Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, communication, short distance travel, siblings, relatives,  your neighborhood.. And yes  Mercury is a trickster. It turns retro three times a year, when it appears to be moving backward relative to earth. In other words an optical illusion. The first Merc retro in 2020 begins on Feb 16, in Pisces, at 7:54  PM ET and ends on March 9, in Aquarius.

We all communicate, so no sign is immune. But because Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, they feel it as much as Pisces, where it turns retro this time. All three signs are mutable signs – flexible in different ways that help them navigate the uncertain terrain.

My advice for getting through these retro periods hasn’t changed much:

Don’t sign contracts unless you don’t ind revisiting the terms.

Don’t make travel plans.

Don’t buy anything with moving parts -cars, electronics, computers.

Don’t travel unless you’re flexible because your plans may change suddenly, inexplicably.

Since miscommunication is rampant, be as clear as possible when you talk or write.

Don’t have surgery.

You may return to the place where you travel.

Old friends and former flames may resurface.

Don’t start new projects.

Don’t make submissions of any kind.

The best advice? Review, rethink, reconsider.

As a Gemini, I’m no fan of these retros. BUT. When I heed my own advice, they are easier to navigate.









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  1. Darren B says:

    Looks like ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes should have taken your advice about the Merc Retro guys –

  2. Adele says:

    Thanks for the reminder. A few years ago I changed my internet provider during a Mercury retrograde and it was a continual nightmare until I changed again.

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