/making them visible in the awake world would give them more dimension – you know? now, i've no clue AT ALL about the ring – nor have i any idea at all about whether or not my dreams had to do with me individually – or not – the thing is that i consciously worked very hard to push them out of my memory and i have – there are only flashes of them now – one particular night, there were four separate dreams in that night alone – they were all in very intense color – and all extremely upsetting when i awoke – enough so, like i said, that i did not wear my ring for several days – and have not slept in it since – and i even mentioned it to my daughter – that my dreams were so intensely ominous that i didn't want to go to sleep – in the past, with my own precognitive dreams, the event usually happens within a day or so – but nothing of which i am aware with these dreams yet – i wish now that i had sent you a note about it all – perhaps it would have made more sense in the grand scheme of things – in any event, this is my little saga in terms of dreams of late – i sat with my mouth open reading this post! literally!

  18. Vanessa says:

    Considering the span of months the premonition gave you, I'm guessing our recession is going to get worse before it gets better. But so much is going on now (like you said), it could be many things.

    My large-scale premonitions involve the environment (our way of life changing forever) and Iran. The Iran dream was/is so disturbing, I'd rather not describe it here. I'm hoping it was symbolic rather than predictive.

  19. Toumai says:

    "reversal of what is expected" (especially a fatal turning point in a drama), from Gk. katastrephein "to overturn," from kata "down" + strephein "turn" (see strophe).

    The origins of the word did not originally apply to mean disaster specifically, but broadly defined to include any major "turn" of events. The word "down" became negative in time. So perhaps… given 'sychronicity'- the great 'truth' revealer wants you to broaden the scope.

    Maybe, the dream is to prepare you for the inevitable metamorphosis- wings (metaphoric). The conversion to this form can be quite shocking I'm sure

  20. Unseen Rajasthan says:

    Beautiful post !! Loved the beautiful words !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

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