The Emerald Tablet

The Emerald Tablet was said to be a mysterious stone or green crystal (moldavite?) on which a coded spiritual formula was written in bas relief. Supposedly, Alexander the Great came into possession of the Emerald Tablet in Egypt in 331 B.C. It was already ancient at that time, going back three millennium. By 400 A.D. it was reportedly buried , possibly on the Giza Plateau, to protect it from religious zealots who were burning libraries and from patriarchs who condemned the Tablet’s universal formula for personal transformation and collective evolution. But the wisdom of the Tablet became the basis for Hermetic sciences and philosophy—alchemy, astrology, and theurgy.

In The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Personal Transformation, Dennis William Hauck writes: “The Hermetic tradition emphasized the existence of a supreme force called the One Thing, which has no perceptible form until it is ‘grounded’ or expressed in material reality…The Hermeticists saw the One Thing as a primordial, plastic energy that takes the form of the idea or thought projected by the One Mind.” They believed that calming the mind and focusing our intention through meditation, prayer, and invocation allows us to consciously communicate with and influence this force. The Hermeticists’ ultimate goal was to achieve divine consciousness.
The Emerald Tablet was the precursor to the Corpus Hermeticum, which was based on a number of ancient manuscripts. The Corpus was the Harry Potter book of its day, widely circulated in the second and third centuries and influenced the civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, Persia, and eventually Europe. Hermetic principles and passages were also quietly integrated into many major religions and belief systems, including Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Paganism, and Christianity. Portions of the Gospel of John resemble some of the Hermetic writings. Ie. “In the beginning was Thoth, and Thoth was in Atum, and Thoth was Atum in the unfathomable reaches of primordial space.”
The Corpus also recognizes karma and reincarnation: “O son, how many bodies we have to pass through, how many bands of demons, through how many series of repetitions and cycles of the stars, before we hasten to the One alone?”
There are seven principles to Hermetic philosophy, which is derived from the Emerald Tablet and other sources. Here’s the first one:

Mentalism. Everything that exists in the reality that underlies all manifestation, known as the universe of matter and energy, is spirit in the form of an infinite living mind. The All is Mind; in other words, the totality of the universe is consciousness.

Books, such as Science and the Akashic Field, by Ervin Laszlo, are documenting a wide range of scientific studies that suggest the notion that the universe is underpinned by a subtle fundamental field that connects all things with all other things. Laszlo writes: “At the roots of reality there is an interconnecting, information-conserving, and information-conveying cosmic field.”

And therein lies synchronicity.

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9 Responses to The Emerald Tablet

  1. Natalie says:

    Very interesting, thanks guys. I love the thought of it. 😀

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I remember that storyline, Toumai, but can't recall which book it was, either.

    Gypsy – we must've dreamed the tablet!

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, i know, trish, don't worry about looking – it was more rhetorical than anything – but i could swear that either you or i or both had done something on the green tablet and i was going to check it out to see if it tied into this so i didn't miss anything – i was almost sure that i had done a post on it but after much searching could not find anything – so i thought i must have been you all – anyway, don't spend any time on it – but thanks!
    and i've heard of the brennan integrated healing model but can't remember from where –
    like nancy said, you two always have something more – and more – here! thanks so much!

  4. terripatrick says:

    This post reminds me of one of Richard Bach's books, I think it was "One" but I'd have to check because it's been a few years since I read it.

    I remember the main character learns the great secret, that is so simplistic he's determined that it has to not only be shared, but proclaimed from the rooftops. But he is told to pause and consider how this great secret is already within all religions and cultures. Then consider the dogmas already created, the wars fought, the reverences paid, and structures built.

    So the hero comes to realize the truth, the great secret is the simplest concept that everyone already knows, if only they would pay attention.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Barbara Brennan? Heard of her, but not this healing modality. What is it?

  6. Nancy says:

    I love this post. You two are such a host of information! I would love to know more about this. Just today I was reading something that referred to the The Field by Lynne MacTaggart. This person was talking about the Brennan Integrated Healing Model. Have you heard of this school?

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'll have to check, gypsy. I dont think we've done another post on this, but it's getting tough to remember with more than 300 posts now.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, i was here a few hours ago and read and re-read – then went away to contemplate a while – can't quit thinking about it – now off to amazon! fabulous post!

    oh, and have you all done another post on the emerald tablet? i thought you had but was unable to locate it –

  9. Anonymous says:

    Great historical stuff. Thanks for posting.

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