Visions of Time

I was re-writing a short section on our synchronicity book that deals with psychometry–psychic touch–when I remembered an old acquaintance from years ago who had a talent for reading objects. Noreen had once held my father’s watch, which I’d inherited but hadn’t worn, and described him and how he’d died. And she was surprisingly accurate.

One day she told me how she had caught the attention of an archaeologist who had tested her talents with several artifacts. He’d avoided telling her anything about the culture from which the stone objects had come. She was so accurate in describing the culture and time frame that he continued working with her and eventually wrote a book about psychic archaeology, featuring her and another psychic.

I tried to think of the name of that book and wondered if we still had a copy around here somewhere. Then I moved on to something else, forgetting about it. So a few hours later, I clicked a Google alert on synchronicity and read a blog post by Andrea de Michaelis about her trip to Cassadaga, the spiritualist village in Central Florida. That was odd because Trish and I at that very moment were talking about taking a friend to Cassadaga when she came for a visit from Kansas next month.

As I read the blog, I saw that Andrea had highlighted the name Albert Bowes, who she said she’d seen reading his mail on a park bench in Cassadaga. The name was vaguely familiar, so I clicked it. Albert is a psychic reader and on his web page he mentions that he worked with a university professor in a four-year research project that became a book called, Visions of Time. As soon as I clicked the book title and saw the cover, I recognized it as the book I was thinking about earlier. Albert Bowes and Noreen Renier were the two subjects for the research.

As Andrea says on her blog post:  “…I knew I was in the flow, and when I’m in the flow, life is a synchronistic dance.” Very true!

Happy Thanksgiving, Americanos!

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10 Responses to Visions of Time

  1. Albert J Bowes says:

    For those who wonder, Albert still lives in Cassadaga, Florida where he reads seven days a week and travels where ever he is need by detectives or struggling businesses. His phone number is 386-228-3209 and he loves to hear from old friends and clients–just remember he is on EST so please do not call before 11am or after 8pm. Nellie, secretary to Albert J Bowes

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Ray,
    Good question. Maybe we'll get an answer from the expert. Noreen Renier e-mailed us today after finding our blog. We'd been out of contact for years, so it was good to hear from her.

    Hopefully, she'll come by and offer some insight into psychic archaeology, specifically your question. What does a psychometrist see when holding an ancient object?
    BTW, her website is:

  3. Ray says:

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    I was just thinking. What goes through the mind of the psychometrist. Does she just see images of the culture as a whole or is it as if she were able to interact with specific individuals associated with the artifacts?


  4. Natalie says:

    No, there is no equivalent here in Australia.

    Enjoy yours though, and raise a glass to your Aussie friends. 😀

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow! psychic archeology! how fascinating is that! great story! plus another book to read!

    and happy turkey to all who follow the gobbler!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of yu, too. Natalie – is there an equivalent holiday in australia??
    Jeff – I like that! Synchronicity as a memory peg!

  7. Jeff says:

    I suppose synchronicity can be good for memory!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    U2, Dale. Enjoy!

  9. whipwarrior says:

    Happy Thanksgiving from the Dassels to the MacGregor clan! Here's wishing you all the best during the holidays and the year to come! May fortune smile upon all of your publishing endeavors.

  10. Natalie says:

    Very ,very cool. I use psychometry in my work, so I really got a buzz from that one. 😀

    Happy Thanksgiving to you both, and Megan too! xx♥

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