Tag Archives: Mercury

Astrology as Synchronicity and Election Day 2020

Mercury Today, Rob glanced at the most recent post on our blog and said, “Okay, another astrology post. I need to come up with a real synchronicity.” My reaction was visceral. “Talk to Jung, Rob.” In 1949, Jung wrote the … Continue reading

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Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, communication, short distance travel, siblings, relatives,  your neighborhood.. And yes  Mercury is a trickster. It turns retro three times a year, when it appears to be moving backward relative to earth. In other words an … Continue reading

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New Moon in Leo

THE AUGUST FORECASTS ARE UP. The new moon in Leo on July 31 occurs at 11:12 PM EDT, less than an hour before Mercury turns direct in Cancer. After this month’s two eclipses and a Mercury retro, this new moon … Continue reading

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Mercury Turns Direct!

Today, at 1:31 a.m. EDT, Mercury turns direct in Virgo. Finally. For us, this was a strange Mercury retro. Since Mercury rules my sign, because I’m a Gemini, these periods are usually surreal for me. Weird things happen. Annoying, time-consuming … Continue reading

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