Global Synchronicities- Flight 1549


  Global synchronicities are when the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective – as a people, a community, a nation, as citizens of the same planet.

 Given the eight years of George Bush’s controversial presidency, it was stunning to witness the way the universe spoke through synchronicity as Bush’s second term came to an end.

On January 15, 2009 at 8 PM, Bush gave his final speech to the nation. In  a presidency defined by the repercussions of planes slamming into the World Trade  Center, it was intriguing that just five hours earlier, U.S. Airways flight 1549 crashed into the Hudson River, a short distance from the tragic site of 9-11. Yet, the landing was near perfect, all 155 passengers survived.

The first rescue boat to reach the scene was named after Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, a staunch supporter of the separation between church and state, a man consistently ranked as one of the best presidents.

After eight years of flagrant abuse of power, a disastrous war of choice, torture, rendition flights, and the erosion of civil rights, it was as if the “miracle on the Hudson,” was the universe assuring us that we would come through it all intact. It’s no small irony that five days later, the day after Martin Luther King Day, the first black president was sworn into office.

Through mass events and the synchronicities so often associated with them, we’re witness to a deeper layer of existence similar to what quantum physicists speak of when they refer to everything in the universe being intimately connected. As Michael Talbot put it in The Holographic Universe, “Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from a deeper order of existence that is beyond space and time – the brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.”
As I was preparing this post, I  dropped by Elizabeth Avadon’s blog    and discovered a fascinating post about the salvage of Flight 1549 – in photos. Perfect synchronistic timing.Photographer Stephen Mallon’s exhibition of large scale photograghs, Brace for Impact, The Salvage of Flight 1549, was shown at Williamsburg, Brooklyn’s Front Room Gallery and will be at the Verge Art Fair in Miami from December 3-6.. Take a look at his site for the amazing photos. He kindly allowed us to use this photo.

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26 Responses to Global Synchronicities- Flight 1549

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's called Tecumseh's curse. Astrologically, every 19.8 years, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct. Between 1840-1960, the conjunction was in an earth sign. In 1980, the conjunction was in an air sign. Some astrologers think that's why Reagan survived.

    I agree with sansego about why bush survived the curse. & maybe he did save Gore's life!

  2. Sansego says:

    There is an interesting phenomenon regarding presidential deaths. I believe that it begins in 1840, when every president elected in a year ending in zero has died in office. There was supposedy a curse put on the presidency by some Native American and so the presidents elected every twenty years died in office: 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940, and 1960. I read that Nancy Reagan was concerned about this trend when her husband was shot, since he was elected in 1980. But some think that because he had some Native American heritage in him, that he was able to survive. Did he break the curse? We won't know until the person elected in 2020 leave's office. In 2000, because Bush wasn't actually the legitimate winner of the election, perhaps his presidency saved Gore's life in the long run!

    Its an interesting trend to read about and speculate on. If its true, then Obama shouldn't have anything to worry about.

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great, trish! me, too! it's like the thing i do with clocks – and a lot of other things i do that my kids laugh at! 🙂 uh, and others, too! you know, even things like when someone leaves on a trip i never never say "have a safe trip" or "be careful" – instead i say "see you later" – etc – anyway – thanks, lady! have a great evening!

    oh, by the way, the hicks are gonna be in DC in may! you know, i'll have to go!!! only 2 hours away!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You pegged it, gypsy. It's like when a thought occurs to you – one of those "what if…" And it's a negative thought. I shut the door. Or try to.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish, i'm curious about not looking for signs – i think i know what you mean – and totally agree – is it because by "looking" one would be acknowledging the possibility and, thus, giving credence, validity to them and, thus again, reinforcing? does that make sense?

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – I removed the mengele post. It was messed up and I couldn't fix it. Sansego, intriguing theories and insights. Thanks for the number interps, Terri.

    Signs about danger to Obama? I don't know. I try not to look for any. I also believe in his integrity and his intelligence, but…

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, it's true i've been a bit distracted of late, but i seem to have lost your post of today, december 1??? i read it earlier – or dreamed or thought that i did – or did i? and was going to send a note that it seemed not to be formatting quite right, but when i went back to it just now, it had disappeared – or had it?

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm always always interested in the numbers in events – so glad terri put that together – on afghanistan i have been really disappointed at obama's sending more troops [and the gitmo thing] – however, i do also realize that he walked into such a hornet's nest of ongoing misguided horror that cannot be resolved easily or quickly notwithstanding his assertions [prior to actually having stepped inside the swarm] – i do maintain my belief in his integrity and commitment to doing the right thing –

    i also wonder if there are any signs of which you all are aware that might indicate even in the slightest degree any impending doom for his life, trish and rob?

  9. Sansego says:

    Since I believe that JFK, MLK, and RFK were all killed by government agents due to the threats they posed in their refusal to commit troops to Vietnam (JFK), criticisms of the Vietnam War(MLK), and promise to get out of Vietnam (RFK), I believe that every president since then is bought into the Military Industrial Complex to do their bidding "or else."

    I believe biggest reason why Cheney knew that the 2000 election had to go to Bush no matter what was because there was a plan to invade and occupy Iraq and these people at the Project for the New American Century and within the Military-Industrial Complex knew that Gore would unlikely wage war against Iraq. Bush was the perfect puppet for it, due to his desire to one-up his old man (what could be better than to do the job his father didn't have the guts to do?).

    My fear is that if Obama refuses to abide by the wishes of the Military Industrial Complex, then he will be disposed of like JFK, RFK, and MLK. I do not want to see that happen. I'll leave the country if anything like that happens to him. He has to make change where he can. I'm actually among those who believes that leaving Afghanistan will have bad repercussions for our future. We're stuck there for better or for worse. Its like staying in a bad marriage for the sake of the kids (in this case, the people who will be killed by the Taliban if we leave).

    The conflict needs to be internationalized, with U.N. peacekeeping forces. I'm a big time "nation building" internationalist with U.N. peace keepers. The biggest problem is that Bush couldn't get allies in the wars because everyone saw through him and his false motives. Only conservative Americans took his rationale for war at "face value", which turned out to be false.

    I told conservatives in 2003 that their support for the war in Iraq better be long term, because I didn't want to hear complaints if we were still there a decade later. Its easy to start a war, not so easy to end one. Now, its amazing to hear conservatives complain about the war and wanting to leave. Too bad! We're committed now. Liberals were right all along. Hopefully they'll remember that when a future Republican President is pushing for a "quick war."

  10. terripatrick says:

    My first reaction is to say – time. My second reaction is to say – be at peace.

    #2 vibrates to the moon and this past eclipse cycle was the completion of a 36 year cycle. O hasn't done a whole year yet and he's committed to 4 years of service to a country that has a global connection.

    # 2 also represents conception, parenting. And in the form of #20 can resonate to "awakening" and "judgment".

    The war mongers have refined their craft in this country since 1914 and being part of the military machine is the salvation story for many who enter the ranks of service. This is part of the energy Obama has inherited, that he is committed to unravel, without creating a greater chaos.

    As our prez, O is supposed to delegate, decide, and lead. O said: close Gitmo; Get the troops out of Afghanistan; Give me health care reform for the people of my country. He's an amazing man but I think even Michelle Obama feels there is room for improvement.

    From a different perspective, God said don't steal, don't kill – and a bunch of other commandments. So if God can't get humanity to comply with good judgment, I try not to expect more from O. However, I do feel he is such an amazing orator, and lives a personal simplicity and humility, that there is more hope in the big picture than has been seen on a leadership level for the past decade.

    For some reason, W got 8 years. And 8 is the number of infinity, the continuous cycle. I voted for Bush to have his first 4 years. I voted for Obama to have his first 4 years too.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    all great stuff. The #2 is what troubles me. The build up to troops in Afghanistan. Where's the change? How is O any different than any other politician? I don't see it.Duality.

    He's bending over backward to please war mongers. Where's the change?

    He never came out strongly in favor of a pubic option. Where's the change?

    Gitmo hasn't been closed. Where's the change?

    & I voted for this guy. He gives a great speech. He's a gifted orator. But where is the change in policy? In the things that make a difference in the lives of ordinary people? I don't see it.

  12. terripatrick says:

    Or for fun – look at the numbers this way:
    1111 – 5555 – 99 – 4 – 2

    Super basic interpretation:
    1 – individual; initiate
    5 – change; chaos; choice
    9 – ending; completion
    4 – work; world
    2 – duality; partnership

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love to see what you come up with, Terri.
    – Trish

  14. terripatrick says:

    On 1/15/2009, Flight 1549 was a miracle and all 155 passengers survived.
    Yes, this event was a clear message: There are 4 #1's, 4 #5's, 2 #9's, 1 #4, and 1 #2.

    I'm just pointing out the numbers and the amazing duplications. I feel it's a profound combination and not something I can interpret. But I'm going to do some number studies tonight.

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, nancy, so glad you brought that up about the huckster – i had meant to mention that too and got so bushwhacked i forgot!!! can you believe it?!! the best friend of one of my daughters has a brother who is also a member of that law enforcement unit! such a small small world!

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – just heard about it on CNN. Way to go, Huck.

  17. "Can't Say" drink up says:

    "a bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush", told to me by a drunken guitar player, not sure if ashamed or not to admit but never voted in my life,, probably just lazy,,(when they put Ronnie in the White House, knew what the public was looking for) although havin listended to a bit of talk Radio, have to wonder why it is that non of those loud mouthed, good voiced, charismatic personalities never made there way into office,,, either one or more of these things is true,,, either they felt that the public was not intelligent enough to elect the right person,,,, or they felt they could make more money putting down people who where suppose to be helping run our country,, or they knew they themselves would of become corrupted,,,, or maybe they knew that "no one person" was ever going to change the situation…. John,,, Martin and Bobby…..can't we C

  18. Nancy says:

    He has been implicated in the death of the four policemen in Tacoma, Washington. It seems Mr. Huckabee might have let the killer out on clemency when he was governor of Arkansas. He commuted a 95 year sentence for the man they think did it. This same man just raped a child. Good work Huckster.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    What did the Huckster do? Haven't heard about that one.

  20. Nancy says:

    Speaking of synchronicities? I just got done reading those words in the Holographic Universe about five minutes before pulling up this post.

    BTW – I think there is a natural order to all of the politicians who espouse a certain worldview being exposed for the frauds they are. I've been noticing a pattern lately. Ensign, thought to be the next GOP presidential candidate, now Huckabee. There is a whole list of them lately. It's as if the Universe is tired of their games and shenanigans.

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think a lot of us feel that way, Stacey.
    Gypsy – bush cloud! A new phrase is born!

  22. staceyjwarner says:

    great piece trish and rob. i feel so much is about to happen, i can't explain it….

    much love

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautifully told riveting piece, rob and trish! left me with cold chills! and the images, perfect touch! great great post!

    and as for bush, let's go with every "bush/cloud" has its silver lining! or in this case, the obama lining! so sad so many had to pay such a price however to make that lining possible!!

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Katrina exposed the dark underbelly of the previous administration and its total incompetence. & you're right, Sansego, I doubt Obama would have won if it hadn't been for 8 years of Bush.
    – Trish

  25. Sansego says:

    When that crash landing on the Hudson happened, I also saw it as a sign of something larger. To me, it brought to mind the film "Donnie Darko", which was released in 2001. The premise of that film is of an airplane engine falling on a house. The director said that it was his metaphor for the end of the Reagan years. The film is set in October 1988, just before the first Bush won the election.

    I've told people that I believe that there was a lot at play in Obama's rise to the presidency. In fact, I would dare say that he probably would not have had a chance in 2008 if Hurricane Katrina did not happen. The incompetence Bush displayed in the aftermath of Katrina truly embarrassed the country before the entire world. It also shocked many Americans to see poor, African American residents left to die or fend for themselves for nearly a week without government rescue.

    Bush's approval rating never reached 50% in the entire three years after Katrina. That event effectively rendered his presidency over. I believe that subconsciously, many Americans put their hope and trust in Obama in part to atone for the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

    The election last year was also sweet for another reason. In 1968, America lost two great and idealistic visionary leaders: MLK and RFK. Obama was like the perfect blend of Kennedy and King. We would be a much different country today if King wasn't assassinated and RFK was elected president in 1968 and served a full eight years.

  26. Shadow says:

    there is a certain synchronicity to the events of the world. if you take the time to look. and think.

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