June’s full moon is in fire sign Sagittarius. See it there in the 7th house? The planet next to it, at 18 degrees of Sagittarius, is Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, the big picture.

The moon rules our inner, emotional lives, intuition, mom or the nurturing parent, and the full moon is about the harvest. About completion. Since it’s in Sagittarius, we should have a better grasp of the bigger picture of whatever we’re dealing with right now. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so whatever events transpire for you on or around this full moon, expansion is the main theme.

Check your sign’s forecast for this month, in the masthead, and find out what this full moon may bring about for you.

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4 Responses to FULL MOON

  1. Victoria DeLaurentis says:

    Wow! I’m dealing with my Mom’s memorial on the 29th. It’s bringing up lots of old hurts that I want to be finished with. It’s also triggering siblings too. Also interesting is that I’m working closely with and helping my Stepfather with all of this.
    I truly feel a lot of healing is taking place for me and that by July I’ll finally be free and focussing more on me.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I’m sorry to hear about your mom! The 29th is close to the solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2. On or around that date is when the new stuff opens up, Victoria.

  2. DJan says:

    Thanks, Trish, for keeping me up to date with what’s happening in the skies. 🙂

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