Astrological Synchronicity

 We don’t receive too many synchronicities related to astrology, but Dale Dassell sent us a good one. It’s especially interesting, since it deals with a daily sun sign horoscope from a newspaper. These little ditties are very general, hardly specific to an individual, as a personalized horoscope would be. But this one hit it on the nose for Dale.

This is so amazing that I had to share it. Yesterday, about halfway through the day, my brother and I were sitting at home playing the Nintendo Wii, when out of the blue I suggested that we go bowling that night. I love to bowl, and I haven’t bowled in months. Doug said he couldn’t go because he had to work late (from 6 p.m. to midnight), so I mentioned the idea to dad, and he said it depended on how mom felt when she got home from work. Well, mom also worked a late shift, arriving home at 6 p.m., and by that time it was dark and chilly outside. She said we could go bowling tomorrow (today), and I said it was cool. About 20 minutes ago, I flipped open the newspaper to do the Jumble puzzle, when I glanced over at my horoscope and read this:

Capricorn: Find ways to acceptably express physical exuberance. Organize a gang of friends for a night at the bowling alley or skating rink.
I nearly fell out of my chair. I had the idea to go bowling yesterday, with no possible way of knowing what this morning’s horoscope would say. Does that qualify as a synchronicity?
Dale later added:

“As far as I can remember, this is the first daily horoscope that turned out to be accurate. I wasn’t sure whether or not it counted as a true synchronicity since I actually anticipated the notion the day before I read it in the newspaper. I hope it’s not a trend, because I would be terrified if I could predict the future on a regular basis!”

One note: Synchronicity isn’t only simultaneous occurrences of inner and outer events. Jung maintained that precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance and other forms of psychic phenomena were all aspects of synchronicity.

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6 Responses to Astrological Synchronicity

  1. Natalie says:

    Mine are often accurate….more often than not, actually.
    I think it may be a case of me 'picking up' on what's around me energetically?

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat to have little quirks like this in our lives!

  3. Anonymous says:

    synchronicity….sorry about the misspelling!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cool synchornicity. And so specific! Good to know the newspaper horoscopes are sometimes accurate.

  5. whipwarrior says:

    P.S.- It's Dassel with one L. 🙂

  6. whipwarrior says:

    Thanks for posting this. Just as a follow-up, I'd like to report that everyone had a great time yesterday. We hit our stride after two games, then the law of diminishing returns prevailed in the third, after which point we threw in the towel. It was really a blast, though, and we discussed joining a league next year. I love it when the stars ring true!

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