10th Anniversary!

On February 4, 2009, we started this blog on synchronicity. Today is our 10th anniversary! Thanks to all of you who have contributed your knowledge and experiences and enhanced our knowledge of this wonderful phenomenon.

Here’s the link to it so you can see the great comments at the end. And here’s the full post.


Most of us have experienced them – odd coincidences that seem like weird little hiccups in the cosmos.They usually grab our attention. But what, exactly, do they mean?

While we were writing our outline for a book on synchronicity, we stopped at our favorite cafe for a hit of morning Joe. As we sat outside, an elderly man approached us and handed us his card. It explained that he was deaf and was selling key chains. We bought one and on the back of the card found illustrations for sign language. On the way home, following the cue from the deaf man,we talked about synchronicity as a language of signs. Then we passed the local high school, where the digital sign at the entrance was announcing a class in sign language. This sign about sign language added a deeper layer to the synchronicity.

Initially, its meaning seemed to be that we were on the right track with our concept – approaching synchronicity as a language of signs. The next day, a writer friend e-mailed a synchronicity she’d experienced while working on her current novel. She said she had invited readers of her blog to submit any synchronicities they would like to share for inclusion in the book. So we decided to start this blog, a kind of digital sign announcing that we would love to hear your stories!




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12 Responses to 10th Anniversary!

  1. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy anniversary! 10 years! WHERE does the time go?! 🙂

  2. Darren B says:

    Yesterday I was searching for podcasts about synchronicity and I stumbled across a podcast called ‘Paranormal Thoughts Podcast’ and there was an episode titled ‘My Owl and UFO Abduction Synchronicity Podcast’ and it involved a guy from my hometown of Brisbane who listened to a podcast that you guys were on, so you might want to have a listen –
    I don’t know why this guy hasn’t ever reached out to you guys for a chat.

  3. lauren raine says:

    Congratulations, and thank you for a blog that has so often enlightened, fascinated, and encouraged me. I so rarely am able to speak to others about the “links” and “signs” that inform my most insightful, and enchanted, pathways in my life. Your understanding of synchronicity, and your books, and this blog are important for all of us – thank you for your generosity!

    • Trish and Rob says:

      It’s so refreshing to be able to come here anf talk to like-minded people about these things. It’s wonderful to know you – and as you know, I’m a huge fan of your inspired art work.

  4. Darren B says:

    Happy 10th anniversary guys.
    It’s been a wild ride over those last ten years and I can only imagine what the next ten will be like.
    I notice that your 10th anniversary lands on the last day of the Chinese ‘Year of the Dog’, too.
    Tomorrow begins the ‘Year of the Pig’ , which over on this side of the planet it already is.
    I don’t know if your 10 year anniversary falling on the last day of the dog has any Chinese astrological significance or not, but I’m sure there is a message in there somewhere.
    Cheers and happy Chinese new year.

  5. Adele says:

    Congratulations Trish and Rob. My favorite spot! I don’t even remember when I first posted my blog or how I found yours but must have been a long time ago.

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