Category Archives: moldavite

A Moldavite Telepathic Moment

 Moldavite is not a common stone. But it certainly has a colorful history. Nearly 15 million years ago, a meteor crashed in what is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic. It’s believed that moldavite is a result of … Continue reading

Posted in moldavite, synchronicity, telepathy | 9 Comments

Natalie’s Moldavite

 After Natalie Thomas read our posts on Moldavite, she decided she would really like to obtain a piece. The synchronicities leading up the manifestation of her desire bode well for more! (That’s her necklace on the left) +++ Two weeks … Continue reading

Posted in moldavite | 11 Comments

More Moldavite

On October 8, we posted a story about Moldavite, a beautiful green stone that may create a fertile environment for synchronicity. I mentioned I had bought a pair of Moldavite earrings and had some interesting synchronicities. So Gypsywoman bought a … Continue reading

Posted in moldavite, stones | 20 Comments

Moldavite: A Tool for Synchronicity?

While we were in Cassadaga a few weeks back, we ran across a book called Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation. Rob reminded me that years ago, a psychic friend had sent us a piece of moldavite, which he called the … Continue reading

Posted in moldavite, synchronicity tools | 23 Comments