Bangkok Odds

We’ve posted several synchronicities that involve phenomenal odds, like the Anthony Hopkins story. This one, from healing mudras, a European expatriate living in of Bangkok, is impressive. It seems to underscore the law of attraction and how closely we are all connected. Healing mudras has written an ebook called Quantum Togetherness.

Bangkok is a city of more than 10 million inhabitants.
Two days ago I bought an USB aircard with a Sim card from the same mobile service provider I use for my mobile phone.The USB Sim card enables access to WiFi anywhere with a laptop or notebook.
Today I sat down at a local Starbucks outlet with my notebook and proudly took the USB modem out of my bag. A young Thai man walked in and searched for an electricity to sit down and do exactly the same I was doing. I waved at him and told him he could share my table because there were no more plugs available.
He smiled, sat down, opened his notebook and looked at my USB aircard. He said, “Oh, you are using that device also.. Do you like it?”  I told him I did. And he continued, “I am the one who designed it. I work for the company producing these USBs. I designed that and we are now designing a WiFi version of it.” We had a nice conversation  and I offered ideas on how to make his product better. Only 10,000 of these USB aircards were produced and sold, healing says. “There are loads of service providers in Thailand and only one has these USBs.”
So, with ten million residents in the city, what are the odds on this one? One to ten million?

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13 Responses to Bangkok Odds

  1. Toumai says:

    Ha,I guess I'm really out of the loop. Mudras is a person!? I have way too much on my plate these days. Well off to do the Christmas Shows. Good luck everyone!!

  2. terripatrick says:

    I love these odds.

    I like how we can be totally connected through technology, anywhere in the world. But I also like being totally unplugged for a few days at a time.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Gypsy. I couldn't find the profile. I'd better go back and look!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    mudrus is a female – according to the profile info – i had to look cause i wasn't sure either

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like mudras' site, too. Endless stuff to click. But I don't know whether mudras is a he or a she!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow!!! very nice! fantastic post – and i, too, checked out healing mudrus' site – she does have a lot going on over there – and thanks, like from nancy, for opening up all these other worlds!

  7. Nancy says:

    Wow, I think this is an amazing synchronicity. I visited mudrus's site – he has some exciting things going on. Thanks for highlighting his blog. I can always count on you two to open up worlds.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Being without the internet is my worst nightmare! 🙂 Definitely upgrade, Jarielyn!

  9. Toumai says:

    Did a wiki search on mudras to better understand and found this interesting tidbit:

    A brain research paper published in the National Academy of Sciences in November, 2009 demonstrated that hand gestures stimulate the same regions of the brain as language.[1]

    This strongly supports the theory that a form of sign language preceeded vocal language. So hands can heal and so can words (they can also hurt tho).

  10. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I really really like this story. It also resonates with me this morning because for the past two days, I've been thinking about taking my old USB aircard (I haven't used it in over 6 months) and upgrading it so when I go to Oregon for Thanksgiving, I won't be without internet. I thought about it just this morning before I loggged on. Maybe this is a definite sign that I need to listen to my urge.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Healing mudras made the suggestion, Toumai, not the MacGregors. And who is better equipped to make suggestions about how to improve a product than a consumer?

  12. Toumai says:

    Seems like the inner world of sychronicity is working overtime when it comes to the MacGregor's. Stands to reason that your willingness to explore and tell is an asset to this 'hidden' parallel world.

    I like the part where you make suggestions as to how to make the product better. It's brazen and confident and I think that in our world of 'professionals' we sometimes ignore the 'fresh' outlook that can be had from non experts. Many Psychiatrists would diagnose you as delusional and grandiose and probably bi-polar, for making any suggestion.

  13. Natalie says:

    No words. 😀

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