Natalie’s Moldavite

 After Natalie Thomas read our posts on Moldavite, she decided she would really like to obtain a piece. The synchronicities leading up the manifestation of her desire bode well for more! (That’s her necklace on the left)


Two weeks ago, I visited some friends of mine who I hadn’t seen for two years. They were holding a Spiritual Market Day, to raise money for disadvantaged children.My friend Ric, suggested I have a ten minute reading for ten dollars. I was keen, but only actually had ten dollars on me. I felt strongly, that there was something that i really needed to know, so I looked around the room trying to find the right reader.

A man in front of me, caught my eye and started to shuffle his Tarot cards. Ric put his hand behind my back, and steered me to someone else. I let him, all the while wondering what the man had to say to me. His name was John Bell.

It was ascertained that I needed a ‘high’ reading, not your regular ‘you will go on a cruise’,  type reading. The lady selected was a medium, who could tune in to very high vibrations.I was very keen, but also nervous. I knew this lady could see right through, into my soul. PLUS, I was spending our last ten bucks!

 Mark was outside in the playground with the kids.He would be fine for ten minutes, surely?

One thing she said was that I was feeling ‘almost choked’ with frustration, and that the time was near for me to start reading again. Not just one -on – one readings, but to a large crowd of people. She also said I would write, and that I would be channeling messages from Star people from other galaxies.OKAAAY. Now, if you know me, you will know that I am one cynical lady, and don’t go in for a lot of mumbo jumbo stuff. However, this really sat with me, It was SO unlike me, to even entertain the idea, let alone feel RIGHT about it.

Then, two days later, the preschool tells me, that Haylie has been accepted for two days a week, next year, in order for me to work again. This was also funny, as they had knocked me back two weeks before.Then, I read your post about the Moldavite, and once again, just knew I had to get some, even though I hadn’t bought a crystal for five years either. I had completely shut down.

I got the feeling that the Moldavite would be sent to me, even though we have some fantastic distributors here in Newcastle. I was telling my friend Jen about it all, and how I wanted to brush up on my tarot skills before i started reading again, and she pulled out a business card for a tarot reader,and  possible teacher, whose name was  John Bell. Yes, the same John Bell from the fair.

She suggested a shop in Newcastle for the Moldavite, and I told her no, that I felt it would be sent to me.I went against my better judgement, and arranged for Mark and I, and the kids to go into town to this shop, in order to purchase a small piece on credit card. I told Noah (3yrs)  that we were going to a special shop,  where he could choose a coloured rock,  if he was a good boy.He straightaway said  that he was going to choose a green or black,  special rock, that came from out of space. From the stars, he said.That blew me away, because I hadn’t discussed any of it with anyone at home.

We went to the shop and had a look.Their pieces were way too expensive,but there was a bargain table for people to choose a gem for $2.Noah went over and grabbed the first one he saw. I told him to have a good look, and tried to steer him towards the gentler stones like Rose Quartz for instance.He was adamant and wouldn’t let go of his rock. It was a greenish/black Obsidian. Czech Moldavite is green, Australian Moldavite is black.

Czech Moldavite

Australian Moldavite

I was disappointed that I didn’t get some. Later, after we had been home a while,Mark came out to tell me  he had purchased a Moldavite necklace for me online, and it would be sent to me, during the next couple of days. It was a bargain, but our funds are very limited at the moment,and I was concerned. He said it was for my work, end of story.I love that man.

Last night, on retiring, I pulled out a card from my Tarot deck for a message. The card was: The Star.
Pretty cool huh?
Not only was Natalie right that the Moldavite would come to her,” the Star card fits well with what the tarot reader told her. And that necklace is one lovely piece of jewelry!

I also thought it interesting that the name John Bell was repeated twice.Physicist John Bell was best known for Bell’s Theorem. It postulates that if paired particles – electrons, for example – are generated at the same moment, a measurement of one particle changes the same property of its counterpart instantaneously, even if they are separated by as vast distance. This suggests that the two particles remain connected in some unknown way, sharing a quality that transcends space and time. The first time I read about Bell’s Theorem in The Dancing Wu Li Masters, I realized it described telepathy and a host of other psychic phenomena. Even Bell said his theorem suggested that “Reality must be non-local.”

Perhaps Natalie’s John Bell is the perfect teacher at this time in her life.

UPDATE: here’s a place to buy moldavite on online. 

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11 Responses to Natalie’s Moldavite

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the clarification, Moldavite! I think the third picture is the australian equivalent – but obviously not moldavite.

  2. Moldavite Plus says:

    That's a beautiful pendant in the first picture and a gorgeous piece of Moldavite in the second, however I need to clarify something about the third picture. Moldavite is classified as a Tektite which is a subcategory of the Meteorite family and as such they are all named after their respective locations. Moldavite is found in the Moldau River Valley in the Czech Republic and is so named Moldavite. I'm not sure exactly what the stone is in the third picture, but it's a misnomer calling it Moldavite.

    On a side note, I love the Holographic Universe and The Field. Two excellent books!

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, great, trish – i just threw a copy in my amazon cart! thanks!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love the field.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    has anyone read mctaggart's The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe?

  6. Nancy says:

    I really enjoyed your post, and I am thrilled Natalie has a beautiful moldivite necklace. I found several I liked at a shop in Portland. Over Christmas we will be pack in Portland and my daughter said she knows of a stone "warehouse". I'm so excited to explore this place.

    Just recieved two of Trish's novels and a new gemstone book from Amazon, along with Holographic Universe and The Vortex by Esther Hicks, all suggestions from you, thanks. Also recived some of Trish's new astrology books for 2010.

    Hope your spammer gets bored and moves on.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wait a minute!!! i received something very close [almost identical] to this just the other day in my personal email – i mean, almost identical, word for word – i was in such haste to rid my email of it that i deleted it thinking it was just spam stuff [also reported it as spam] – ?

  8. Natalie says:

    I totally think it's a cool story!
    I haven't taken it off yet (only to shower), I feel it really was meant for me. There have been lots of 'messages' coming through since i got it, and it gives me a sense of strength to fight the battles I am fighting right now.
    Thank you for putting my story up. 😀
    Further to the story – the star chart you sent me, fascinated me so much, I went to the library to find your tarot book and also the Bernadette Brady star chart one. Your book had been missing, but I went to the shelf it was supposed to be filed at, and there in it's place was the Bernadette Brady one. 😀

  9. Marlene says:

    Rob..I wonder if this pertains to the person I wrote you about???? hummmmm

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This comment isn't quite on topic, in terms of the above post. However, I thought it was worth adding.

    We regularly receive Google alerts for synchronicity. Some of the alerts lead us to interesting blogs and fascinating synchronicities. Other times they have little or nothing to do with synchronicity, other than the word appears somewhere in the text.

    Occasionally, we receive something truly bizarre. The following is one such case. It's an example of a machine translation of text from French to English. Enjoy!
    Synchronicity is the flow of Social Intelligence and Emotional skin care stresses on eating taken when home made because reduce risk of killer buy plavix cheap beings and of buy plavix cheap whole disease. Because we women differ in as buy plavix cheap period of utter blurred vision or sensitivity to. buy plavix cheap Be sure to buy plavix cheap take Levitra as and when. buy plavix cheap 33 weeks pregnant and cause of vaginal dryness is. Find it only buy plavix cheap the until you take required buy plavix cheap Fiction is still popular but not as much as it germ of life.

    (It also makes me wonder if one of our regular contributors – who also sends me annoying e-mails – is using one of these translation machines.)

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow – lots of things going on in this story – very neat post! and another moldavite jewelry piece!

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