The spoken version and the …written version:


March may shape up to be something of a wild month.
Mercury is still retrograde until March 9, the same day that there’s a full moon in Virgo.
On March 5, Venus enters Taurus and on March 8, the same day that daylight savings time begins, it conjuncts Uranus.

Then on March 24, there’s a new moon in Aries.

However, the most important date this month is March 21, when Saturn enters Aquarius. This transition, the first for Saturn in more than two years, will have have positive effects for all you air signs – Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius and for fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. But we all feel this shift in one way or another, and we’ll get into the details in a minute. In July, Saturn retrograde slips back into Capricorn until December 18, then into Aquarius it goes for the next 2.5 years.

For millennials born between 1990 and 1992, this Saturn shift marks your first Saturn return, a major turning point in your lives.

If you live to be 90, you have three of these returns in your life. The first, around the age of 29, usually involves pivotal events – you start a career path, get married or divorced, starts a family, make a major move.

The second Saturn return, between the ages of 58-60 is usually the harvest. You might retire or start a new career altogether, your kids leave home and begin their own adult lives, you inherit money, receive professional recognition.

The third one is when you take stock of your life. You’re facing your own mortality. Your beliefs about life after death may change, your dream life may become more vivid, you’re preparing yourself for whatever comes next.

So now, for the specifics.

ARIES: Your best day this month will be on or around March 24, with this new moon in your sign. This new moon happens only once a year, so before it arrives, spend some time thinking about what you would like to manifest in your life. Be clear in your intentions.
This new moon has an additional benefit for you. Saturn, which entered Aquarius on March 21, forms a beneficial angle angle to the moon and helps to stabilize these new opportunities that come your way. The Saturn influence also indicates that at least one of these opportunities is serious and long-term.

On March 9, Mercury turns direct in Aquarius, another plus for you, Aries, and the full moon in earth sign Virgo falls in your sixth house of daily work and health. So something in that area should reach completion. Lucky Jupiter forms a terrific angle to this new moon and that suggests an expansion of some kind – perhaps in your responsibilities at work. Another possibility? A raise or income coming in from unexpected source.

TAURUS: One of your best days this month will be March 9, when Mercury retrograde ends and the full moon in Virgo falls in your fifth house of creativity, romance, kids, and what you do for fun and pleasure. Both the full moon and Jupiter form beneficial angles to your sun and the combination should bring positive news about a romance or a creative project.

On March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius and your tenth house – the profession and career area of your chart. This transit will help you structure your professional life more efficiently and will attract visionary individuals who are helpful.

Then there’s the Aries new moon on March 24. It should help bring in new opportunities to work behind the scenes – as a ghostwriter, for example, or within an organization of some kind. Bu what you’ll really enjoy about this new moon is that 5 out of 10 planets are either in your sign or fellow earth sign Capricorn. This boosts your physical energy, motivation, and drive.

The March 24 new moon in Aries looks like a very good day for you. New opportunities and new people enter your life who are helpful to you in achieving your goal. You may have the chance to work within a group or organization of like-minded individuals. Take note of any events or situations that occur on or after March 21, when Saturn enters Aquarius.

This Saturn transit is important for you because it forms a terrific angle to your sun sign. It helps things in your life generally run more smoothly and you’re able to accomplish more than usual. Saturn is in Aquarius only until July, then moves back into Capricorn until mid-December, when it enters Aquarius again and remains there for the next two and a half years.

On March 9, Mercury turns direct again, which will be a huge relief since Mercury rules your sign. Also on March 9, the full moon in Virgo forms a positive angle to Jupiter in Capricorn, which impacts your sixth and eighth houses. Expect news concerning your daily work that should be really positive. You also may get a break in insurance or taxes.

The full moon in Virgo on March 9 should be very much to your liking. You may hear news about some sort of communication project in which you’re involved, or you completing revisions. Also on that day, Venus and Uranus meet up in earth sign Taurus, in your eleventh house of wishes and dreams. This could bring about an unexpected financial bonus and the unexpected beginning of a romance.

The new moon in Aries on March 24 should usher in new opportunities for you with foreign travel or in publishing or you may take a workshop in a topic that intrigues you. With Jupiter opposed to your sign, be careful that you don’t take on more responsibility than you can handle realistically.

On March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius and your eighth house, bringing a visionary quality to your innate intuition. Saturn helps you to structure your finances in a more profitable way.

Circle March 24. The new moon in Aries is right up your alley, Leo. Like you, Aries is a fire sign, so this new moon forms a beautiful angle to your sun. You may have an opportunity to travel overseas, take or even lead a workshop in your area of expertise, or a publisher may make an offer on your book. Or you might land a dramatic lead.

Pay close attention to events that occur on March 21 – or around that date – when Saturn enters Aquarius and opposes your sun. This transit, which will begin again mid-December and last for 2.5 years, can be unsettling and challenging. It’s a time of assessment, how far you’ve come, what you want to do from here on out.But if you’re patient and work steadily toward your goals, going with the flow, it’s possible to get a lot done.

The full moon in Virgo on March 9 highlights the financial area off your chart. You hear good news about money. With Jupiter forming a beautiful angle to this moon, the amount may be more than you expect.

Two things happen for you on March 9, both of them good! First, your ruler, Mercury, turns direct so things in your life generally straighten out and your communication skills are back up to their usual excellence. Also, there’s a full moon in your sign and lucky Jupiter forms a wonderful angle to it. Any news you hear will be positive, uplifting and will expand your life in some way.

On March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius, where it will be until July when it retrogrades back into Capricorn until mid-December. Then it will stay in Aquarius for the next two and a half years. Look at your chart and see if you have planets in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius and which house cusps are in those signs. That’s the area of your life where Saturn will create structure, and help you to achieve goals.

On March 24, the new moon in Aries will bring in new opportunities with income. Since Saturn forms a beneficial angle to this new moon, these opportunities will have a long-term impact.


March 9 features two important things. Mercury turns direct in Aquarius, which you’ll love. It means your creativity is amped up big time for about a week, until Mercury enters Pisces. So take advantage of that week and dive into all your creative projects. Also on March 9, the full moon in Virgo illuminates your personal unconscious and anything you do behind the scenes. Jupiter forms a beautiful angle to this new moon, so any news you hear will be positive and will expand your life in some way.

On March 21, Saturn makes a big transition when it enters Aquarius and your fifth house. This transit will help solidity all your creative projects, and will bring structure and discipline to those projects. Saturn rules physical reality so it’s always best to have it on your side. Saturn will remain there until mid-July, then it retrogrades back into Capricorn until mid-December. After that, it begins its two and a half year journey through Aquarius and you’re in good shape during those years.

The new moon in Aries on March 24 occurs in your partnership area. A new romance may be in the offing or a new business partnership. Saturn in Aquarius forms a positive angle to this new moon so it’s likely that the business partnership part of this outlook will involve a creative project you’re working on.


On March 9, Mercury finally turns direct again, in Aquarius. This movement should facilitate your life and get things on track again. Also the full moon in Virgo today should be quite good for you. Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, and prosperity, forms a beautiful angle to this moon, and news you hear will bring you closer to achieving a dream. Friends and any networks you have will prove to be very helpful.

Circle March 21. Saturn makes an important transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, your fourth house. So until July, when it slips back into Capricorn, you’ll get a peek into this energy and its impact on your life, which returns in December and stays there for the next two a half years. Your home and family become sources of greater responsibility.

On March 24, the new moon in Aries should usher in new opportunities in your daily work life. You may land a promotion, get a raise, or perhaps you’ll find a different job altogether. Even though this new moon is in a fire sign, Jupiter makes a favorable angle to your sun sign and so do Pluto and Mars. These two planets confer personal power, motivation, and physical energy.

You’ll be much happier on March 9, when Mercury turns direct in Aquarius and things in your life start moving forward again. Make your travel plans and be prepared to make your pitches and submissions on or after the new moon in Aries on March 24. But first, let’s look at the full moon in Virgo that also happens today.

This full moon brings news about a professional matter. Thanks to the angle Jupiter makes to this full moon, that news could be about money – a raise or bonus that delights you. You’ll be highly motivated to keep the income coming in.

On March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius, where it will be until July, when it retrogrades back into Capricorn. Then in December it enters Aquarius again and stays there for the next two and a half years. This transit through your third house of communication – is favorable for you and brings greater structure to your communication projects. You’re able to make progress now in whatever goals you set.

The new moon in Aries. A fellow fire sign, on March 24 is much more to your liking. This one brings in new opportunities concerning your creative projects, a romance, or your kids. Saturn forms an ideal angle to this new moon, so any opportunities that surface will have a long-term impact.

With four out of 10 planets in your sign, you’ve been feeling goal-oriented and highly motivated to achieve your goals. This will get easier after March 9, when Mercury turns direct in Aquarius, in your financial area. Also on that date, the full moon in fellow earth sign Virgo brings news about a project you’re involved in. The project could involve publishing, doing a podcast or broadcast of some kind, or a foreign trip.

March 21 features a major transit. Saturn enters Aquarius and your second house. Sometimes, this transit can result in restrictions on your income, but lucky Jupiter has your back because it will be in your sign until late December. So take advantage of the various sources of income you have now.

The new moon in Aries on March 24 may bring an opportunity to start a home-based business of some kind or you and your partner may be considering a move. Any opportunities that surface will have a long-term impact, thanks to the favorable angle that Saturn makes to this new moon.


Buckle up, Aquarius. It may be a wild month. On March 21, Saturn enters your sign, which it co-rules. It will be in your first house of self until July, then it retrogrades back into Capricorn until December. After that, Saturn will be in your sign until May 2023. During this transit you’ll assume more responsibility either in your personal life or at work and may chafe at some of the restrictions placed on you by a boss, parent, or other authority figure. But you’ll learn plenty about yourself and your need for greater personal freedom.

On March 9, Mercury turns direct in your sign, where it will be for the next few weeks. This transit facilitates your communication abilities. Also on this date, the full moon in Virgo brings news about an insurance matter or you’re approved for a mortgage or your partner lands a raise. Whatever the news, it’s positive, thanks to the favorable angle Jupiter makes to this full moon.

The new moon in Aries on March 24 will be much more to your liking. It ushers in new opportunities in communications and travel. If you’re in the market for a new car, this would be an ideal day to go looking. Saturn in your sign forms a favorable angle to this new moon, so the opportunities that come your way will have a long-term impact.


MARCH 9 is a day to cheer! Mercury turns direct in Aquarius, in your 12th house. This one helps clear your thinking and enables you to put that fabulous imagination of yours to work. Also, there’s a full moon in Virgo, your seventh house, which brings news about a business or personal partnership. The news, whatever it is, should be positive. You can thank Jupiter for that. The planet of prosperity and expansion is forming a favorable angle to this full moon.

On March 21, Saturn enters Aquarius, your 12th house, where it will be until late July, when it retrogrades back into Capricorn. But take note of any events that occur during this period. They hold clues to what you’ll experience when Saturn enters AQ again in December and remains there until May 2023.

The new moon in Aries on March 24 occurs in your financial area. New opportunities for increasing your income should surface. You might land a raise or find a part-time job that you love that brings in additional money. Saturn forms a beneficial angle to this new moon, and that means the opportunities will have a long term impact.


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  1. lauren raine says:

    March 21 is the Equinox, a sacred day………

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