Sinister Forces

Here’s a somewhat spooky synchronicity sent by author Peter Levenda. Peter probes into some dark stuff here, deep into the Underworld. We would’ve put it up on Halloween, but we’ve got a ghost tale set for tomorrow.  

Yesterday I was being interviewed on Jay Weidner’s radio program out of Oregon.  We talked mostly about Unholy Alliance and Sinister Forces, and the dominant theme was synchronicity. Apropos of nothing, Jay brought up the Gnostics and the idea of the archons as possibly the operative paradigm for identification of just what those “sinister forces” might be.  I agreed that it was a good analogy, and mentioned the Gnostic belief that the Creator of this world was not God but the Demi-Urge, demiurgos, a kind of demonic figure, and that the Gnostic interpretation of Genesis has it that the Serpent in the Garden is actually God.  

So far, so good.

That night, mulling over an essay I am planning on Jung’s Red Book — which is due out this year — I remember that his Memories, Dreams, Reflections mentions the Red Book and the spiritual crisis it represents for him.  So I pull down the book from the shelf, and open it at random.  The book opened at page 201, a discussion of Gnosticism, Yahweh and the Creator as demon.

Okay, spooky enough.  Then I flip over to a marker I had put there decades ago and the page is 333.  Once again, the theme is Gnosticism and the duality of God-Devil and the identification of the Creator as a demonic force.  More pertinent still is the sentence that ends the last paragraph on the page, which asks what storytellers would have to say about Hiroshima.  Jay had asked me during that conversation if the “sinister forces” had manifested in our reality, i.e., had entered our world through a kind of gate in the aether.  I brought up Hiroshima as an example of how scientific genius could result in a weapon of mass destruction, and of how our intelligence agencies in the early 1950s and 1960s had experimented with shamanic techniques with the intention of weaponizing them.

(For any Kabbalists out there, the page number is significant as well.  333 is the number of Choronzon, the Beast of the Abyss, who guards the entrance to the Three Supernals.) 

It is worthwhile to point out that Jung, of course, was the one who coined the term “synchronicity” and wrote a monograph on the subject, as well as had a lengthy correspondence with Wolfgang Pauli on this subject.

And so it goes!
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7 Responses to Sinister Forces

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I take your comments down sometimes because they have nothing to do with the post, and you write like you're peeing on yourself, to put it mildly.

  2. Simon from planet spooki"E" says:

    Halloween to spookie for me, thnk I get half liquored, take a chance with the other half. The fact that conflict is the nature of the human condition comes from one fact……. I'll let um stew on it for a week or so, think about it, see if Rob leaves this post up…….wondering why you pulled down to one that had to do with TV.., from the day the lady was writng about Shrevesport La.

  3. Paul says:

    Hey Guys

    Thanks for dropping by my blog 🙂
    Your site is so interesting and I have had a lot of synchronicity in my life …. it is so strange!
    I'll keep popping back (or I may even bump into you in some strange place).


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Conflict is a natural condition of human life. That's another lesson from story writing. Imagine a novel with no conflict. You would read two or three pages and say 'That's nice,' then put it down and find something else to do.

    The morning after we achieve world peace we'll be up to our throats in some new sort of conflict. Human nature requires drama, but there are more evolved forms of conflict and drama than we're now experiencing. That's why the concept of spiritual warrior isn't an oxymoron.

  5. Toumai says:

    In an idealistic world that has no suffering, naturally it would not be beneficial to have that much rope to hang oneself with. But that is not the case is it?!

    Let's hypothesize: if a victim is being raped, then that 'protective' Sheriff coming around with a big gun is mighty reasuring. I hate to think of what our countries and world would be like without the proper deterents in place.

    It becomes a major problem though if the Sheriff's out there relate more with the rapist and wants to let the perpetrator off the hook. Now expand on that.

    Well, whether or not anyone is right or wrong about this issue, the fact remains that this is the situation we find ourselves in. So as with anything in this natural world, a balance needs to happen otherwise you are deadly right about the BANG!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I have doubts that carrying a 'big stick,' the power to destroy the world, is the path to world peace. As a writer, I look to stories for guidance. If you show a weapon in a story, in all likelihood it will reappear later and will be used. BANG!

  7. Toumai says:

    Personally, I think that the threat of nuclear power is what it finally takes to bring about world peace.

    Since time immemorial humans have been at war. Even before weapons of mass destruction, we were slaughtering one another by the millions. We think ourselves empathetic, but there is surmounting evidence to suggest otherwise– as a species we have a tendency to be indifferent.

    I don't see this characteristic as 'evil'… any more than a lion is evil, just a product of an evolutionary process wrought on by the will to survive within a harsh environment.

    Now though, if a nuclear holocaust becomes part of the equation the planet and every living thing on it pays. So, what that means is that the next step of evolution is to search long and hard for our common thread and to get a handle on the 'predator types'who are simply yearn for their next victim and next war like others yearn for moldavite.

    Unfortunately the human predator exists in many walks of life. If a movement occurs where people begin to exercise long dormant gifts that threaten to 'out' perpetrators of crime, then it is likely that these gifted individuals will be preyed on (such was the way with history).

    I believe the "collective unconscious" (the creators of synchronicity) were patiently waiting for a time when certain 'powers that be'/'perpetrators of crime' would gladly welcome the emergence of this phenomenon rather than feel threatened to the point of retaliating.

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