Is this man in your dreams?

Ever dreamed of this guy?

Well, apparently 2000 people worldwide have in the last three years. And now there’s a website where you can share your stories. The site also offers several theories and the history of how/when this began. The information below is taken from the site. The other two photos are also taken from the site, where flyers of this guy have appeared in other cities. These two are from Havana and London.

So: is this some hoax? Or is it for real?


In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. In more than one occasion that man has given her advice on her private life. The woman swears she has never met the man in her life.

That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist’s desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams. He also claims he has never seen that man in his waking life.

The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as THIS MAN.

From January 2006 until today, at least 2000 people have claimed they have seen this man in their dreams, in many cities all over the world: Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, New Dehli, Moskow etc.

At the moment there is no ascertained relation or common trait among the people that have dreamed of seeing this man. Moreover, no living man has ever been recognized as resembling the man of the portrait by the people who have seen this man in their dreams.

Some theories
According to Jung’s psychoanalytic theory, this man is an archetypal image belonging to the collective unconscious that can surface in times of hardship (emotional development, dramatic changes in our lives, stressful circumstances etc.) in particularly sensitive subjects.

According to this theory this man is the image of the Creator, that is to say one of the forms in which God manifests himself today. This is the reason why his indications and the words he utters during the dreams should be decidedly followed by the dreamers.

It is the most interesting theory and the one that has the greatest implications, but it has also the lowest scientific credibility. According to this theory this man is a real person, who can enter people’s dreams by means of specific psychological skills. Some believe that in real life this man looks like the man in the dreams. Others think that the man in the dreams looks completely different from his real life counterpart. Some people seem to believe that behind this man there is a mental conditioning plan developed by a major corporation.

This is a scientific psycho-sociological theory which claims that this phenomenon has arisen casually and has progressively developed by imitation. Basically when people are exposed to this phenomenon they become so deeply impressed that they start seeing this man in their dreams.

This theory states that the apparitions of this man are purely casual. Normally we do not remember precisely the faces we see in our dreams. The image of this man would thus be an instrument which, in the subject’s waking life, facilitates recognition of an undefined oneirical image.

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20 Responses to Is this man in your dreams?

  1. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I was thinking that this man looks familiar, but I've yet to see him in my dreams. I hope I never do.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – I just went to the website to check for portland – it's not on the list of cities where posters of this guy have been seen. Sorry, I was mistaken about Portland!

  3. Sansego says:

    Portland? Seriously? I live in downtown Portland and have not come across this image at all until posted on this blog. Where did people see this image? I'm seriously getting creeped out by this.

    Maybe I should start posting pictures of Audrey Tautou everywhere. She has an open invitation to enter my dreams every night! 🙂

    She's way cuter to me than this guy is.

  4. Toumai says:

    I don't want to sound too negative re: the boy I mentioned above. In admidst the entire fiasco he called me up and we had a long talk. I know he went through a lot afterward and that eventually he did get his life back together… went back to school and believe it or not… I heard he is studying to be a Psychiatrist!!

  5. Toumai says:

    Another oddity (synchronicity) is the 'word verification' that I have to perform each time I make a comment. The jumble of letters provided in order to make my first above comment above read: endlybe (which can be read as 'end life'… or 'end liberte'); the second one produced where I comment re: Kurt Cobain read: 'rocce' (he was a rock star after all); for the 3rd comment the verifier read: 'galic' (reminding me that my daughter's name Erin is 'Gaelic' originally spelled as 'Gallic' and means 'Peace'); and the last one presented red: ruggi (sounds like rug:from O.N. rogg "shaggy tuft,")… can't see any correlation here… except there seems to follow the double/twin letter theme in the middle.

    I took picutes of these which I'll be posting the on my blog.

    As to the picture of 'this man'… if you cover the bushy eyebrows (hey… 'shaggy tuft') and top of his head, he looks nice– big 'caring' eyes and innocent broad smile. It's the bushy eye brows that give the 'illusion' of sinister to this man.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's an incredible story/synchronicity, Toumai. I hadn't heard about the airplane thing with Cobain.

    Sansego – yeah, he's creepy, all right.

    Lyn and Calymyrna: okay, daniel craig and jude law. The secret dream guys!

    Nancy – yeah, Portland is listed as one of the city's where there are posters.

  7. Nancy says:

    He looks strangely familiar. Maybe I saw him on a sign post – they are all over Portland, Oregon, and we were just there a few weeks ago.

  8. Toumai says:

    I have to say that in 1998 (4 years after the vision)I would do a double-take when Swissair 111 crashed in coastal waters only seconds away from our home. In fact… lately I have been thinking about it… the aspect of 111 being the flight number and wondering… trickster.. ?

    So, just completed a wiki search on Swissair Flight 111 and I find the a picture downloaded which is very much like the image I saw!!

    I also find the article seems to have a lot of double/triple identical digits– ie:

    -Swissair Flight 111 (SR-111, SWR-111) was a Swissair McDonnell Douglas MD-11 serial number 48448 registered HB-IWF, manufactured in 1991

    – a graphs shows that 111 American's perished (though this seems to conflict);

    -33 feet of the planes front end was reconstructed;

    -At 22:10 Atlantic Time (01:10 UTC), cruising at FL330, or 33,000 feet (10,100 m), the flight crew detected an odor in the cockpit

    I don't know… it seems odd to me?!

  9. Lyn says:

    This guy? Recognition factor: He's the GEICO cave man, clean shaven. Print his picture and sketch in some hairy growth.. Right? He's just trying to pass as a metrosexual.
    He can't enter my dreams. That's reserved for Jude Law, who enters my dream when I'm mashing potatoes. Just as I'm about to heed his advice, I awaken. 2000 others are known to have the same experience.

  10. Sansego says:

    That picture gave me the creeps. I would not want to see that image in my dreams. It would be more like a nightmare. He does not look like someone I would trust at all. I had chills run through my body when I saw that picture. A bad kind of chill.

  11. Toumai says:

    what I forgot to say above, is that the three suicidal girls being councilled were connected to my daughter's boyfriend at the time.

    This is an excerpt taken from wiki re: airplane sychronicity with Cobain (it was 8 days later that he would commit suicide… not the next day):

    He took a taxi to Los Angeles Airport and flew back to Seattle, on a flight where he coincidentally sat next to Duff McKagan of Guns N' Roses. Even after the prior animosity from Nirvana to the band, and Cobain's own personal animosity to Axl Rose, Cobain seemed "seemed happy" to see McKagan. McKagan would later say that he knew from "all of my instincts that something was wrong".

  12. Toumai says:

    My daughter will be upset… but it's important. It involves Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the rock band Nirvana. For the first time, I looked him up on wiki. He was 27 when he committed suicide!

    Erin was 13 at the time and was 'in love' with her first boyfriend. She was going through a rebellious and uncharacteristic time which I chalked up to puberty. But there was something about this young fellow (15) that she was dating. He was amazing … could play any musical instrument– drums, guitar, bag pipes… with a genius aptitude as were his grades in school. Something about him just felt odd. At the time, I did not know this, but he had become wildly uncontrollable and dropped out of school. He was also a fan of Kurt Cobain.

    Erin was not herself… so I approached her but she assured me that things were okay. Somewhere in the conversation though, Kurt Cobain came up … AND…the word suicide. I dug and managed to get some info before she would shut me out… I felt that she considered Cobain 'eerily' God like.

    Then one day I'm driving from the city heading home. Just before I turn down our road, an image out of the blue, pops up in my head… not a thought… a picture!! A big airplane that was crashing! That was that!

    So, what does an airplane have to do with my daughter? But my 'instinct' said without question, that the airplane was Erin.

    One thing leads to another. Now, I would just as soon stay away from Psychiatrists, but I was desperate and so decided to call the Nova Scotia Children's Mental Health facility in Halifax (Gov't sponsored). I talked with someone who assured me that they were booked and that it would be 5 months before anyone could see Erin.

    I was beside myself and trying to stress the urgency of my daughters situation to this person on the other end of the phone and it simply slips out– the name of the boy that my daughter was seeing. At that moment I was simply asked to hold on the line. The person came back on and then asked me to bring Erin in within the week!

    Dr. Grey councilled Erin (no drugs)and he would also tell me that three other girls were being councilled, all suicidal. This boy was attempting to form a suicide cult. He had some sort of hypnotic power?!

    Now, today, I find on wiki a synchronicity that happened to Kurt Cobain on an Airplane the night before he committed suicide.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I remember that scene in Thomas Crowne!
    & yeah, this guy is really creepy looking. I'll take Daniel Craig any day!

  14. Calimyrna Moon says:

    I'm reminded of that wonderful scene in The Thomas Crown Affair remake (with Pierce Brosnan) when Xeroxed copies of the famous Magritte painting, The Son of Man, pour out of briefcases in a torrent. It is simultaneously disturbing and thrilling, as is this story.

    If I must have vivid dreams, I'd prefer Daniel Craig to this peculiarly scary fellow.

  15. Toumai says:

    Though, when I look back to that time… hmmm about 13 years ago, I see the 'trickster' hand at play- amazing synchronicity coinciding at the same time.

    The same thing happened to your daughter Meghan– the first parachute that didn't open… the 'believed 88' appearing on her phone… the two (split tail)sparrows that dive bomed your windshield — Trickster inner twin.

    Now in trying to percieve the situation fairly, I find myself thinking that the inner world had no other choice but to use trickster tactics in order to get our attention, which when combined with present knowledge such as synchronicity, medical science, symbology, history/herstory etymology and the internet, would lead to 3+3=8… to them.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I googled Andrea Natella's name, like Jeff suggested. And he is a marketing person in Italy. No one seems to know, though, what the purpose of this "campaign" is. But you're right Stacey, even as a hoax, it's intriguing.

    What's the dream that may have saved your daughter's life, Toumai? That had to be a dramatic experience.

  17. Toumai says:

    Dreams, luscid dreams/visions are such a cryptic/odd part of us. One that I think we should tap into more often- a great power source and unique link to and from the inner world.

    On the rare occassion I have had mental images simply popp up out of the blue, so crisp in detail that it's shocking. One image many years ago enabled me to take action that I would otherwise not have taken, one that saved my daughter from great harm… perhaps even saving her life.

  18. staceyjwarner says:

    Very interesting on many layers…it's interesting if it is a hoax as well…our world so much wants to believe in mystery…

    much love

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great sleuthing, Jeff. I'll go google this guy's name. It had the feel of a hoax because all the posters of this guy are exactly the same, regardless of the country where they appear. But like you said, it it's not a hoax, it's very interesting.

  20. Jeff says:

    I think it may be a hoax. I looked up who owned the website and its owned by someone named Andrea Natella who lives in Rome and is apparently the creative director of a marketing company. With that in mind,it may be some kind of publicity stunt or viral marketing campaign. If you google his name (yeah, apparently Andrea is a guy), you can also find claims that he is a journalist and sociologist. So it could also potentially be a social experiment.

    But if it's not a hoax, that's very interesting!

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