Google and Synchronicities

We’ve mentioned before how we set up a Google alert for synchronicity shortly after we started our blog.  We check the URLs and links that Google delivers daily and sometimes, there are some wonderful surprises that add credence to my belief that the Internet, Google, and blogging are fertile environments for synchronicity.

This evening, I clicked on one that came in and found myself staring at a photo entitled “Synchronicity,” taken by Peter Prato,  of a cute girl in a reflective mood, taken .

Then I did a double take of the name and the site –
and thought, Wait a minute. I knew a Peter Prato who used to work at my agent’s agency. How many Peter Pratos can there be in the universe? And I knew I had done his birth chart, too. Just to be sure, I went into my database and sure enough, found his chart. I sent Peter an email asking if he was the Peter born on such and such a date.

And it was. He wrote:

 “Trish! Given the title of the photo and the nature of our connection and what you do, it’s impossible to ignore the machinery of the universe.”

The girl in the picture is Peter’s sister. I asked Peter why he called the photo synchronicity.”Because that was the first time my sister and I ever worked together- her as an actor and me as a photographer.  We shot in a studio that belongs to one of my closest friends whom I met in college and now lives in San Francisco.  So the picture represents more synchronicity than I could explain.  It’s a lifetime of overlap that led to it.”

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9 Responses to Google and Synchronicities

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Will check it out, Stacey! Thanks.

  2. staceyjwarner says:

    I love this! You must check out Willow's blog. Does she follow you? She had a great piece of synchronocity.

    You will appreciate it!

    much love

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – too funny on the mirrop!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Moldavite – thanks for stopping by. Now we have a place to buy this gorgeous stone!

  5. Moldavite Plus says:

    Synchronicities are so amazing and perplexing at the same time. I love how the universe works!

  6. Nancy says:

    I think the two of you are very "overlapped". Definitely connected. Just caught up on your last couple of posts.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat post – and i love his statement that musingegret mentioned too – great story – trekking across time and coming full circle – oh, and check out that verification!

  8. musingegret says:

    My word verify was: "mirrop"

    Mirror Peter Prato??

  9. musingegret says:

    I love the alliteration in Mr.Prato's statement, "It's a lifetime of overlap that led to it." And more overlap with Trish's remembering his name and connection to her agent. Is this a chained sync? Lovely post, thank you again.

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