11-11-2009 = 11-11-11

We don’t often put up two posts the same day, but we can’t overlook the fact that today is 11/11. Of course, it’s 2009, which adds up to 11. So we’re re-posting our 11:11 post from June 22.

Also, you might take a look at Blayne’s blog, which is called ‘1111 and Synchronicity.’ Blayne recently lost his job and could use some cheering up.

In researching cluster synchronicities involving the numbers 11, 111, and 11:11, I came across some intriguing information. First, if you Google 11:11, more than 203 million hits come up. Yeah, that’s 203 million. That number falls between the populations of Indonesia at 237,512,352 and of Brazil, at 196,342,592. A whole bunch of websites, in other words.

The phenomenon of 11:11 appears to be huge, but there are so many theories – and some of them are so far out there – that it’s anyone’s guess what any of it means. But here are some of the best examples of 11, 111, or 11:11:

The WWI armistice was signed at 11:11 AM on 11/11/18.

World War II ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

Yasser Arafat died on 11/11/04.

JFK was assassinated on 11/22.

Supposedly the Mayan calendar end year 2012 is timed at 11:11 Universal time.

The U.S. Navy lists the 2012 solstice for 12/21/12 at 11:11 Universal time.

Israeli psychic Uri Geller has an entire section on his website devoted to 11:11.

And that’s just for starters.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Any synchronicities involving these numbers that you would like to share?

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15 Responses to 11-11-2009 = 11-11-11

  1. Nancy says:

    My birthday is 11/22.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I didn't realize that about the Chinese and the number 4, Vanessa. But I'm a big believer in Feng Shui!

  3. AGNES DELANEY says:



  4. Vanessa says:

    All I know about 11:11 is that I don't like it because it adds up to 4 (if you add the single digits). Four is considered a bad number in Chinese culture / feng shui because their word for "four" is similar to their word for "death."

  5. Autumnforest says:

    Thanks for finding my site. I just put up a post on my Ghost Hunting Theories blog about your blog to celebrate 100 followers. I'm very excited about your blog. I've been writing about these things for a while now and, in fact, just did two posts on psychometry. You might enjoy my October 1 and October 14 posts about "Reverberations." It is exactly an example of what you're studying. Thanks!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Jim. Very interesting. You got both the 11-11 and Veteran's Day wrapped into one!

  7. JBanholzer says:

    Fighting in the First World War was scheduled to cease at 11 A.M. on 11 November 1918, and all American troops in France hoped to be alive and unwounded when the shooting stopped that morning.

    Private James Banholzer was a medic serving with the 128th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Infantry Division as a final flurry of fighting took place near Ecurey at approximately 0900. Banholzer had remarked to a comrade that morning that:
    “If I were to get killed on the last day of the war, I would never get over it.”
    As his unit suffered casualties Banholzer never hesitated in leaving cover to go to their aid. He was killed in action while tending the last Americans to be wounded in World War I. He was also the last of 2257 medical corpsmen to be killed in action during that conflict.


  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The Berlin Wall came down on 11-9. Interesting that it's the inverse of 9-11. – R

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Those dates and times are something else, Natalie!

  10. Natalie says:

    I always have 11:11, 12:12 etc, when a major life lesson is about to bang me over the head.
    Without fail,the numbers appear and within 24 hours Bang! It started 11 years ago when my 3rd child was born.She has been a major life lesson. 😀 She was born at 18:18 on 25/5. Her brother and sister are 25/5/95 and 23/3/93.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just looked it up, Jarilyn. You're right! It supposedy came down around midnight on 11/9!
    Thanks for spotting it.

  12. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I thought the Berlin wall fell on 11/9/89. I guess I was wrong.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for that word verification, gypsy. It's a hoot!

    Yeah, 11:11. Eerie. Always.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    like stacy, the clock at 11:11 is something i do although it does seem to come and go – perhaps i'm only noticing it coming and going – and then 1:11 – the internet hits for this is mind-boggling!!!

    i'm so glad you all posted this – i had meant to ask yesterday but then failed to! – thanks for neat post!

  15. staceyjwarner says:

    I often look at the clock at 11:11 as do many others…

    I also always seem to look at the clock at 9:11.

    much love

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