More Moldavite

On October 8, we posted a story about Moldavite, a beautiful green stone that may create a fertile environment for synchronicity. I mentioned I had bought a pair of Moldavite earrings and had some interesting synchronicities.

So Gypsywoman bought a Moldavite ring and Nancy bought a moldavite necklace. Their photos show off the green much better than my picture of the earrings.

Nancy reports that the first night she wore the necklace, her husband had nightmare, but she isn’t sure whether it was related to the necklace.

But Gypsy is sure that her experience is directly related to the moldavite ring.

“Last night I had an intensely vivid dream in which my brother who died many years ago appeared. I remember how wonderful it was to see him again. We were both happy and joking and having fun like we always did and I was SO happy to see him again. It was beautiful.

When I woke early this morning, before true daylight, I sat up in bed and decided to work on details of my trip home to Shreveport, Louisiana, that I’m going to be taking in a few weeks. I turned on my TV to check the latest bad weather reports, but instead of hitting channel “7” I inadvertently hit channel “4” – the QVC shopping channel.

I’m so engrossed in making notes for my trip that for a moment I don’t realize what I’ve done. Then I hear a female on the screen say to the man with her that she’s from Louisiana. He says, “Oh, no, so am I! Where’re you from?”

“Shreveport,” she replies.

“Oh, no, so am I!” he exclaims.

“Neither of them knew that the other was from Shreveport, obviously. By then, I’m totally glued to their conversation and they go on to talk about not only Shreveport, but the exact neighborhood where my home of 20 years was. They even mentioned the service station at the end of the subdivision that is owned by the ex-husband of an old friend of mine, the Madison Park Exxon! And the air base where my daughter’s husband was stationed for years… it went on and on.”

“Now, I’ve no clue as to whether or not my ring had anything at all to do with any of this. I’m just saying …..that’s the story!”

Gypsy also reports a dream in which someone – a group – was after her, trying to steal the ring. At one point, her pursuers got the ring off her finger. No telling what that’s about!

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20 Responses to More Moldavite

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Observer – where did you get your piece? It is strange to just hold, I know what you mean. When you've got time, would love to hear more.

  2. The Quark Observer says:

    Stopping by to check out the site. Stopped blogging myself, been TKOB (taking care of business). Cool that you had this post cause I was coming to tell you I finally got a piece.

    I could write a long comment about it but long story short. I LOVE IT! I own a lot of rocks and crystals and it is the STRANGEST TO JUST HOLD! I had to break a little piece off just to carry around with me in my charm pouch. Opens up the throat like you wouldn't believe. Thanks for telling me about this stuff.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Butternut/Jennifer: the himalyan crystal sounds intriguing. I'll go look on your other blog. I can see christmas gift buying in my future!

  4. Butternut Squash says:

    Sorry about that, Jennifer and Butternut Squash are two facets of the same gem. Peace!

  5. Jennifer says:

    It's a moldavite party! Thanks for thinking of me y'all. Moldavite isn't something I find in the Himalayas usually. They have piles of peridot and Himilayan crystal which is supposed to be energetically amazing. (It feels very cold and cleansing.) I do sell prayer beads of the crystal.

    I'd be happy to make the moldavite jewelry, but I would have to buy the moldavite here and send it for setting. I'll look into finding a good source for faceted cabs.

    I am often at rock shows where people come in to buy minerals for energy work. The best show is at Virginia Beach, where the Edgar Cayce Museum is. Some people are so sensitive that they get woozy and have to leave the show.

    Now if you want a spectacularly energetic singing bowl, that is something I seem to have a particular talent for.

    This whole evening my son has been running in and out of my office having me identify rocks and minerals for him. I guess it is an energetic evening.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks,Gypsy. I'm writing down that link!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just fyi – i looked at SEVERAL online places and decided to order from heavenandearthjewelry dot com – the stone in my ring is 5x12mm and was about $80 in sterling silver – they also carry it in 14k gold – the service was extra fast [even at regular shipping which is what i got] – no problems – LOVE my ring – it's beautiful! this place carries 100's of crystals etc – anything you can think of! i've only had the one experience with them so i cannot attest to anything other than that –

  8. Natalie says:

    WOW. i really want it it even more now. What great stuff is going on here. Thanks. 😀

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I dropped Butternut an email and told her if she carried moldavite, she would have buyers!

  10. Nancy says:

    I actually found my moldavite necklace at a local rock shop. I have been looking for a while. If you read my post on the big crystal I found for $25 – I mentioned my search then. I had been looking online and in local shops from Tahoe, to Nevada City, Truckee, and finally a shop in Reno. The online one I liked was actually through (Yes! They have moldavite!) Anyway, I wanted a light green one, odd shaped, in a silver setting and found just the one, for a great price, and it was their one and only! I bought two small pieces for my daughters. I am starting a little bag of special stones for them.

    Butternut should definitely sell Moldavite!

    The Crystal Bible does list Moldavite. It states that it is an amalgam of exterrestrial energies and mother earth, formed when a meteorite hit the earth.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i love trish's and nancy's jewelry pieces – interesting to see the different "shades" of moldavite, isn't it? and wouldn't it be great to have butternut squash pick up some pieces, like you said! i agree with nevine, too, about making the connection – and since i've had to recent episodes concerning trips home, i think that one is "crystal" clear! 🙂

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    a little addendum is that a few days [on the 15th] after the story above happened, i was out in several different little towns, running errands, etc – each place i stopped that morning, at least one person, sometimes two or more, stopped me and asked to look at my ring – each person wanted to hold it and feel the stone – and put it on – two of the women [in different places], both said almost identically the same words, "oh, i'm so drawn to this ring! i don't know – but i'm just so drawn to this ring! what is it? i have to have one!" –

    now, just to see what would happen, i have begun wearing a 7 diamond ring in front of the moldavite ring [my theory was that perhaps the diamonds would somehow counter the impact of the moldavite or SOMEthing] – and so, it was especially interesting that my finger had 7 sparkling diamonds and the moldavite – and not one single person even noticed the diamonds, let alone mentioned them!

    one of the offices i was in had a television going in the waiting area – i'm standing at the reception counter, talking with one of the women there who is grabbing my hand and oogling my ring – and we're playing catch up on what's been happening – and she asks if i got to go home to louisiana this summer as i had planned – and i told her that i hadn't – and was so disappointed cause i'd not made it home for my first great grandbaby's first birthday this week and that he had just moved from shreveport to lake charles so i knew i would be driving down there also – and that i was planning on leaving the end of the first week of november to go home – so we're having this whole conversation about louisiana – in particular, about lake charles – and then someone grabs her attention and i walked over to look at the fish tank by the tv and the next thing i hear is the TODAY show host saying "and mrs so-and-so lives in lake charles louisiana so we're wishing her a very special birthday all the way to lake charles!"

    again, i'm not saying it's the ring…but, again, that's the story…

  13. Toumai says:

    Perhaps Gypsy woman has already been given the answer… moldavite– "Mold A Life".

    Now, I should mention this synchronicity: Gypsy had mentioned in her story, the place name "Shreveport". I find out that 'reeve' and 'shreeve' are short for 'sheriff'. Now, just yesterday I posted to my blog a story entitled "Spine, Superman and Synchronicity"

    And what picture did I use to go along with this post– Christopher "REEVE" who starred as Superman.

    Now here's another synchronicity (I think I mentioned it before… maybe on my own blog) moldavite is green just like 'cryptonite' (residual of Superman's dead planet which had exploded and landed on earth in bits of green glowing gem like stones). And what is moldavite– debris from outer space!!

    Now THAT is synchronicity!

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Natalie – I think Nancy and gypsy got their pieces online. We should get butternut squash to sell moldavite!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great insights, Nevine. I think we've all had dreams where the connections and communications are real, but are simply happening at another level.

  16. Natalie says:

    Where can i get me some!!!!!

  17. Nevine says:

    I love those connections between gems and dreams and real life. I do believe that gems have powers, each gem serving its own purpose. And seeing that moldavite is a gem of communication, maybe all of those connections that Gypsywoman had are real. My thing with dreams, especially, is to always trust what your heart is feeling about the content of the dream. So I think that Gypsywoman will know, inside her heart, what connection was being established.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I saw that crystal bible when we were in Oregon, I think. Does it list moldavite?

  19. Nancy says:

    I love my necklace! The moldavite is very pretty. It is a iighter green than the photo shows, and bumpy on the underside. I would like to get a bigger piece, but it's pricey compared to other stones. I read that it will eventually become extinct. I also bought the "Crystal Bible" and have been reading about the "properties" of other stones. It is turning into a fun hobby. Now i can't pass a rock shop without wanting to stop!

  20. Anonymous says:

    What other stones might attract synchronicities? Is there any research on that?

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